How do I join the Pre-Vet Society?
Joining the Pre-Vet Society is easy, and it is never too late to join! Membership is open to any Texas A&M at College Station student (including BLINN Team students) interested in veterinary medicine or finding out more about the field. To become a general member, you must pay dues and fill out the Member Contact Form by the end of the last general meeting of the semester. For students looking to go a step further, we offer distinguished membership. You can achieve distinguished membership by completing the requirements (more information below) and have your name sent to the dean of the vet school.
What is distinguished membership and how can you achieve it?
Distinguished membership is awarded to members who have completed the following requirements:
- Paid dues by the third general meeting of the semester
- Filled out the Member Contact Form by the third general meeting of the semester
- Collected 60 points by participating in PVS events throughout the semester
You can find more information about distinguished membership and the required forms on the Membership page. At the end of each semester, a list of distinguished members is sent to the Dean of Texas A&M’s vet school, and the top point earners will be awarded a PVS scholarship.
Where will PVS updates be posted?
Updates made by PVS will be posted on this website, emailed to members through our Listserv, and posted on our social media pages (Instagram). You can sign up for our Listserv using the link on the Home page. The latest recap email with up-to-date information will also be posted on the Events page.
I am not receiving emails from the Listserv. What should I do?
Reminder emails will be sent out before every meeting and seminar and a recap email will be sent after each meeting at a minimum. If you are not receiving these emails, please first check your SPAM folder and move these emails to your inbox. If you are still not receiving these emails or only receiving them sporadically, please reach out to the Communications Coordinator at They can manually remove your email and re-add it to the Listserv to jump-start it, so to speak, as well as add an additional email address to the Listserv if requested. Please know that signing up for the Listserv again using the Google Form does not signify a request to start this process.
When and where are meetings held?
Meeting dates, times, and locations can be found on the Events page. Meetings are held every other Thursday at 7:30 pm in VENI 107A at the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. PVS also holds seminars on alternate Tuesdays, still at 7:30 in VENI 107A. The location and format of meetings and seminars are subject to change at any time.
Where do I park for meetings?
The best place to park for meetings in VENI is in Lot 24. Anyone with a Texas A&M Parking Permit can park in this lot in unrestricted/unnumbered spaces for free from 5 pm to 6 am as a part of the university’s Night Parking rules. Check out this map showing where Lot 24 and VENI 107A (the star) are. There are also marked visitor parking spots in Lot 24 you can pay to park in using the pay machines on-site or on the ParkMobile App. For more information about Texas A&M Parking, please visit their website.
I don’t have a ride to events and meetings. What should I do?
If you don’t have a ride to an event or meeting, never fear! Meetings are always held on campus, so there is a bus route, 03 Yell Practice, that runs between VENI and the MSC. You also can put your name and information on the Ride Share Document on the Opportunities page to find other members offering rides to events or meetings. Members can earn one point for driving other members to meetings and one point for driving those members home, so long as the Driving Waiver is filled out and sent to before any person gets in the car. If you still don’t have a ride, please reach out to one of the officers. We will be happy to help you out!
If I sign up for an event that has a limited number of available spots and I don’t show up, what happens?
If you sign up for any event and fail to attend without a 24-hour notification, half the points awarded for going to that event will be deducted from your total points for the semester. All animal handling clinics need a 48-hour notice of not being able to attend in order to not be deducted points. The officer in charge of the event must be emailed OUTSIDE of the notification period prior to the event to avoid being deducted half the points that the event is worth.
What are my membership dues used for, and how do I pay them?
Membership dues go toward you (the member) in a variety of ways. Dues help cover reservations for events, meetings, and socials like the end-of-year Banquet and help lower the costs of events that members have to pay for. Dues also go towards food at certain events, membership t-shirts, speaker travel expenses, and scholarship funding. Dues are $50 for the year or $30 per semester. If you paid dues in the fall for the year, you do not need to pay again in the spring. The links to pay dues can be found on the Membership page.
I need animal/veterinary experience. What can I do?
Animal and veterinary experience can be obtained both individually and through PVS. The organization has events throughout the year that allow members to gain exposure to different kinds of animals and the veterinary field, such as handling clinics or volunteer events. Additionally, members may gain experience by participating in our Shadow Program.
What are One-on-Ones, and how do I schedule mine?
One-on-ones are just what they sound like. They are one-on-one meetings with an officer, meant as an opportunity to talk about requirements for vet school and discuss any questions or concerns you may have about admissions, school, or PVS. The Society is quite large, so one-on-ones give our officers a chance to get to know the members. One-on-ones are worth 1 point but are not required to receive distinguished membership. You can sign up for a one-on-one using the One-on-One Sheet on the Opportunities page.
I’m just a few points away from distinguished membership and the due date is tomorrow. What are my options?
Waiting until the last minute to complete your points is highly not recommended, but if you do find yourself in this situation, there are a couple of things you can do. You can make donations, submit volunteer hours, turn in profit share receipts you have not already submitted, complete the member surveys, or fill out photo submissions.
How can I win a scholarship from the Pre-Vet Society?
Distinguished members are eligible to receive one of three possible PVS scholarships each semester.
The top two PVS point earners that semester will receive the First and Second Place Pre-Vet Society Scholarships respectively. Only points that count towards distinguished membership will be counted in consideration for these scholarships. These awards aim to recognize highly involved members and their contributions to PVS.
The Service Scholarship will be awarded to the member with the highest number of total points. This total is calculated by adding the points that count towards distinguished membership and outside volunteering points that exceed the 8-point cap. This award aims to recognize exemplary stewardship and community service.
I have more questions! How do I get them answered?
If you have any more questions about PVS, please do not hesitate to reach out! You can always talk to an officer at any event, reach out to your cohort leaders, or email You can also view our 2024-25 Constitution, which has more details about all things PVS.