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Integrated Curriculum 7th grade

Deals with the yellow fever epidemic in Texas after the end of the Civil War.





Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Investigate the Mystery: The Scientific Method7.2 (A), 7.2 (C), 7.3 (A), 7.4 (B), 7.11 (A), 7.11 (B), 7.12 (C) ,
Investigate the Mystery: Disease Transmission7.2 (A), 7.2 (C), 7.2 (D), 7.3 (A) , 7.3 (D) , 7.3 (E) , 7.4 (B), 7.11 (A), 7.11 (B), 7.12 (A), 7.12 (B), 7.12 (C), 7.12 (D) ,
Diseases Past and Present7.2 (C), 7.2 (D), 7.3 (A), 7.3 (D), 7.3 (E), 7.5 (B), 7.8 (B), 7.9 (A), 7.9 (B), 7.11 (A), 7.11 (B), 7.12 (A) ,
Mosquito-Borne Diseases 7.1 (A), 7.1 (B), 7.2 (C), 7.3 (D), 7.3 (E), 7.4 (B), 7.11 (B), 7.12 (A), 7.12 (B), 7.12 (C), 7.12 (D) ,
Yellow Fever Remedies 7.2 (C), 7.3 (A), 7.3 (D), 7.3 (E), 7.4 (A), 7.7 (C), 7.9 (A) ,



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Area and Volume7.4 (A), 7.9 (A), 7.9 (B),
Discussions at the Church7.1 (A), 7.1 (B), 7.2 (D),
Race Across Texas7.2 (D), 7.3 (B), 7.9 (A), 7.9 (B),
Graphing Population7.1 (A), 7.2 (D), 7.4 (B), 7.11 (A),
Yellow Fever in Texas7.2 (B), 7.2 (D), 7.10 (B),



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Sequencing and Summarization7.7 (B), 7.10 (G), 7.12 (D, G, I), 7.15 (F), 7.15 (H), 7.18 (H), 7.19 (A), 7.19 (C),
Similes and Metaphors7.4 (A), 7.10 (D), 7.11 (B), 7.12 (D), 7.12 (E), 7.12 (J), 7.15 (A), 7.15 (F), 7.15 (G),
Symbolism7.10 (D), 7.10 (H), 7.11 (C), 7.11 (D), 7.12 (D), 7.12 (F), 7.12 (G), 7.12 (J), 7.12 (K), 7.15 (A), 7.15 (E), 7.15 (F),


Social Studies

Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Life in 1860s Texas7.6 (A), 7.7 (A), 7.9 (A), 7.9 (B), 7.9 (C), 7.10 (A), 7.10 (B), 7.11 (B), 7.12 (B), 7.13 (A), 7.19 (A), 7.20 (A), 7.20 (C), 7.20 (E), 7.23 (A),
Timelines7.1 (B), 7.1 (C), 7.2 (C), 7.2 (D), 7.2 (E), 7.4 (A), 7.21 (H),
Historical Sources7.21 (G), 7.21 (D), 7.21 (G), 7.23 (A),



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Focuses on the influenza epidemic surrounding World War I.





Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Koch’s Postulates7.1 (A), 7.2 (B), 7.3 (A), 7.3 (B), 7.3 (C), 7.3 (D), 7.3 (E),
Stop the Spread!7.2 (A), 7.2 (B), 7.2 (C), 7.2 (D), 7.2 (E), 7.3 (B), 7.3 (D),
Bacteria and Viruses7.2 (C), 7.2 (D), 7.3 (A), 7.3 (B), 7.10 (A), 7.10 (B), 7.10 (C),
The Immune System 7.2 (D), 7.2 (E), 7.3 (A), 7.3 (B), 7.3 (C), 7.3 (D), 7.3 (E), 7.6 (A), 7.6 (E),
Mutating Viruses7.2 (D), 7.3 (A), 7.9 (A), 7.11 (A) ,



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Paper Parachutes7.1 (A), 7.2 (A), 7.2 (B), 7.2 (D), 7.2 (G), 7.4 (B), 7.7 (A), 7.8 (C), 7.9 (A), 7.9 (C), 7.11 (B), 7.13 (A), 7.13 (B), 7.13 (C),
Tight Quarters7.2 (E), 7.2 (G), 7.4 (A), 7.5 (A), 7.8 (A), 7.8 (B), 7.8 (C), 7.13 (A), 7.13 (B), 7.13 (C), 7.13 (D), 8.8 (A), 8.8 (B), 8.8 (C),
Just Another Number 7.1 (B), 7.2 (A), 7.2 (B), 7.3 (A), 7.3 (B), 7.4 (B), 7.12 (A) 7.13 (A), 7.13 (B), 7.13 (C),
As Light As Air 7.1 (B), 7.2 (B), 7.2 (D), 7.2 (F), 7.8 (C), 7.9, 7.13 (A), 7.13 (B), 7.13 (C), 7.13 (D),



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Newspaper7.10 (A), 7.10 (C), 7.10 (D), 7.10 (G), 7.10 (H), 7.10 (K), 7.11 (A),
You Choose7.1 (D), 7.10 (A), 7.10 (D), 7.10 (G), 7.10 (H), 7.10 (J), 7.10 (K), 7.11 (D),
Symbols7.14 (A), 7.15 (A), 7.15 (C), 7.15 (E), 7.16 (B), 7.16 (C), 7.16 (D),


Social Studies

Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Urbanization and Technology7.11 (C), 7.12 (C), 7.20 (A), 7.20 (C), 7.21 (B), 7.21 (E),
Spindletop Oil7.11 (C), 7.20 (A), 7.20 (C), 7.20 (D), 7.20 (E), 7.21 (B), 7.22 (D),
Supply and Demand7.13 (A), 7.13 (B), 7.21 (B),
Propaganda in WWI7.7 (D), 7.21 (B), 7.21 (C), 7.21 (D), 7.22 (D), 7.23 (A),



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Focuses on air pollution and asthma in the Houston area





Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Investigate the Mystery: Routes of Exposure7.2 (A), 7.2 (C), 7.2 (D), 7.3 (B), 7.4 (A), 7.4 (B), 8.2 (B), 8.4 (A),
Inflammatory Response: Chain of Command7.2 (B), 7.2 (C), 7.3 (A), 7.3 (B), 7.6 (A), 7.9 (B),
Breathe In…Breathe Out7.2 (B), 7.2 (C), 7.3 (A), 7.3 (B), 7.6 (A), 7.9 (A),
Epidemiology7.2 (C), 7.3 (D), 7.4 (A), 7.4 (B), 7.14 (C) ,
Measuring Particulate Matter 7.2 (B), 7.2 (C), 7.2 (D), 7.7 (A), 7.7 (C), 7.12 (B), 7.14 (C),
Global Warming in a Jar7.1 (A), 7.2 (B), 7.2 (C), 7.2 (D), 7.3 (C), 7.14 (C),
Newton and the Laws of Motion & Force in Everyday Life7.3(B C), 7.4(A B), 7.5(A), 7.6(A B),
The Rusty Nail 7.1(A), 7.2(B C), 7.7(A C),



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Sports Field Math6.1 (C), 6.2 (D), 6.4 (A), 6.4 (B), 6.6 (C), 6.8 (A), 6.8 (B), 6.8 (C), 6.8 (D), 6.11 (A),
Statistics in Sports6.2 (A), 6.2 (B), 6.2 (C), 6.2 (D), 6.11 (A), 6.11 (B), 6.11 (C), 6.11 (D), 6.12 (A), 6.12 (B), 7.11 (A), 7.11 (B), 7.12 (A), 7.12 (B), 7.13 (A), 7.14 (A), 7.14 (B),
Class Average 6.1 (A), 6.1 (B), 6.1 (C), 6.1 (D), 6.1 (E), 6.2 (A), 6.2 (B), 6.2 (C), 6.2 (D), 6.6 (A), 6.6 (B), 6.6 (C), 6.10 (A), 6.10 (B), 6.10 (C), 6.10 (D), 7.11 (A), 7.11 (B), 7.12 (A), 7.12 (B),



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Descriptive Summary7.15 (A), 7.15 (B), 7.15 (C), 7.15 (E), 7.15 (G), 7.15 (H), 7.17 (D), 7.18 (A),
The Community Speaks7.1 (C), 7.2 (A), 7.2 (E), 7.5 (B), 7.5 (D), 7.13 (C), 7.13 (I), 7.15 (A), 7.15 (B), 7.15 (C), 7.15 (E), 7.15 (G), 7.15 (H), 7.18 (A), 7.18 (B), 7.18 (C), 7.18 (D), 7.18 (E), 7.19 (A), 7.19 (B),
Mystery Grocery Bag7.10 (A), 7.10 (H), 7.11 (B), 7.13 (G), 7.13 (H), 7.15 (H),


Social Studies

Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Travel Texas6.3 (A), 6.3 (B), 6.3 (C), 6.4 (B), 6.4 (D), 6.7 (A), 6.12 (F), 7.8 (B), 7.9 (A), 7.9 (B), 7.10 (A), 7.10 (B), 7.21 (A), 7.21 (B), 7.21 (C), 7.22 (A), 7.22 (B), 7.22 (C), 7.22 (D), 8.10 (B), 8.12 (B),
Catch Me If You Can!7.20 (A), 7.21 (B), 7.21 (C), 7.21 (H),
Dear Grandmother 6.2 (A), 7.2 (B), 7.2 (C), 7.10 A), 7.11 (A), 7.11 (B), 7.12 (B), 7.19 (A), 7.21 (A), 8.2 (A), 8.12 (C),
Houston’s Top 106.2 (A), 7.1 (B), 7.4 (A), 7, 9 (A), 7.9 (C), 7.10 (A), 7.12 (A), 7.12 (B), 7.13 (C), 7.21 A), 7.21 (B), 7.21 (C), 7.22 (C), 7.22 (D), 8.12 (A),
Open for Business!7.10 (A), 7.12 (A), 7.12 (B), 7.12 (C), 7.13 (C), 7.21 (A), 7.21 (B), 7.22 (D),
Air Pollution Council7.10 9A), 7.17 (A), 7.21 (B), 7.21 (C), 7.21 (E), 7.22 (D),



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Examines the causes and symptoms of rabies and is set in Depression-era Texas.





Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Cave Formations and Clay Caves6.14(A C), 7.4(A), 7.14(B), 8.12(A), 8.14(A),
Carbon Monoxide7.2(C D E), 7.3(C), 7.7(A), 7.9(A),
Lightning Dynamics and Dangers7.1(A), 7.2(B D), 7.4(A), 7.8(A),
Investigate the Mystery7.2(A B C D), 7.3(A B), 7.11(B), 7.12(A B C), 7.14(A),
The Journey of a Virus 7.2(C D), 7.3(A B), 7.4(B), 7.9(A B), 7.11(A B),
Mountain Messages6-8.2(A B C D), 6-8.3(C D), 6.8-4(A), 6.9(C),



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
The Bull Market7.2(F), 7.4(B), 7.13(A D), 7.14(A),
That is7.2(B C D F), 7.4(A), 7.13(A),
Carbon Monoxide7.2(B D F), 7.3(B), 7.4(A), 7.13(A), 7.14(A),
Coyote Bites7.3(B), 7.10(A B),
Percents, Proportions and Inflation7.1(B), 7.3(A),



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Protect Your Pete7.4(A), 7.5(B E F), 7.10(K), 7.13(A C F G H I), 7.15(C), 7.19(B), 7.24(A) ,
Demographics in Advertising 7.1(A), 7.2(A B), 7.3(B C), 7.5(A B C), 7.7(E), 7.12(C), 7.15(B D), 7.23(C D), 7.24(B C),
War of the Worlds: A Radio Play7.1(A), 7.2(A B E), 7.3(B C), 7.4(A), 7.5(A B C E), 7.7(E), 7.15(D E H), 7.12(C K), 7.15(D E H), 7.19(D), 7.20(D), 7.23(B C D), 7.24(A C),


Social Studies

Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
American Prism7.1(A), 7.9(C), 7.11(C), 7.13(A B), 7.20(A), 7.21(B C D),
Alphabet Soup7.1(A), 7.9(C), 7.11(C), 7.13(B), 7.21(A B C D F G H), 7.22(D),
Feel the Music7.21(C D F), 7.22(D),
Advertising the Promised Land8.30(A B C D E F G H), 8.31(A B C D),



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Deals with the environmental hazards association with radiation and radioactive wastes.





Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Radiation: Its Everywhere!7.1 (A), 7.2 (B), 7.2 (C), 7.2 (D), 7.4 (A) ,
Looking Back: Chernobyl 7.11 (B), 7.14 (A), 7.14 (C),
Modeling Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage7.2 (A), 7.2 (B), 7.2 (C), 7.2 (D), 7.3 (C) ,
Nuclear Waste Reprocessing7.2 (C), 7.2 (D), 7.3 (A), 7.3 (B), 7.4 (D),
Nuclear Waste Disposal 7.2 (C), 7.2 (D), 7.3 (C),



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Point Taken7.6 (A), 7.6 (B), 7.7 (A), 7.8 (C), 7.9 (A),
Load that Boxcar! 7.6 (B), 7.6 (C), 7.8 (C), 7.9 (A), 7.12 (A), 7.12 (B),
Time Crunch!7.1 (A), 7.2 (A), 7.2 (B), 7.2 (D), 7.2 (G), 7.3 (B), 7.4 (A),
Weather Watch7.4 (B), 7.10 (A), 7.10 (B), 7.15 (A), ,



Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
Onomatopoeia 7.2 (A), 7.2 (D), 7.2 (E), 7.3 (A), 7.3 (B), 7.3 (C), 7.5 (E), 7.7 (E),
Different Kinds of Descriptions7.8 (B), 7.8 (C), 7.10 (D), 7.13 (E),
Super Synonyms and Awesome Antonyms7.6 (A), 7.6 (C) ,


Social Studies

Individual LessonsThe Main TEKS Covered:
The Power Game7.21 (H), 7.23 (A), 7.23 (B),
Grade Scramble 7.13 (B), 7.13 (C) ,
Promoting Power7.13 (C), 7.17 (C), 7.20 (A), 7.21 (A), 7.21 (E), 7.22 (D),



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