Doris Olenkiewicz
Contact: presidenttamuprevet@gmail.com
Major/Minor: Biomedical Sciences with a minor in Classical Studies
Hometown: Denton, Texas
Doris is interested in pursuing a career in exotic and mixed animal medicine.
The President presides over all meetings, events, society, and officers. She is also responsible for organizing speakers, managing cohorts, and ensuring everything runs smoothly.

Vice President
Trinity Reagan
Contact: vptamuprevet@gmail.com
Major/Minor: Animal Science with a minor in Biology
Hometown: Katy, Texas
Trinity is interested in pursuing a career in emergency medicine and specializing in neurology.
The Vice President presides over meetings in the absence of the President and helps coordinate our animal experience events and volunteer opportunities. This includes all animal handling clinics, such as trips to the SHMILY and Royal Oaks Alpaca Ranches.

Sara Jones
Contact: treasurertamuprevet@gmail.com
Major/Minor: Animal Science with a minor in Biomedical Sciences
Hometown: Holliday, Texas
Sara is interested in pursuing a career in small and mixed animal medicine.
The Treasurer manages Pre-Vet Society’s finances and is in charge of collecting dues.

Communications Coordinator
Jori Wallace
Contact: communicationstamuprevet@gmail.com
Major/Minor: Chemistry with minors in Genetics and Biochemistry
Hometown: Colleyville, Texas
Jori is interested in pursuing a career in small animal medicine.
The duties of the Communications Coordinator are to update the Pre-Vet Society website and all social media platforms regularly, respond to PVS emails, and send out reminder and recap emails to all members through the Listserv.

Data Analysis Coordinator
Addison Meek
Contact: dactamuprevet@gmail.com
Major/Minor: Biomedical Sciences with a minor in Psychology
Hometown: San Antonio, Texas
Addison is interested in pursuing a career in exotic and mixed animal medicine.
The Data Analysis Coordinator tracks and records membership status, points, and attendance. She is also responsible for collecting data from members, including surveys, to compile for future use.

Events Coordinator
Reagan Slough
Contact: ectamuprevet@gmail.com
Major/Minor: Animal Science
Hometown: Keller, Texas
Reagan is interested in pursuing a career in mixed animal emergency medicine.
The Events Coordinator is responsible for planning all Pre-Vet Society socials and events for the upcoming year, including Big Trip, Doggie Day, and profit shares.

Shadow Program Coordinator
Olivia Vogt
Contact: spcoordinatortamuprevet@gmail.com
Major/Minor: Animal Science
Hometown: Frisco, Texas
Olivia is interested in pursuing a career in mixed animal medicine.
The Shadow Program Coordinator serves to oversee the Shadow Program, including the application, evaluation, and orientation processes. She also serves as a liaison between Texas A&M students and hosting veterinarians.

Internal Affairs Coordinator
Madison Janda
Contact: internalactamuprevet@gmail.com
Major/Minor: Animal Science
Hometown: Austin, Texas
Madison is interested in pursuing a career in exotic animal medicine.
The Internal Affairs Coordinator is the liaison between the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (VMBS) and Pre-Vet Society. She also coordinates activities such as the Mock MMI, Mentorship Program, and Vet Student Q&A.

External Affairs Coordinator
Jeremy Pereira
Contact: externalactamuprevet@gmail.com
Major/Minor: Animal Science
Hometown: Katy, Texas
Jeremy is interested in pursuing a career in mixed animal medicine.
The External Affairs Coordinator organizes volunteering events with external entities, arranges the DVM Career Fair, and manages donations.

Merchandising Coordinator
Kayden Mace
Contact: merchandisingtamuprevet@gmail.com
Major/Minor: Animal Science and Entomology
Hometown: Magnolia, Texas
Kayden is interested in pursuing a career in small animal orthopedics or pathology.
The Merchandising Coordinator manages merchandise purchases, sales, and current inventory. She also oversees the Logistics Support Committee, which is responsible for ordering and serving food at certain events and handling merchandise.

Logistics Support Committee
The Logistics Support Committee works with the Merchandising Coordinator to handle and design merchandise. They are also responsible for providing food at certain social events.
Elise Guerra
Major/Minor: Animal Science with a minor in Horticulture
Hometown: Tomball, Texas
Elise is interested in pursuing a career in small animal medicine.

Matthew Hager
Major/Minor: Microbiology
Hometown: Rowlett, Texas
Matthew is interested in pursuing a career in exotics and equine medicine.

Sarah Conner
Major/Minor: Animal Sciences with a minor in Biomedical Sciences and an Equine Certificate
Hometown: League City, Texas
Sarah is interested in pursuing a career in mixed animal emergency medicine.
Officer Applications
The PVS Officer 2025-2026 Applications will be open from February 6th at 8:00 am to February 27th at 11:59 pm. Please read all position requirements in the Second General Meeting slides, 2024-2025 Constitution, and application carefully before applying. You may only apply for two positions. Interview notices will be sent on March 20th.
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Communications Coordinator
- Data Analysis Coordinator
- Events Coordinator
- Shadow Program Coordinator
- Internal Affairs Coordinator
- External Affairs Coordinator
- Merchandising Coordinator
- Logistics Support Committee
Pre-Vet Society Advisors

Kevin Washburn DVM, DABVP, DACVIM
Dr. Washburn received his DVM at Oklahoma State University. Following graduation, Dr. Washburn worked in private practice for five years in Kansas, focusing on mixed animal medicine. He returned to Oklahoma State University to complete an Internal Medicine Residency and then became a faculty member at the University. In 2005, Dr. Washburn came to Texas A&M University for a faculty position. He now works in the food animal clinic in internal medicine.

Fred Clubb DVM, Ph.D., DACLAM
Scholarly Interests: Electron microscopic evaluation of myocardial and renal biopsies; qualitative and quantitative evaluation of implantable cardiovascular devices for nonGLP and GLP\preclinical trials.
Research Interests: Comparative cardiovascular and renal electron microscopic pathology; evaluation of implantable cardiovascular devices in GLP laboratory preclinic trials.