
The prerequisites required for entry into the DVM Professional Program are selected to best prepare applicants for the rigorous curriculum. Applicants are encouraged to complete all prerequisites prior to submitting their application to obtain maximum “Admission Points.”

See Selection Process for details on the “Admissions Formula.”

Prior to admission into the DVM Professional Program, applicants must have:

  1. completed all of the 46 hours of prerequisite course work by the end of the spring semester prior to admission into the program.
  2. completed or be enrolled in the following by the application deadline (course must be completed by December of application year with grade of “C” or better):
    • Organic Chemistry I with lab
    • Physics I with lab
    • Biochemistry I
  3. completed majority of science prerequisites prior to fall application. Fall grades must be reported to TMDSAS by deadline shown on Application Deadlines page.
  4. completed all prerequisite courses with a grade of “C” or better (or a grade of “S” if taken during the spring semester of 2020) within the past 10 years. (Note: Any required coursework taken more than 10 years ago will need to be retaken.)

** While not required, students are strongly encouraged to complete anatomy and/or physiology course(s). **

For entry cycle Fall 2026


SubjectCredit Hours
General Biology with lab4
General Microbiology with lab4
Animal Nutrition*or Feeds & Feeding*3
* = Must be found at a 4-year institution only!


SubjectCredit Hours
General Chemistry with lab8
Organic Chemistry with lab8
Biochemistry* (must be lecture hours only)3
Physics I with lab4
* = Must be found at a 4-year institution only!


SubjectCredit Hours
Public Speaking
(Speech Communications)

**The following are current for Entry Year 2026 (EY 2026).  EY 2025 applicants must also have completed Physics II w/ lab and one other English course.**

Prerequisite Courses

All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

As of 3/24/2020: “The DVM program at Texas A&M VMBS will accept a grade of “S” in prerequisite courses for which students are enrolled for the Spring 2020 semester. Candidates should be aware that the “S” grade will not factor into the cumulative GPA calculations, the last 45 hours GPA calculations, or the Science/Math GPA calculations. Each of these GPAs is weighted significantly in the ranking of our candidates.”

Texas A&M University | Texas Common Course Numbering System

Animal Nutrition Requirements

Texas SchoolsAnimal Nutrition CoursesFeeds & Feeding Courses
Abilene Christian UniversityANSC 336ANSC 352
Angelo State UniversityANSC 3441ANSC 3342
Lubbock Christian UniversityANS 4324ANS 3403
Prairie View A&M UniversityANSC 3503N/A
Sam Houston State UniversityAGR 373AGR 494
Stephen F. Austin State UniversityANS 333ANS 444
Sul Ross State UniversityANSC 4303ANSC 3403
Tarleton State UniversityANSC 4063ANSC 3094
Texas A&M University (College Station)ANSC 303ANSC 318
Texas A&M University–CommerceANS 308ANS 307
Texas A&M University–Corpus ChristiBIOL 3300N/A
Texas A&M University–KingsvilleANS 407NONE
Texas State UniversityAG 3325AG 4325
Texas Tech UniversityANSC 3301, ANSC 3305ANSC 3307
West Texas A&M UniversityANSC 275ANSC 310

Courses by Correspondence

SchoolAnimal Nutrition CourseFeeds & Feeding Courses
Kansas State University (Tel: 800.622.2578)ASI 218N/A
Oklahoma State University (Tel: 405.744.6390)ANSI 3543N/A
Purdue UniversityANSI 221 N/A