Websites, social media, email marketing, digital signage, and the Texas A&M digital calendar can help you communicate with your specific audience(s).
Our Digital & Web Communications Group can help you create and maintain your entity’s website within the larger website network and develop digital marketing & communication campaigns to promote events and other important information.
Contact Us
Please submit our request form to initiate a project.
- Jennifer G. Gauntt, MA | Director | | 979.862.4216
- Megan Bennett ‘19 | Assistant Director | | 979.845.2461
- Courtney Price, MA ‘23 | Communications Coordinator | | 979.845.3452
- Ainsley Treesh | Communications Specialist II
- Jennie L. Lamb | Creative Manager | | 979.845.1708
Digital Communication Circle (DCC) Representatives
Contact your representative for help with specific VMBS websites, directory profile updates, and calendar and digital signage ad submissions.
- Large Animal Clinical Sciences (VLCS): Lacey Richards
- Small Animal Clinical Sciences (VSCS):
JohnRoss Pike - Veterinary Integrative Biosciences (VIBS):
Jessica Living - Veterinary Pathobiology (VTPB):
Robin Callahan - Veterinary Physiology & Pharmacology (VTPP):
Letisha Garza - Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital (VMTH): Ariel Tesch
- Veterinary Education, Research & Outreach (VERO): Jaye Jones
- Alumni, Ambassadors + Events: Stephanie Hollis
- Giving (Development): Becky Wade
- Global One Health + VMBS Global: Chris Johnson
- BIMS Undergraduate Program: Jacob Rasor
- DVM Professional Program: Maggi Carmichael
- Research + Graduate Programs: Angela Degelman
- Biomedical Sciences (BIMS) Graduate Program: Angela Degelman
- Veterinary Public Health & Epidemiology (VPHE) + Science & Technology Journalism (STJR) Degree Programs: Kristina Agan
- Toxicology Interdisciplinary Degree Program: Noor Kaur
- Superfund Research Center & Center for Environmental Health Research: Arlean Rohde
Request Access
Do you need access to:
- update your website,
- submit digital calendar events, and/or
- create and submit digital ads?
Submit the form below to request access to WordPress (website content management system), LiveWhale (digital calendar system), and/or Adobe Express (digital ad creation & submission system).
WordPress Basic Training
As of September 2024, users must first attend VMBS MarComm WordPress Basic Training to gain editor access to WordPress for website updates. Multiple training opportunities are available each semester. Please RSVP for training by submitting the form below when you request access to WordPress.
Do you or one of your staff need access to User Management to update VMBS Directory Profiles?
Email with the name and TAMU Net ID of the user.
Digital Signage
Learn how to create and submit ads for display on VMBS digital screens using approved templates.
Submit Your Events
We want to help you advertise your events! Use our VMBS MarComm Request Form to send us your information, and we will add it to the digital calendar, and/or digital signage.
Find templates and more to help you do your work on our Resources page.