Visiting Extern: Sarah
For the past month, The Verocai Lab has been hosting fourth year veterinary student Sarah Myers! Sarah is originally from Olathe, KS (suburb of Kansas City), and got her B.S in Veterinary Medicine from Kansas State in 2020. She is now a 4th year veterinary student at Kansas State, with a primary interest in pursuing a PhD after graduating to become a boarded veterinary parasitologist with a job that combines research, diagnostics, and teaching. Sarah’s interest in parasitology started with a human parasitology class in undergrad that she had signed up for randomly to get a last elective credit, and it ended up being her favorite course and this research area has captivated her interest since! Sarah has been a wonderful addition to the lab and we are so excited for her future career in veterinary parasitology. Sarah submitted the following blurb below of her experience in the lab and we hope her experience leads to more passionate veterinary students to visit/join the Verocai Lab.
“I loved getting to spend three weeks in the Verocai lab getting to know everyone and help out with various parts of projects. You have an amazing team full of passionate and hardworking people making great contributions to the field. I can almost consider myself a professional mini-FLOATAC reader and aspiring copepod colony parent and have greatly appreciated feeling valued and included during my externship here.”