Within this section, the learner will have access to several resources and learning aids to assist them in their understanding of the application content.
Download a PDF file on memorization principles by clicking HERE.
Download this PDF file to see the application of specific memorization strategies for key learning content in this module by clicking HERE.
Watch this video to learn about the difference in diseases that are epidemic versus pandemic.
Watch the video to learn more about outbreaks and how they become epidemic or pandemic.
What is a virus and how do they work? In this video learn how they infect cells and reproduce, as well as some of the practical uses they have.
This video is a brief overview of Infectious Diseases. We will take a look at what they are, some terms used to describe characteristics of infectious diseases and different types.
Watch this video as it explains how vaccines work with a persons immune system to prevent people from getting sick.
In this video Kelwalin Dhanasarnsombut explains the history of vaccines and how they came to be an important part of societies ability to resistant certain diseases.
One hundred years ago, a new influenza virus appeared and swept across the globe, killing between 50 and 100 million people. Two NIAID experts, Dr. Jeffery Taubenberger and Dr. David Morens, discuss why the 1918 flu was so deadly, and what resurrecting the virus from preserved tissues has taught us.
Click on the link below to test your knowledge about Types of Data.
- Begin this interaction by clicking the link below and waiting for the game window to open up
- Once open click the green arrow in the bottom right corner to begin the game
- Answer the questions that appear on the screen, once answered press NEXT in the bottom corner
- With every correct answer you will get to play the matching game hidden beneath the question, click and drag any of the vegetables to make a row of three or more
- Once you’ve used all your moves the next question will appear go through all 15 questions trying to reach the highest score from the game.
Types of Data Knowledge Check Game
NOTE: This link will take you away from this page to the internet.