Lone Oak Veterinary Clinic

Location: Valley View, Texas
Small animal and mixed animal private practice
Seeking Externs and Full-Time Veterinarians
Housing available
Lone Oak Veterinary Clinic is pleased to serve the Mountain Springs Community and the surrounding areas. Our goal is to provide pets with the best veterinary experience possible.
LOVC is a privately owned, patient centered, effective, cutting-edge veterinary clinic.
At Lone Oak Veterinary Clinic, our owners and staff are members of the health care delivery team. Every day at Lone Oak Veterinary Clinic, it is our passionate team’s responsibility to help make every pet’s veterinary experience a positive one.
Reach out to us if you would like more information about our clinic, externships, or career opportunities.
For more information, please contact:
Dale Gleason, Owner and Veterinarian
gleasondvm@gmail.com | (940) 231-5166