Our Team

While our innovatively designed facilities allow for the development and implementation of techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of various disorders and for the preservation of genetics, it is truly our team that sets this program apart from others.

Full-time theriogenologists serve as clinical faculty members dedicated to furthering our understanding of fertility issues in breeding stallions—a concept that is unique among academic institutions worldwide. Their level of clinical expertise has put them in demand by equine breeders around the world. In addition to their dedication to research and clinical missions, these faculty members also have mentored countless veterinary medical and graduate-level students.


Camillo Hernández-Avilés
Camillo Hernández-Avilés, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACT

Retired Faculty:

Luisa Ramírez-Agámez
Luisa Ramírez-Agámez, DVM, PhD



Basic Scientists:

The equine reproduction team also interacts closely with a broad assortment of highly acclaimed basic scientists within the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences to develop new strategies and procedures for maximizing the reproductive performance of breeding stallions. These include: