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Integrated Curriculum 6th Grade

Focuses on pathogens and bacterial infectious diseases (Chagas disease in this case) that can be obtained from insects, like the “kissing bug,” that harbor the bacteria and serve as vectors for the disease.





Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Half Life6.3 (A), 6.3 (B), 6.3 (E), 6.7 (A), 6.7 (B),
Investigate the Mystery: Finding Facts 6.2 (A), 6.2 (C), 6.3 (A), 6.3 (B),
Investigate the Mystery: Transmission of Diseases6.2 (C),
Investigate the Mystery: Designing an Experiment6.2 (A), 6.2 (C), 6.2 (D), 6.3 (A),
Malaria6.2 (A), 6.2 (B), 6.2 (C), 6.2 (D), 6.3 (A), 6.3 (B), 6.5 (A),



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Exchange Rates6.2 (C), 6.3 (A), 6.8 (D),
Shipping Costs 6.2 (A), 6.2 (B), 6.3 (A), 6.8 (B), 6.8 (D), 6.12 (A),
How do you Measure up?6.2 (A), 6.4 (A), 6.4 (B), 6.8 (B), 6.8 (D), 6.13 (B),
Measurement6.2 (C), 6.8 (B), 6.8 (D),
Analyzing Temparature6.10 (A), 6.10 (B), 6.10 (C), 6.10 (D),
Half-Life6.4 (A), 6.7, 6.10 (D), 6.12 (A), 6.13 (A),



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Timelines6.8 (B), 6.8 (C), 6.8 (D), 6.10 (B),
Persuasive Writing 6.10 (L), 6.11 (B), 6.11 (C), 6.13 (B), 6.13 (C), 6.13 (D), 6.13 (F), 6.13 (I), 6.15 (C), 6.15 (F), 6.15 (H), 6, 24 (A),
Descriptive Adjectives6.6 (A), 6.6 (C), 6.7 (A), 6.7 (C), 6.7 (D), 6.9 (C), 6.15 (A), 6.15 (C), 6.17 (A), 6.17 (B), 6.17 (C), 6.17 (D), 6.17 (E), 6.17 (F), 6.17 (G), 6.17 (H),
Prefixes and Suffixes6.6 (A), 6.6 (B), 6.6 (C), 6.9 (D), 6.17 (F), 6.17 (G),
Word Origins6.6 (C), 6.9 (G), 6.16 (B), 6.16 (D), 6.16 (E), 6.16 (F), 6.17 (A), 6.17 (B), 6.17 (G), 6.18 (H),


Social Studies

Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Absolute Location6.21 (C), 6.21 (F), 6.22 (A), 6.3 (A), 6.3 (B), 6.3 (C),
Explore South America 6.21 (C), 6.21 (F), 6.22 (A), 6.3 (B),
Research6.1 (A), 6.1 (B), 6.2 (A), 6.2 (B), 6.4 (A), 6.4 (B), 6.4 (C), 6.4 (D), 6.15 (B), 6.15 (D), 6.17 (C), 6.19 (A), 6.21 (E),
Local Climate6.3 (B), 6.3 (C), 6.6 (A), 6.6 (B), 6.6 (C), 6.7 (A), 6.21 (B), 6.21 (C),



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Focuses on water contamination during construction of King Tut’s tomb in ancient Egypt.





Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Investigate the Mystery6.2 (A), 6.2 (B), 6.2 (C), 6.2 (D), 6.3 (A), 6.3 (B), 6.3 (D), 6.3 (E), 6.4 (A), 6.5 (A), 6.6 (B), 6.6 (C), 6.7 (A), 6.7 (B), 6.10 (A), 6.10 (C), 6.12 (B), 6.14 (B), 6.21 (A),
Dehydration Model 6.1 (A), 6.1 (B), 6.2 (A), 6.2 (B), 6.2 (C), 6.2 (D), 6.3 (A), 6.3 (C), 6.3 (D), 6.4 (A), 6.4 (B), 6.5 (A), 6.5 (B), 6.10 (A), 6.10 (B), 6.10 (C), 6.12 (A), 6.12 (B), 6.12 (C),
Water Purification6.1 (A), 6.1 (B), 6.2 (A), 6.2 (B), 6.2 (C), 6.2 (D), 6.3 (A), 6.4 (A), 6.10 (A), 6.10 (C), 6.12 (A), 6.12 (B), 7.5 (B), 7.12 (B), 7.12 (C), 8.11 (A),
Weather and Climate6.2 (B), 6.2 (C), 6.2 (D). 6.2 (E), 6.5 (A), 6.5 (B), 6.6 (C), 6.12 (C), 6.14 (C),



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Treasure of King Tut’s Tomb6.1 (C), 6.2 (D), 6.4 (B), 6.5 (F), 6.8 (B), 6.8 (B), 6.8 (D), 6.11 (A),
Carbon Dioxide Production6.1 (A), 6.1 (B), 6.1 (C), 6.2 (C), 6.2 (D), 6.3 (B), 6.3 (C), 6.8 (B), 6.8 (D), 6.10 (B), 6.10 (D), 6.11 (A), 6.12 (A),
The Great Pyramid6.2 (C), 6.2 (D), 6.3 (A), 6.3 (B), 6.4 (B), 6.8 (B), 6.11 (A), 6.12 (A),



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Perspective6.2 (A), 6.7 (A), 6.8 (B), 6.8 (C), 6.8 (D), 6.10 (B), 6.12 (B), 6.12 (D), 6.12 (H), 6.12 (K), 6.13 (A), 6.13 (C), 6.13 (E), 7.7 (A), 7.7 (C), 7.8 (B), 7.10 (A), 7.10 (B), 7.12 (B), 7.13 (A), 7.13 (C), 7.13 (E),
In Someone Else’s Shoes 6.4 (A), 6.8 (B), 6.13 (A), 6.13 (C), 6.13 (E), 6.13 (G), 6.13 (H), 6.14 (A), 6.14 (B), 6.18 (A), 6.18 (B), 6.18 (C), 6.18 (D), 6.18 (I),
Persuasive Writing6.5 (F), 6.7 (A), 6.8 (C), 6.10 (B), 6.10 (F), 6.10 (G), 6.15 (B), 6.15 (H), 6.16 (B), 6.18 (A), 7.7 (A), 7.8 (C), 7.10 (B), 7.10 (F), 7.10 (G), 7.17 (A), 7.17 (B), 7.17 (C), 7.17 (F), 8.7 (A), 8.8 (C), 8.10 (B), 8.10 (F), 8.10 (G),


Social Studies

Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Latitude, Longitude and Loot6.3 (B), 6.3 (C), 6.4 (A), 6.4 (D), 6.21 (C), 6.21 (F), 6.22 (A), 6.23 (A), 6.23 (B), 7.21 (H), 7.22 (A), 8.30 (H), 8.31 (A),
A Day in the Life of an Ancient Egyptian6.2 (A), 6.2 (B), 6.4 (D), 6.5 (A), 6.7 (A), 6.7 (B), 6.8 (A), 6.12 (A), 6.15 (A), 6.15 (B), 6.15 (C), 6.17 (A), 6.18 (A), 6.18 (B), 6.21 (A), 6.21 (C), 6.22 (B), 6.22 (C), 6.22 (D),
Farming on the Nile6.3 (A), 6.3 (B). 6.3 (C), 6.6 (C), 6.4 (A), 6.4 (B), 6.4 (D), 6.5 (A), 6.6 (B), 6.6 (C), 6.7 (A), 6.7 (B), 6.7 (C), 6.8 (A), 6.21 (A),



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Focuses on the health consequences of raw sewage in streets, acupuncture, tattoos, body piercing (of the nose, ears, lips, eyebrows, and belly button), blood transfusions, and organ donations in India





Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Infectious Diseases6.2 (A), 6.2 (B), 6.2 (C), 6.2 (D), 6.2 (E), 6.3 (A), 6.3 (B), 6.3 (C), 6.3 (D), 6.3 (E), 6.4 (B), 6.12 (A), 6.12 (B), 6.12 (C),
Tatoos, Trends and Time6.3 (D), 6.12 (B),
Doctors Without Borders6.2 (A), 6.2 (D), 6.12 (A), 6.12 (B), 6.12 (C),
Create Your Own Cell
Understanding a System6.1(B), 6.2(A),



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
At the Fishing Pier6.3 (B), 6.4 (B), 6.6 (C),
Growing Food in India6.2 (C), 6.3 (B, C), 6.4 (B),
The Mathematics of the Taj Mahal6.3 (B), 6.4, 6.8 (B), 6.12 (A),
Through India and Back6.2 (C), 6.3 (A),
Tattoos and Hepatitis6.2 (C), 6.3 (A), 6.7, 6.9 (B),
Math 66.2 (C), 6.3 (A), 6.7, 6.9 (B),



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Explore India6.10 (D), 6.13 (C), 6.13 (E), 6.13 (F), 6.14 (B), 6.15 (C), 6.15 (D), 6.15 (F), 6.15 (H), 6.18 (A), 6.18 (H),
Group Edit 6.4 (A), 6.11 (A), 6.15 (C), 6.15 (E), 6.15 (F), 6.15 (H), 6.16 (B), 6.16 (C), 6.16 (D), 6.16 (E), 6.16 (F), 6.17 (D), 6.17 (E), 6.17 (F), 6.17 (G), 6.17 (H), 6.17 (I), 6.18 (A), 6.17 (B), 6.17 (C), 6.17 (E), 6.17 (H), 6.19 (B),
Wonders6.4 (A), 6.10 (I), 6.11 (D), 6.15 (A), 6.17 (A) , 6.18 (A), 6.18 (B), 6.18 (C), 6, 18 (D), 6.21 (A), 6.21 (B), 6.21 (C), 6.21 (D), 6.21 (E), 6.21 (F),


Social Studies

Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Absolute Location6.3 (B), 6.3 (C), 6.21 (C), 6.21 (F), 6.22 (A)
Relative Location6.3 (B), 6.3 (C), 6.21 (C), 6.21 (F), 6.22 (A)
India Salt Map6.1 (A), 6.1 (B), 6.2 (A), 6.2 (B), 6.3 (A), 6.3 (C), 6.4 (A), 6.4 (B), 6.4 (C), 6.4 (D), 6.15 (B), 6.15 (D), 6.17 (C), 6.19 (A), 6.21 (E), 6.22 (B), 6.22 (C), 6.22 (D), 6.22 (E),



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Focuses on air contamination and smoking in China that the adventurers encounter as they visit the Three Rivers Dam which is being constructed.





Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Air Pollutants6.2(D), 6.3(A), 6.3(D), 6.14(C),
Smoker’s Lung6.3(C), 6.1(C), 6.11(D),
Blow it Up!6.2(B C D E), 6.4(B),
Folded Mountain Formation6.2(A C D), 8.14(A),
Make Your Own Climograph6.2(C D E), 6.4(B),
Generating Electricity6.1(A), 6.2(A B C D E), 6.4(A B), 6.9(A B C) ,



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
All Aboard!6.1(C), 6.2(C), 6.3(C), 6.5, 6.10(D), 6.11(A),
To Smoke or Not to Smoke 6.1(C), 6.2(D), 6.3(B), 6.5, 6.10 (A C D), 6.11(A C),
How Many Beans?6.2(C D), 6.3(C), 6.4(B), 6.8(A B), 6.10(D),
Population Density6.1(C), 6.2(C), 6.3(A B C), 6.4(A), 6.8(A), 6.12(A),
The Value of a Dollar6.1(C), 6.2(C), 6.3(C), 6.5, 6.11(A),



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Descriptive Writing6.11(C), 6.12(D E), 6.15 (A D F G),
Ancestors6.4(A), 6.10(A I), 6.11(A D), 6.13(C) ,


Social Studies

Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Absolute Location6.3(B C), 6.21(C), 6.22(A),
Relative Location6.3(A B C), 6.21(B C), 6.22(A D), 6.23(B) ,
Face-Off6.7(A), 6.21(B C D ), 6.22(B C),
All in the Family6.1(A B), 6.2(A B), 6.4(C), 6.13(B) ,



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Features viral infections (Ebola and AIDS) including both animal and human in Africa.





Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Diagnosis Doctor?6.2(C D), 6.3(B), 6.4(B),
Figure It Out 6.2(C D), 6.3(A),
Course of HIV6.2(E), 6.3(C),
Virus Hunters6.2(A B C D), 6.4(B),
What Bug is Bugging Me?6.3(A B),



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
The HIV Virus in Africa6.1(C), 6.10(D), 6.11(A D), 6.12 (A), 6.13(A B),
Aunt Cathy Investigates Ebola 6.2(D), 6.3(B C), 6.4(B), 6.6(C), 6.8(B), 6.11(A),
Summer Jobs6.2(B C D), 6.10(D), 6.11(A),
Modeling Population Growth6.1(C), 6.8(A), 6.10(D), 6.11(A D), 6.12(A), 6.13(A B),



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Descriptive Writing6.15(C), 6.15(G), 6.21(A),
Time to Take Action 6.8(D), 6.13 (B C E F), 6.15(B), 6.18(B C D F G), 6.23(B),
Beach Ball Vocabulary6.6(A C), 6.9(C E),


Social Studies

Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Absolute Location Investigation6.21(C F), 6.23(A),
Relative Location6.3(A), 6.21(B C), 6.22(A), 6.23(B),
Climographs6.3(A B C),
Country Comparison6.3(C), 6.4(A), 6.15(A B C), 6.21(A B C D),



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Focuses on industrial waste that induces abnormalities in wildlife of the Ukraine.





Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Growing Duckweed6.1 (A, B), 6.2 (A, B, C, D, C), 6.3 (A, C, D), 6.4 (B), 6.11 (A, C)
Too Many Diapers6.2 (A, B, C), 6.3 (A), 6.4 (A, B), 6.10, 6.11 (A)
Contaminating the Water Cycle6.1 (C), 6.2 (B, C), 6.4 (B), 6.8 (B), 6.11 (D)
Marshmallow Mutations6.2(C), 6.3 (C), 6.11 (A, B), 6.12 (B)



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Reactors, Radiatin, and Radii6.1 (C), 6.2 (C), 6.4 (B), 6.6 (C) 6.8 (B, D), 6.11 (A),
Toxic Water6.1 (C), 6.3 (B, C), 6.4 (B), 6.5, 6.10 (C) 6.11 (A, B),
Traveling Through the Ukraine6.1 (B, C, E), 6.2 (C, D), 6.3 (A, B, C), 6.11 (A),
Radiation Doses6.1 (A, C), 6.2 (B, D, C), 6.8 (D), 6.11 (A),
Shape Estimations6.2 (B, D), 6.6 (B, C), 6.8 (A, B),



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Understanding Perspective6.2 (C, E), 6.4 (A), 6.8, 6.12 (F, H), 6.14, 6.15 (A, B, C, E, G, H),
Looking Back 6.5 (B, C), 6.8 (B, C), 6.10 (B, G, H), 6.13 (C, D, F, G, H, I), 6.15 (C, G, H),
Visit My Town6.5 (B, C), 6.8 (B, C), 6.12 (A, B, C), 6.15 (C), 6.16 (A, B, C, D, E, F),
Saving Our Planet6.5 (B), 6.13 (D, E, G, H), 6.15 (B, E, F), 6.22 (B, C, D, E), 6.23 (A, B),


Social Studies

Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Fifteen Years Later…6.1 (A, B), 6.3(C), 6.7 (A, B, C), 6.8 (A, B, C), 6.9 (A, B), 6.22 (C, D),
Passport to Ukraine6.1 (C), 6.7 (A, B, C), 6.3 (C), 6.18 (A), 6.22 (A, B, C, D),
Tracking Radiation6.3 (A, B), 6.6 (C), 6.21 (C, F),
Lost in Central Europe6.3(B), 6.21 (C, F), 6.22 (A),
Climate in Kiev 6.3 (A, B, C), 6.21 (B, C, F), 6.22 (A),



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