Protect your pets from coyotes and other wild animals

Although most wild animals mind their business and don’t bother humans, some wild animals, such as coyotes, can wander into human environments and cause harm to pets. “It’s pretty amazing how much damage coyotes can do to pets, especially when you consider that coyotes are roughly the size of a domestic dog,” said Christine Rutter, […]

Does your horse need extra care this winter?

Texas may have mild winters, but that doesn’t mean temperatures can’t drop below freezing. On these cold days, how can you help your horses stay warm? In general, horses’ coats are enough to keep them warm in the winter, even in snowy weather, said Leslie Easterwood, clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of […]

Thanksgiving 2017 Pet Safety

Although you may consider your pet a part of the family, there are many reasons why he should not join you at the dinner table during Thanksgiving. Dr. Stacy Eckman, clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, explained why. Turkey is often the main course of a Thanksgiving […]

Dog Park Etiquette

Does your dog need a change of scenery? Consider taking Fido to the dog park, where he or she can play, exercise, and socialize with other dogs and people. These activities can benefit your dog both physically and mentally. But that doesn’t mean Fido should be free to roam the park without your supervision. Kit […]

Keep your pets safe this Halloween

Children and adults may love the spooky traditions of Halloween, but our pets are less likely to appreciate the costumes, masks, and parties associated with Halloween night. Kit Darling, infection control coordinator at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, recommended a few tips to keep your pet safe this Halloween. “Keep […]

Toxic plants could harm pets

Having plants in your home can make your space more decorative, or even calming. However, certain plants also can be toxic to pets. Dr. Christine Rutter, clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, described some of the potentially dangerous plants in our homes. “The plants in our homes […]

Preparing your pet for disaster

No matter where you live, it is important for you, and your pets, to be prepared for the types of disasters that can occur in your area, such as hurricanes or tornados. Some disasters can even be so devastating they require evacuation. In this case, Angela Clendenin, public information officer for the Texas A&M College […]

Keep your pets safe this 4th of July

Many of us celebrate our nation’s Independence Day by barbequing and relaxing with loved ones. When the sun goes down, it is a tradition gather together to admire and enjoy the bright-colored flashes of fireworks that light up the night sky. The 4th of July may be a fun-filled holiday for you, but for pets, the […]

Protecting your Pet from the Summer Heat

Summer time in Texas means more time to play outside, go swimming, and soak up the sun. However, warmer temperatures also mean that pets may be more susceptible to heat exhaustion or heat stroke. To help pet owners avoid these risks, Dr. Stacy Eckman, clinical assistant professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine […]

Pet Poison Awareness Month is March

There are many common household goods and human habits that can harm pets. For Pet Poison Awareness Month, Dr. Michael Ciepluch, lecturer at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, explained how to protect your pet from toxins. One frequent source of pet toxicity is exposure to common human foods that are […]


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