The Macaw Society helped with the Annual cleaning and monitoring of the Colorado Claylick at Tambopata
In the salt-starved landscapes of the western Amazon Basin, claylicks are a crucial source of sodium. In SE Peru, hundreds of parrots and macaws visit these claylicks every morning to get their daily dose of dirt. But as rivers change course, claylicks can get covered by vegetation and landslides. When this happens, birds have to search for new ones.

This past week, our team from Tambopata helped the Reserva Nacional Tambopata – Sernanp with the annual cleaning and monitoring of the Colorado Claylick. This work ensures the claylick continues to provide essential sodium for parrots and other species, keeping them safe within the reserve.

Thanks to Harrison’s Bird Foods, our knowledge of the diets and natural history of wild macaws and parrots is increasing. Their support plays an invaluable role in our research and conservation efforts in Tambopata.
CarlosHuamani, Robin Mutshler