The CATPAD study: Evaluation of markers of pancreatic disease in cats before and after switching to a special diet for kidney disease or diabetes mellitus

The CATPAD study is a project that looks at the association between CAT’s Pancreatic health And Diet. We are currently enrolling cats which are about to be switched to a commercially available therapeutic diet intended for cats with kidney disease or diabetes mellitus.

Please feel free to keep and distribute the study flyer and a study brochure for the owners.

Patient Eligibility

To check the eligibility, please fill out the diet history questionnaire and email it to the study contact.

To be eligible, cats must:

  • Currently be on a commercial diet formulated for adult maintenance (not a kitten diet or a therapeutic diet)
  • Be about to be switched to a commercially available therapeutic diet intended for cats with kidney disease or diabetes mellitus
  • Not have had a diet change in the 2 weeks prior to enrollment
  • Not have a history of being treated with medication that might cause pancreatitis (as determined by the veterinarian)
  • Not have been treated with corticosteroids or immunosuppressants within the past 3 months
  • No concurrent diseases (e.g., inflammatory bowel disease and uncontrolled hyperthyroidism) other than diabetes mellitus or chronic kidney disease
  • Receiving ≥ 90% of caloric intake as commercial diet

Duration of the Study

  • The duration of the study is approximately 4 weeks, depending on the time the cat needs to transition to the new diet.

Required Sample

  • 1 EDTA blood sample (at least 1mL) + 2-3 blood smears
  • 1 fasted serum sample (at least 2 mL)

Owner Commitments

Owner must be able to:

  • Attend 2 scheduled study visits with the primary veterinarian (once before the new diet is started, and a second time 3 weeks after having been fully transitioned to the new diet. Cats are given at least 1 week to transition to the new diet)
  • Transition the cat to the therapeutic diet per instruction (The food log we provide will have a general guideline. The primary veterinarians can determine the best plan for their patients)
  • Keep a daily food log using the food log and kitchen scale provided between 2 study visits.

Client Incentives

We offer the following:

  • CBC, biochemistry, and GI panel for two study visits
  • All shipping costs related to sending samples to our laboratory (Shipping labels will be provided)

The owner will be responsible for costs other than the items listed above (e.g. diets, visiting fee, other medication, diagnostics performed in the clinic)


Final enrollment is based on the diet history questionnaire and the medical history.

Please email the completed diet history questionnaire + medical records to for determination of eligibility.

Please note: If you are the owner of the cat and not a veterinarian, please have your veterinarian contact us directly.