
New opportunities will be posted here!

1. Medical Research Scholars Program The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Medical Research Scholars Program (MRSP) is a comprehensive, year-long research enrichment program designed to attract medical, dental, and veterinary students to the intramural campus of the NIH     in Bethesda, MD. MRSP     student scholars will experience the full continuum of biomedical research from the bench to the bedside and everything in between! http://www.cc.nih.gov/training/mrsp/

2. Scientists Center for Animal Welfare Student Scholarship SCAW and CITI Program at the University of Miami has partnered to develop a Student Scholarship Fund. If you are a full time student and would like to attend any one of SCAW’s Workshops or Conferences please see below on how to apply for the SCAW/CITI Student Scholarship to have your registration fee waived. 1) Identify which Workshop or Conference you would like to attend. 2) Send complete contact information. 3) Send a paragraph on why you would like to attend one of SCAW’s Workshops or Conference. 4) Send proof of full time status 5) Include a recommendation from a professor/advisor. SCAW needs to receive the above information six weeks before the scheduled Workshop/Conference Send the above information to; SCAW/CITI Student Scholarship Fund 2660 NE Hwy 20,Suite 610-115 Bend, OR 97701 301.345.3500 fax: 541.383.4655 Email: info@scaw.com

3. Texas Branch AALAS Conference http://www.tbaalas.org/Default.aspx-pageId=243563.htm

4. 2014 AALAS National Meeting Are you member of your local student ASLAP chapter and interested in attending the 2014 AALAS National Meeting in San Antonio, Texas?  If so, consider applying for the 2014 ASLAP Travel Award.  Each year, ASLAP offers several $1,500 travel awards to help eligible students attend the National Meeting.  To be eligible, an applicant must meet all the criteria detailed below. *         This program is open to any member of an ASLAP student chapter (except as noted below) in good standing with their College or School of Veterinary Medicine in North America and the Caribbean. *         A student may receive the award once, previous awardees are not eligible. *         The following individuals are not eligible to receive an ASLAP Veterinary Student Award: o   Immediate family members of current members of the ASLAP VSLC o   Immediate family members of current members of the ASLAP Board of Directors o   Substantial contributors to the ASLAP Foundation, or immediate family members of substantial contributors To apply, submit: 1) a current CV including contact information; 2) an essay of up to 500 words describing your interest in laboratory animal medicine, participation in lab animal activities, and how these activities have influenced your interests and career goals; 3) a letter of support from the ASLAP Student Liaison at your school; and 4) a detailed estimate of expenses not to exceed $1,500.  All materials must be submitted towahill@ku.edu<mailto:wahill@ku.edu> and received on or before March 1, 2014.  Incomplete or late application materials will not be evaluated. William Allen Hill, DVM, MPH, DACLAM Director, Animal Care Unit and University Attending Veterinarian University of Kansas 1251 Wescoe Hall Drive B052C Malott Hall Lawrence, KS  66045 785-864-8843 (office) 785-864-5305 (fax)

5. The ASLAP Veterinary Student Liaison Committee (VSLC) is seeking nominations of veterinary students for the Society’s annual Veterinary Student Award Program (VSAP).The Veterinary Student Award Program provides awards (a certificate, one year’s membership in ASLAP and a cash sum of $300). There is one award to be given at each AVMA accredited veterinary school. The VSAP is intended to increase awareness of the practice of laboratory animal medicine by recognizing students who have demonstrated significant interest and potential in the field. Awards will be presented at each school during their awards program or another suitable public event involving a large proportion of the student body. Nominations are welcomed and encouraged from any current national ASLAP member.  Nomination forms can be found here (pdf, word doc).  Completed nomination forms should be accompanied by the student’s CV and an essay written by the student of up to 500 words describing their participation in activities related to laboratory animal medicine and how these activities have influenced their interests and career goals. Please note that students that wish to nominate themselves or another student must be members of the national ASLAP organization. Nomination forms including essays and CVs must be received by January 31, 2014.Please send nominations to Laurie Brignolo (llbrignolo@ucdavis.edu). Again, all nominations must be complete and received by January 31st, 2014.

6.The American Society of Laboratory Animal Practitioners with several funding partners is supporting 10-16 week Summer Fellowships in Laboratory Animal Medicine. Are you interested in clinical veterinary medicine and research? Do you want to work with a variety of non-traditional species? Are you curious about cutting edge science that defines the human and animal biomedical fields? If you are, then LABORATORY ANIMAL MEDICINE is the career for you, we can help you explore, AND pay you to do so! Activities in these programs will include practice of clinical medicine in a research environment, pathology of laboratory animals, surgery, animal colony management, working closely with laboratory animal veterinarians and residents, participation in journal clubs,seminars and management teams, regulatory oversight of animals used in research, laboratory animal medicine research and a number of other exciting endeavors.  Program structures, activities, fellow numbers and application requirements vary so you can surely find a program that fits your goals. Please review the program websites or contact directors for more information. See email sent out by Logan France for available schools. Applications are due February 14; applicants will have until March 14 to interview with programs; offers may be made at any time during this period and applicants may accept or decline at any time, but applicants will not be required to accept offers until March 17.   Your Profession needs laboratory animal veterinarians! If you are among this growing cadre of students who realize the excitement and personal rewards of a career in-laboratory animal medicine, these programs are a great resource for you to explore and gain experience. Consider a Laboratory Animal Medicine Fellowship –it will be a very rewarding experience!

7. SUMMER INTERNSHIPS AND EXTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES FOR VETERINARY STUDENTS AT NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH Note our website: http://nih-cbstp.nci.nih.gov<http://nih-cbstp.nci.nih.gov/> TAKING APPLICATIONS NOW THROUGH FEBRUARY 3. We are writing to make you aware of opportunities for veterinary students to get experience in research as either a summer intern or as an extern at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).  This is our 10th year providing selected veterinary medical students the opportunity to receive hands-on research experience and to develop skills in scientific research.  In addition to working in the laboratory, students also take advantage of other ongoing summer activities at NIH, such as seminars and meeting with veterinarians performing biomedical research and other professional activities at the NIH and other government agencies. Stipends are available for summer internships. Students with a variety of scientific and professional interests are encouraged to apply. Additional information is available at the following link. http://nih-cbstp.nci.nih.gov/prospective_trainees/summer_internship.asp Information about past interns and the range of their research experiences is available at the following link. http://nih-cbstp.nci.nih.gov/prospective_trainees/summer_internship_Alumni.asp Applications are requested before February 3, 2014 at the following web page. https://www.training.nih.gov/programs/sip We will begin to evaluate, select and place specific applicants on Feb 4, so for full consideration we need your application in before then. Applicants are also requested to inform us of their intentions to apply and direct questions by sending an email to: ncimolpathol@mail.nig.gov

8. Laboratory Animal Medicine Vendors’ Veterinary Student Scholarship (LAMVVSSS) The Laboratory Animal Medicine Vendors’ Veterinary Student Scholarship Program committee is seeking applications from veterinary students for the 1st Annual Laboratory Animal Medicine Vendors’ Veterinary Student Award (LAMVVSA) sponsored by the TAMU Comparative Medicine Program (CMP); LGL Animal Care Products; Lab Supply, Texas; and GP Products and Services The Veterinary Student Scholarship will provide a certificate and a cash award (up to $1500.00). The award(s) will be given each year to an outstanding student(s) from Texas A&M University, College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (VMBS) who is an active member in the LAM Club (Student Chapter of the American Society of Laboratory Animal Practitioners (ASLAP)). The award is intended to increase awareness of the practice of laboratory animal medicine by recognizing veterinary students who have demonstrated significant interest and potential in the field. Awards will be presented during the VMBS annual awards program or other suitable public event. Applications must be received by February 15, 2014 and must include the following information: 1.    Application Form (see email) 2.    Current CV (include any clubs or association memberships, contact information) 3.    Essay (not to exceed 500 words) describing participation in activities related to laboratory animal medicine and how these activities have influenced interests and career goals. 4.    College transcripts 5.    Letter of support from someone with knowledge of the applicant’s abilities, interests and activities in laboratory animal medicine Applications will be evaluated by a selection committee chosen by the sponsors. Please send electronic applications to Ms. Kelli Moore (krmoore@tamu.edu ). Hard copies may be sent to Ms. Moore at: Comparative Medicine Program 4473 TAMU College Station, Texas 77843-4473 Completed applications MUST be RECEIVED by close of business February 15, 2014 to be considered.

9. Summer Fellowships in Laboratory Animal Medicine — Department of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery — UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX Are you interested in clinical veterinary medicine AND research? Do you want to work with a variety of non-traditional species? Are you curious about cutting edge science that defines the human and animal biomedical fields? If you are, then LABORATORY ANIMAL MEDICINE is the career for you, we can help you explore, AND pay you to do so! Activities in these programs will include practice of clinical medicine in a research environment, diagnostic and research pathology of laboratory animals, surgery, animal colony management, working closely with laboratory animal veterinarians and residents, participation in journal clubs, seminars and management teams, regulatory oversight of animals used in research, laboratory animal medicine research and a number of other exciting endeavors. The fellowship program consists of rotations through all aspects of the department; with the participant having duty assignments in the rodent husbandry areas and rotations through clinic and surgery, clinical pathology, and histopathology. Two additional areas that are closely related to our department are the Small Animal Imaging Facility and Diagnostic Radiology; the student will observe and may participate in various imaging protocols, to introduce equipment available for imaging animals and their use in research. We expect that the clinical training will take approximately 65% of the student’s time in our program, with exposure to various administrative and managerial aspects of laboratory animal medicine. An additional 30% of the student’s time will be spent on a short-term research project. Examples of previous research projects have been implantation of adipose-based scaffolding in rats to determine whether it would be suitable as a biological mold for plastic surgery repair in our cancer patients and studying various enrichment devices to reduce aggression in our nude-mouse colony. The remaining 5% of the student’s time will be spent attending seminars, lectures, protocol review, and tours of the research laboratories in the Texas area. Each successful applicant will be given a stipend. Housing is not provided. To Apply: Applicants must be currently enrolled in veterinary school recognized by the AVMA with an interest in laboratory animal medicine. Interested candidates should send a letter of interest, proof of current enrollment in veterinary school and a letter of support to Alicia Henry, AMHenry1@mdanderson.org<mailto:AMHenry1@mdanderson.org>.  The deadline for application for UT MD Anderson Cancer Center’s Fellowship is March 31. Contact Dr. Suzanne Craig, SCraig@mdanderson.org<mailto:SCraig@mdanderson.org>, for more information.

10.AGI PRE-BACCALAUREATE PROGRAM: Undergraduates in the biological sciences who plan to pursue a career in research are encouraged to apply to AGI’s competitive Pre-Baccalaureate Summer Training Program. This program draws participants from major colleges and universities, and provides students the opportunity to work side-by-side with AGI scientists during the summer months. Multiple opportunities are offered in the broad areas of scientific research. AGI SUMMER VETERINARY PROGRAM: AGI’s Summer Veterinary Program provides students with the opportunity to work closely with AGI veterinarians in the Department of Veterinary Medicine. Participants in this three-month program gain practical experience in clinical practice techniques. For more information about these programs, please contact AGI at hr@alphagenesisinc.com. The annual application deadline for both programs is April 30th. http://www.alphagenesisinc.com/internships.html