Foot-and-Mouth Disease


Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is a highly contagious viral infection primarily of cloven-hoofed domestic animals (cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, and water buffalo) and cloven-hoofed wild animals. The disease is characterized by fever and vesicles with subsequent erosions in the mouth, nares, muzzle, feet, or teats

Species List

  • Bovine
  • Swine
  • Caprine/Ovine
  • Wildlife

Resource List

Resource TypeLanguageDownload File
PowerpointEnglish Foot-and-Mouth Disease.ppt
PowerpointEnglishFoot-and-Mouth Disease Symptoms.ppt
Powerpoint (pdf format)English
Powerpoint (pdf format)English
Powerpoint (pdf format)EnglishFMD lesions by DEFRA.pdf
Technical CardEnglishFoot-and-MouthTC.pdf

Cattle Post Mortem Lesions

In Wildlife

Hoof Lesions

Muzzle and Oral blisters


Sheep and Goats


Teat Lesions

Tongue Lesions