Big Animals Require Big Plans: Preparing Herds And Large Animals For Disasters
Preparation is always key in any type of emergency response, but this is especially true when taking care of large animals in a disaster situation. Unlike household pets, which can usually be relatively quickly and easily transported, moving large animals can take time, which is usually in short supply during a disaster. According to Dr. […]
Take Action Now To Prepare Pets For Evacuation
When a disaster strikes, there’s often not much time to prepare yourself, let alone your pets, to evacuate to a safe location, and the stress of the situation only compounds the likelihood of forgetting something important. That’s why the best way to deal with a disaster is to plan ahead as much as possible. In […]
Fireworks, Picnics, Heat Stroke–Oh My!: Keep Pets Safe On Fourth Of July
Independence Day is a lively, outdoor holiday that offers many opportunities to include your furry friend. Although these summer festivities can be enjoyable for both pet and person, owners should be wary of possible hazards associated with the celebration. Kate Kimble, a fourth-year veterinary student at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical […]
Beat The Heat: How To Keep Pets Safe From Heatstroke
Summer is a time for barbeques, picnics, and other outdoor fun with family, friends, and pets. But with summer comes high temperatures, making it more important for owners to know how to recognize the symptoms of heatstroke and heat exhaustion in pets. Heat exhaustion is a general term for the lethargy, discomfort, and weakness caused […]
Hop To It: Tips For A Pet-Safe Easter
For many people, the start of spring is accompanied by an Easter holiday that brings loved ones together in a joyful celebration involving many traditions. For those with furry family members, it is important to note that some of these traditions might introduce new hazards into their pet’s environment. Dr. Lori Teller, an associate professor […]
Bark Voyage: Traveling With Pets
Pet owners choosing to travel domestically while following the appropriate precautions or those planning a post-COVID adventure may be apprehensive about leaving their animal companion at home during their vacation. Carrying a critter cross-country may seem daunting, but with the proper planning, owners should be confident that they can get their furry friend where they […]
Deck The Paws: Ensuring A Pet-Safe Holiday Home
The holiday season is a favorite time of year for many who transform their homes with festive decorations, bake winter treats, and open their doors to guests. Because these traditions introduce new variables into their furry friend’s environment, pet owners should be aware of any potential hazards that might arise. Dr. Lori Teller, an associate […]
‘Squash’ Pet Hazards This Thanksgiving
This Thanksgiving holiday, many people will be gathering for smaller and safer celebrations amidst the pandemic. At these more intimate celebrations, pet owners may find that their animal receives more attention or is allowed more access to the feast than in years past. Dr. Dalton Hindmarsh, a resident in emergency and critical care at the […]
Put A “Paws” On Hunting: Keep Your Cat Safe From Rodent-Carried Disease
The image of a cat hunting mice is as classic as their love of milk and yarn or their dislike of water and dogs. While we may be familiar with this archetype, in practice, the hunting of rodents can expose our feline friends to harmful diseases and parasites that can even pose risks to their […]
Having A Pet-Safe Howl-o-ween
Holidays are enjoyable occasions for animals and owners alike, but they do provide a disruption in routine that introduces new variables into a pet’s environment. Rather than be haunted by the potential hazards that Halloween festivities may introduce, pet owners should be informed of possible risks before their spooky celebration so they and their pets […]