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PVS offers a wide range of sponsored events that serve as ways to learn more about veterinary medicine, gain animal handling experience, provide community services, connect with fellow members, and more!  The Society is currently spearheading several projects in line with our goal of aiding both the animal and the local community.  See below to read about our various activities. 

Please note that only dues-paying members can participate in any event with a sign-up. If you have any questions, please reach out to the officer in charge of the event or


All PVS-sponsored events are point opportunities.  Information about upcoming events can be found on the Events page.  Not all of the types of events listed below will be held each semester or year, and some types of events may be added that are not currently on this list.  Types of PVS include:

  • Meetings (4 points each)
  • Seminars (4 points each)
  • Socials (3 points each)
  • Workshops (3 points each)
  • Profit Shares (1 point per receipt)

Ride Share

Do you need a ride to a PVS event? See the Ride Share Document that serves as a way for members to find rides to our different events.

If you are searching for a ride, enter your information in the red column on the left. If you are willing to give a ride, enter your information in the blue column on the left.  Each ride is worth 2 points (1 for driving to the location and 1 for driving back, regardless of the number of passengers).  Once you have found a ride or your car is full, please try to remove your name from the document so others are not contacting you unnecessarily.  Please check the document frequently to find riders or drivers!

You MUST fill out a Driving Waiver and email it to BEFORE getting in the car to give a ride; otherwise, the ride was not approved by PVS, and you cannot earn points.  This waiver is for one ride only, so a new waiver must be completed before every ride.

Handling Clinics

Handling Clinics are opportunities for members to get hands-on experience handling different types of animals.  These events, held throughout each semester, are great chances to learn about the care and health of different species.  Handling clinics are worth 2 points per hour.

Upcoming clinics and their sign-ups will be announced at meetings and seminars.  Sign-ups are on a first-come-first-serve basis until you have attended two handling clinics.  Afterward, other members will be given priority; this is reset every semester.  Dues must be paid before attending any clinic.  A Risk Release Waiver and proof of insurance will be required before attending as well.

You will receive an email notification within 24 hours of the sign-up if you get a spot at a clinic that you must reply to and confirm your attendance.  If you confirm your spot and fail to attend, there will be a point deduction.  You will not receive an email if you do not get a spot at a clinic.  If you have any questions about handling clinics, please email


Sponsored Volunteering

Sponsored volunteering events are those hosted by or affiliated with PVS at which an officer is present.  More information about these events will be sent out as they are set up.  Sponsored volunteering hours are worth 2 points per hour.

Outside Volunteering

Outside volunteering includes any community service performed that is not sponsored by PVS.  Only acts of service done during the semester are eligible for outside volunteering points.  Hours obtained as a part of shadowing, research, internships, jobs, or class credit cannot be used for outside volunteering.  All points awarded for outside volunteering are ultimately up to the discretion of the officer team.  The use of these points toward Distinguished Membership will be capped at 8 points but is uncapped for use toward the Service Scholarship. Outside volunteering hours are worth 1 point per hour.

Proof of service hours must be submitted using the Volunteer Record Sheet to


Members can donate items to shelters, exotic sanctuaries, and more locations in need of supplies via PVS.  Each item donated is normally worth 1 point, capped at 5 points. There are three donation categories, and each category is capped at 5 points for a total of 15 points eligible for donations. All points awarded for donations are ultimately up to the discretion of the EAC or IAC depending on the location.

Shelter Donations

We will be collecting donations at EVERY meeting and seminar.  Please write your name, email, and “Shelter” on a note along with the bag of items to be donated.  Remote donations can also be dropped off at a shelter of your choice, but you must email a photo of the items, a list of the items, and a signed donation slip from the shelter to within a week of donating. Additionally, you may use the following Amazon Wishlist links to donate items specifically requested by these shelters. This will send items directly to the shelters, but you still must send documentation of your purchase to within a week of donating that includes your name, a photo of the shipment details, the order summary/receipt, and the name of the shelter. All points are up to the discretion of the EAC.

Exotic Donations

  • Aggieland Safari: Members can donate Kong toys, bird toys, or something else off of Aggieland Safari’s Amazon wishlist.  Remote donations to Aggieland Safari can also be made using the Amazon wishlist.  This will send items directly to the shelters, but you still must send documentation of your purchase to within a week of donating that includes your name, a photo of the shipment details, the order summary/receipt, and the name of the location. We will be collecting donations at EVERY meeting and seminar.  Please write your name, email, and “Aggieland Safari” on a note along with the bag of items to be donated. All points are up to the discretion of the IAC.
  • Winnie Carter Wildlife Center Donations: Members can donate food items including any packaged raw meat or produce EXCEPT seasoned meat, processed meat, cooked meat, pork, potato, spinach, garlic, avocado, iceberg lettuce, or onion.  Examples of enrichment items include bowling balls, horse brushes, and heavy rope.  Small children’s toys or easily breakable items should not be donated. Leave donations on the front porch of the Winnie Carter Wildlife Center, located on F&B Road, with a note with your name and contact information.  Food items must be placed in the cooler.  You must email a photo of the items with the note and a list of the items to within a week of donating. All points are up to the discretion of the IAC.
  • Paws & Claws Wildlife Rehabilitation: Members can donate items off this Amazon Wishlist. This will send items directly to the shelters, but you still must send documentation of your purchase to within a week of donating that includes your name, a photo of the shipment details, the order summary/receipt, and the name of the location. All points are up to the discretion of the IAC.

Miscellaneous Donations

  • Guide Dogs for the Blind College Station Club: Members can donate to this local, service dog-raising organization. They are looking for any Nylabone or Benebone brand chew toys, soft plushie toys, tug toys, Kongs, Jolleyballs, etc. that are preferably large-sized. You can donate through their Amazon Wishlist. This will send items directly to the shelters, but you still must send documentation of your purchase to within a week of donating that includes your name, a photo of the shipment details, the order summary/receipt, and the name of the location. GDB also has a physical donation box on the porch of 347 Newcomb Lane. You must email a photo of the items with the note and a list of the items to within a week of donating. All points are up to the discretion of the IAC.

Mock MMIs

Mock MMIs (or Multiple Mini Interviews) are a great opportunity for members to practice their interviewing skills to become comfortable in these types of settings.  These interviews are set up to resemble the way Texas A&M’s vet school holds their MMIs both in the types of questions asked and in the method of the interview (online or in-person).  Current vet students will interview you and provide feedback on your answers to help you improve.  Participating in Mock MMIs is worth 5 points.


One-on-ones are 15 minute meetings with an officer of your choosing to discuss the vet school application, professor/class recommendations, and other academic or extracurricular involvement.  You cannot discuss class content during a one-on-one.  These meetings are a great way to get to know the officers!  Each nonconsecutive one-on-one is worth 1 point, capped at 2 points.

You can sign-up for a one-on-one using the One-on-One Sheet, following the instructions laid out in this document.  One-on-ones must be scheduled 48 hours before the meeting time unless otherwise arranged by an officer. If you have any questions about one-on-ones, please email

Member Surveys

Member surveys are the best way to provide feedback and make suggestions about how we can better PVS.  These surveys are not anonymous, but honest feedback is greatly appreciated.  The surveys can be filled out multiple times, but points will only be awarded for the first submissions.  Filling out a single survey is worth 1 point for a total of 3 possible points.

Member of the Meeting

Member of the Meeting is an opportunity for the officer team to recognize members who stand out to them for their contributions to and engagement in PVS.  If you are selected to be the Member of the Meeting, you will be notified via email.  You will also be awarded 2 points or a piece of merchandise up to a $15 value.


Pet of the Meeting

Pet of the Meeting is an opportunity for your pet to be showcased at our meetings and on social media.  You can submit your pet (or pets) as a candidate to by emailing the name of your pet, some photos of them, and any information you would like to share with the officer team about your pet.  If your pet is selected to be the Pet of the Meeting, you will be notified via email.  You will also be awarded 2 points or a piece of merchandise up to a $15 value.

Monday Motivator

Monday Motivator is an opportunity for you to share a quote, story, or piece of advice that is important to you on our social media.  Email with the motivational information you would like to share with your fellow PVS members.  If you are selected to be the Monday Motivator, you will be notified via email.  You will also be awarded 2 points or a piece of merchandise up to a $15 value.

Animal Photo Submissions

Animal photo submissions allow for photos of your pets or animals in public places to be featured on PVS social media! Please upload all photos using the Animal Photo Submission Form.  Each photo submitted is worth 0.5 points, capped at 2 points.

We ask for quality photos over a large number of photos.  Any Snapchat photos will not be accepted, nor will any photos taken of service or guide dogs while working.  Additionally, you cannot submit the same photos from previous semesters or the same photos you submit for Pet of the Meeting.  All points awarded for photo submissions are ultimately up to the discretion of the CC.  Please be aware that any photo you submit is open to use on all of our social media sites.

PVS Activity Photo Submissions

PVS activity photo submissions allow your photos of PVS events to be featured on PVS social media.  Photos must be from events that occurred in the same semester as they were submitted. Please upload all photos using the PVS Activity Photo Submission Form.  Each photo submitted is worth 0.5 points, capped at 2 points.

We ask for quality photos over a large number of photos.  Any Snapchat photos will not be accepted, nor will any photos taken of service or guide dogs while working.  Additionally, you cannot submit the same photos from previous semesters or the same photos as another member.  All points awarded for photo submissions are ultimately up to the discretion of the CC.  Please be aware that any photo you submit is open to use on all of our social media sites.

Point Deductions

If you have a valid reason for which you need to miss an event that you signed up for, you must provide the officer in charge of that event with at least a 24-hour notice, 48 hours if that event is a handling clinic.  Failure to attend the event without providing the notice within the required time frame or without any notice will result in half of the points earned by attending the event being deducted from your semester’s point total.

Specific events are permitted to enforce different notice-of-absence requirements and have additional consequences for failing to attend or failing to provide an adequate notice-of-absence.  If you have any questions, please reach out to the officer in charge of the event or