Do You Have a Cool Pet?

“Don’t let ’em see you sweat” … good advice if you’re in the business world trying to close a deal.  But, if you are dealing with a pet, knowing how that animal keeps itself cool could be vital to its well being, especially when temperatures are high. “Fur-bearing animals may use different body mechanisms to […]

Pet Burns

Accidents happen, and pets can get burned for one reason or another just like their owners can. When this happens, it is best to have a hands-off policy and leave your pet’s burn treatments to the professionals. “The best thing an owner can do in the case of a burn is get the animal to […]

Pet Care for Students

It’s that time of the year again. Students have entered another phase of their academic lives, and there is so much to take care of at once- excelling in academics and sports, eating healthy and staying stress-free. Many students live away from their homes during college, and caring for a pet can be a great […]

Modern Day Orthopedics for Animals

Strong bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles are vital to healthy movement and a healthy lifestyle in animals. Now, when these functions go awry in a pet due to unhealthy habits or unfortunate circumstances, a pet’s quality of life can still be sustained due to the modern day procedures of orthopedics for animals. Dr. Sharon Kerwin, […]

Obedience Training

It is a question many pet owners face: does my dog need some obedience training? “Yes, I recommend obedience training for all dogs, because not only does it help provide basic obedience and command recognition, it also helps bolster basic interactions between people and their pets,” Dr. Stacy Eckman, lecturer at the Texas A&M College […]

Reptile Emotions

When thinking of reptiles, the image that comes to the minds of most people can vary from a garter snake slithering through the grass to lizards of Jurassic proportions roaming the earth. The idea of bonding with such creatures may seem creepy, or even impossible, yet some people insist that their reptiles know them and […]

Chill Out Responsibly With Your Pets This Summer

Summer generally is a time for relaxation and fun in the sun. Short vacations can mean that you have more time to spend enjoying the company of your pet. Many people take advantage of the warm weather by making resolutions to get themselves and their animals into shape. However, when participating in exercise activities like walking or […]

Cattle’s Summer Needs

This year, many southern states in the nation, especially Texas, are experiencing the worst drought on record. Several farmers may resort to sell their cattle to keep their farms afloat during these hard economic and dry times. According to Dr. Kevin Washburn, associate professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences […]

Hot Weather Calls for Cool Care of Your Horse

In the good old summertime ….. it’s just plain old hot!  For equestrian riding enthusiasts this may necessitate paying extra attention to your horse’s physical needs and changing your riding habits to avoid heat stress. “Heat related illness such as heat stress can quickly become heat exhaustion if preventive measures are not taken,” notes Dr. […]


Minutes can mean the difference between life and death when an emergency arises, and a walk around the block or a hike through the woods may be dangerous or even prove fatal if you lack the right knowledge to care for a pet in an emergency situation. Dr. Sonya Gordon, associate professor at Texas A&M […]


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