July Fourth Pet Safety

The anticipated celebration of America’s Independence Day calls for an annual celebration full of fireworks, grilling, and cheers. Amid the fun-filled chaos, however, sometimes lies the overlooked care of pets that may have a contrasting and much more fear-filled perspective of the Fourth of July. Dr. Christine Rutter, a clinical associate professor of emergency and […]

Snake Alert: What To Do If Your Pet Is Bitten

Spring has sprung, but flowers may not be the only things popping up in your yard; this also is the season when snakes come out of hibernation. There are almost 3,000 different species of snakes in the world, with less than a third considered venomous, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service. However, […]

Animal Behavior During Solar Eclipses: What to Expect

On April 8, 13 states in the U.S. — starting with Texas — will experience brief moments of nighttime darkness mid-day as the moon glides in front of the sun, blocking its rays.  A solar eclipse, while fascinating to witness, raises important safety considerations, not just for humans but also for our beloved animals. Dr. […]

Providing Pets With A Stress-Free Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a day to be thankful, indulge in delicious food, and gather with friends and family. But our pets may find the holiday stressful if they suddenly find themselves surrounded by a large group of unfamiliar people.  As owners prepare to give thanks, Dr. Lori Teller, a clinical professor at the Texas A&M School […]

Pumpkin Safety For A Pet-Friendly Halloween

As Halloween creeps closer, the time to carve pumpkins with spooky faces grows near, and since pumpkins are safe for both cats and dogs to eat, creating jack-o-lanterns is an activity your furry family members can participate in, with appropriate supervision.  Dr. Katie Tolbert, a clinical associate professor in small animal and comparative gastroenterology at […]

How Free-Roaming Cats Impact Wildlife, Disease Transmission

Cats are hunters by nature, which is why it’s not uncommon for an outdoor cat to bring home a “gift,” left on their owner’s doorstep.  Yet Molly Guyette, a third-year Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and veterinary public health & epidemiology master’s student at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (VMBS), says […]

Preventing Pet Intoxication

Our furry friends have curious natures, and even though we try our best to keep them safe and healthy, they may still get into trouble when they unknowingly eat human medications or other common household items that are toxic to them.  Dr. Christine Rutter, a clinical associate professor of emergency medicine at the Texas A&M […]

Keeping Dogs Cool For The Summer To Prevent Heatstrokes

Summer’s infamous heat has sent temperatures soaring to record highs this year, so it’s important to protect our furry friends from heat-related issues as the weather grows more uncomfortably hot.  Dr. Gabriela Rivas, a veterinary resident in emergency and critical care at the Texas A&M School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, says dogs can […]

Protecting Dogs Against Outbreaks Of Respiratory Disease

Dog owners are likely familiar with the respiratory disease commonly known as kennel cough; while most cases have been historically mild, a more severe form of the infection is on the rise.  Because kennel cough is actually an infectious respiratory disease complex that easily spreads among dogs, Dr. Kathleen Aicher, an assistant professor at the […]

The Value Of Heartworm Prevention

April is recognized as National Heartworm Awareness Month as a reminder to protect our furry friends against heartworm disease before mosquito season peaks during the summer. To understand the importance of preventing heartworm disease, pet owners should first understand how heartworms grow and are detected. Heartworms are spread by mosquitoes that have bitten a heartworm-infected […]


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