Gabriela Vigo-Trauco, PhD | Co-Director

Dr. Vigo-Trauco is post-doctoral research associated to the Department of Vet pathobiology from Texas A&M University and an active member of the Schubot Center for Avian Health.

She is a biologist from the Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina that started working with wild parrots in 2003 in Tambopata, in her native Peru. Her expertise is in parrot nesting ecology and behavior. Her main investigations are related to the growth and development of macaw chicks in the wild, the breeding behavior of wild macaws, and management techniques to increase reproductive rates in the wild. As part of her doctoral investigations in the Ecology and Conservation Biology department in Texas A&M university she tested the use of wild macaws as foster parents and its implications for the conservation of the species.

In 2019, she founded The Macaw Society with Dr. Don Brightsmith with the goal of continuing their scientific research in wild parrots and macaw but with a focus shifted to more direct conservation topics and advising local conservation action plans.

Now, she serves as a psittacine scientific consultant for the governments of Peru and Costa Rica and a co-director for the macaw sub-group for the Parrot Specialist Group. She also collaborates with parrot conservations groups from Mexico, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Argentina, and Brazil.