Physical Addresses for use in your GPS device
Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences
660 Raymond Stotzer Pkwy
College Station 77843
Link to Map
Small Animal Teaching Hospital
408 Raymond Stotzer Pkwy
College Station 77845
Link to Map | Website
Large Animal Teaching Hospital
500 Raymond Stotzer Pkwy
College Station 77845
Link to Map | Website
Driving Directions
If you are arriving via Highway 6, take the University Drive exit and proceed west on University Drive. The street becomes Raymond Stotzer Parkway past Wellborn Road. Just past the Large Animal Teaching Hospital, turn right on Veterinary Way, which will lead you to the Veterinary & Biomedical Education Complex (VBEC).
If you are arriving via Highway 21, exit Highway 47 at the Riverside Campus. Continue on Highway 47 until it intersects with Raymond Stotzer Parkway (also FM 60), turning left toward the main TAMU campus. The school is on the left approximately one mile east of Easterwood Airport, on Veterinary Way.
Parking Information
If you are bringing a patient to the Small Animal Teaching Hospital or the Large Animal Teaching Hospital, please visit the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital website for information.
If you need to park a bus or other oversized vehicle, please call transportation services at 979-862-2551 for more information.
Where to Park on Weekdays
You will need to park in the visitor pay-to-park lot number 24 (please see map here; it may take a minute to load). To avoid a parking ticket, please pay BEFORE you leave the lot at the kiosk by the VENI Building. From there, you will enter the VENI Building at the double doors at the front of the complex, just behind the statue of the horses. The Welcome Desk, where you will meet your student tour guide and start your tour, is to your immediate left. If you would like to enter the address into your GPS device, it is 660 Raymond Stotzer Parkway, College Station, 77845. This will lead you to the corner of Raymond Stotzer and Veterinary Way (meaning VBEC may not appear on your map).
From Texas Ave or Highway 6: Head northeast on University Drive, which becomes Raymond Stotzer Parkway (or FM 60) just past Wellborn Road. Continue on Raymond Stotzer until you pass the Large Animal Hospital. At the red light, turn right on Veterinary Way, which will dead-end just before the statue of the horses in front of the Veterinary & Biomedical Education Complex. Turn left at the stop sign and drive around into Lot 24.
From Harvey Mitchell (FM 2818): Turn onto Raymond Stotzer Parkway (or FM 60, also known as University Drive). Follow Raymond Stotzer to Veterinary Way. Turn left onto Veterinary Way, which will dead-end just before the statue of the horses in front of the Veterinary & Biomedical Education Complex. Turn left at the stop sign and drive around into Lot 24.
From Highway 21: Follow the signs toward Texas A&M University. When Highway 47 ends at University Dr. (also known in various places as Raymond Stotzer Parkway and FM 60), turn left and continue to Veterinary Way. Turn right on Veterinary Way, which will dead-end just before the statue of the horses in front of the Veterinary & Biomedical Education Complex. Turn left at the stop sign and drive around into Lot 24.
Where to Park on Weekends (other than Saturdays with a home football game)
You should be able to park in any unmarked space in the parking lots around the Veterinary & Biomedical Education Complex (VBEC), including Lots 13, 24, or 25. (please see the map here; it may take a minute to load). Go through the main doors of the VENI Building, just behind the statue of the horses in front of the VBEC. The Welcome Desk, where you will meet your student tour guide and start your tour, is to your immediate left. Doors to the VBEC are locked on Saturdays; you must await an ambassador to enter the complex. If you would like to enter the address into your GPS device, it is 660 Raymond Stotzer Parkway, College Station, 77845; this will lead you to the corner of Raymond Stotzer and Veterinary Way (meaning VBEC may not appear on your map).
From Texas Ave or Highway 6: Head northeast on University Drive, which becomes Raymond Stotzer Parkway (or FM 60) just past Wellborn Road. Continue on Raymond Stotzer until you pass the Large Animal Hospital. At the red light, turn right on Veterinary Way, which will dead-end just before the statue of the horses in front of the Veterinary & Biomedical Education Complex. At the stop sign, turn right to park in Lot 13 or turn left drive around into Lot 24.
From Highway 21: Follow the signs towards Texas A&M University. When Highway 47 ends at University Dr. (also known in various places as Raymond Stotzer Parkway and FM 60), turn left and continue to Veterinary Way. Turn right on Veterinary Way, which will dead-end just before the statue of the horses in front of the Veterinary & Biomedical Education Complex. At the stop sign, turn right to park in Lot 13 or turn left drive around into Lot 24.
From Harvey Mitchell (FM 2818): Follow the signs toward Texas A&M University. When Highway 47 ends at University Dr. (also known in various places as Raymond Stotzer Parkway and FM 60), turn left and continue to Veterinary Way. Turn right on Veterinary Way, which will dead-end just before the statue of the horses in front of the Veterinary & Biomedical Education Complex. At the stop sign, turn right to park in Lot 13 or turn left drive around into Lot 24.