SDS-PAGE Collection & Shipping Instructions

Please follow the instructions below for proper sample submission.


  • Collect 3-5 mL urine (cystocentesis, mid-stream catch, or catheterization).
  • Transfer whole, unspun urine or supernatant to a collection tube without additives.
    • Ensure the lid is sealed to prevent leakage during shipment.
  • Place the sample in a “Ziplock” bag in case of leakage.

Optional submission of serum and/or lithium heparin plasma

  • If leftover serum or plasma is provided, these samples will be banked and available for additional biochemical testing if needed for further disease characterization.
  • A primary goal of the IVRPS is the continued development of minimally invasive diagnostic tests for renal disease.
    • Banked serum and plasma will help us develop additional diagnostic tests for renal disease in veterinary patients.
  • Obtain approximately 2-4 ml of blood in a serum or lithium heparin tube; centrifuge to separate the serum or plasma.
  • Transfer the centrifuged serum or lithium heparin plasma to a separate tube without additives and ship it with urine samples.

Biofluid submission

  • Refrigerate biofluids (urine, serum, plasma) after collection until shipment.
  • Pack in “Ziploc” bags to separate from paperwork and ship with 2 – 3 ice packs in an insulated shipping container.
  • Please pack SDS-PAGE samples in a separate bag from any biopsy specimens.
  • Please ship Monday through Thursday for overnight delivery to reduce sample degradation.
  • Include the SDS-PAGE Specimen Submission Form (PDF–second page)

Sample submission address: 

Dr. J. Hokamp; Dr. M. Nabity 
Bldg 1085, Room 2020 
College Station, TX 77843-4457

Please contact one of the following staff members to provide sample tracking information: