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Estimate the area of a trapezoid6, 7, 8MathThis PEER activity demonstrates the use of a simple calculus tool that will allow students to estimate the area of a trapezoid using the example of a basketball backboard. It comes with a Word activity plan and a PowerPoint presentation.backboardmath(1).doc

Paper Chromatography6, 7, 8ScienceThese hands-on activities introduce students to the terminology and principles of chromatography, while applying the scientific method to a series of experiments.Paper Chromatography Handout.doc

Paper Chromatography.ppt
Chemistry Links6, 7, 8ScienceWe have collected a number of excellent links to chemistry materials. Attached is a list of some of the best we have found so far for middle-school teaching materials, ranging from general chemistry links to variants on the presentation of the periodic table to examples of chemical reactions in daily life.Chemistry links.doc
Math Links6, 7, 8MathGood web sites operations, fractions and mensuration.Math Links.doc
Attack of the Killer Mosquitoes! Scientific Modeling and the Scientific Method7ScienceThis activity explores the scientific method and how scientific modeling fits in to the scientific method as a whole. Designed around the premise of an outbreak of yellow fever, this activity introduces students to scientific modeling and has students participate in a hands-on activity to test a simple model of vector-borne disease. Afterwards, the class discusses the results and their applicability to the real world. The entire activity is structured around the scientific method. This activity is a supplement to the PEER module “Texas, 1867,” but it can stand alone. When you download this lesson plan and its accompanying files, please place them all in the same folder, or the links within the files will not work.Vector-Borne Disease lesson plan.doc

Vector-Borne Disease Slide Show.ppt

Vector-Borne Disease Model 1.xls

Vector-Borne Disease Model 2.xls
Scientific Method6, 7, 8ScienceThese experiments and websites listed all use the scientific method and should be interesting and fun. You could have students perform the experiments and then ask them questions about the scientific method. Such as, identifying the independent variable, why they wrote the hypothesis they wrote, etc.Response-scientific method.doc
Special Ed resources for all grades6, 7, 8ScienceSpecial Ed resources for all grades types.Special Education(10).doc
Web Resources for Physical Science6, 7, 8ScienceThe links in the attached document suggest excellent websites that address forces and motion, heat transfer, and simple machines.PhysicalScience.doc
Multiplication and Division of Fractions6, 7, 8MathThis document contains many links to activities, lessons and demonstrations about fraction multiplication and division. Some are online models; others provide ideas for hands-on activities. Three really good sites are described and linked. As asked for by the requesting teacher, this document also provides some tips for using search engines to find web-based materials.WebQuestFractions.doc
Writing in Mathematics6, 7, 8MathIdeas for integrating writing into the mathematics classroom include keeping a math journal where students write about how to use concepts in real life, read sports articles and write about the scores and averages, and writing directions on how to use math tools or proceduresWritingInMath.doc
Unit Conversion (without Multiplying and Dividing Fractions)6MathA few resources are provided to teach and practice conversions. The main focus is a lesson called King Henry Metrics that provides a Mnemonic device and a method for using this device to convert units without using multiplication or division of fractions. The document 'ConvertingUnits.doc' details the King Henry Metrics activities and provides other resources related to converting units. 4 of these resources are listed below.ConvertingUnits.doc
Websites for Force and Motion Activities6, 7, 8ScienceThis document contains several websites that have hand on activities to explain force and motion.Force and motion websites.doc
Thermodynamics are HOT!7, 8ScienceA set of demonstrations and activities designed to help students better understand the difference between exothermic/endothermic chemical reactions. The reagents are safe for use in the classroom and widely available! The activities herein are also relevant to instructors looking for an activity involving the use of a pH indicator (Phenol Red).EndoExo.doc

EndoExo Worksheet.xls
Websites for Greek Mythology8EnglishThe attached file has a brief list of useful websites that contain information and activities on Greek Mythology.greekmythology.doc
Geometry and Scaling Activities for 6th - 8th grade6, 7, 8Math, TechnologyThese two MS PowerPoint files include 2 interactive math presentations. The first one is about scaling and allows the students to determine the dimensions of a scaled-down Statue of Liberty by converting feet to inches. The second one is uses the Cartesian plane to illustrate geometric concepts such as translation, reflection, and dilation. This file includes a rich section of online additional resources for more activities and content related to geometry.Coordinate System.doc

Scaling Lesson Plan.doc

Scaling Worksheet.doc


Shapes and the Coordinate System Lesson Plan.doc

Short Science Labs for One Class Period6, 7, 8ScienceThe attached file includes links for interesting science activities that can be done in one class period.Short Science Labs.doc
Various Chemistry Links6, 7, 8ScienceThis is a hodgepodge of links to various activities and informative resources concerning all phases of chemistry including: atomic structure, the periodic table, balancing chemical equations, and specific heat.24 - 6th to 8th grade Chemistry.doc
Operations with Rational Numbers6, 7, 8MathThe document attached is a set of links and descriptions that give examples and activities. The main resource is a GREAT website for examples about how INTEGERS are used in real life and how to apply the rules of addition and multiplication with signed numbers. This should be a great starting place for lessons about rational numbers. There are also quizzes for each operation that the students can do at the computer and receive immediate feedback.rationalOperations.doc
Anything and Everything You Wanted to Know About Cryogenics6, 7, 8ScienceThis is a comprehensive review of the subject of cryogenics. The information is presented in outline form and can be utilized for either a brief introduction to the subject or an in depth overview. Included are helpful diagrams and also ideas for activities that explore cryogenics.Anything and Everything You Wanted to Know About Cryogenics(27).doc
Gas Exchange in Different Organisms6ScienceThis document provides a list of links to internet resources related to the mechanism of gas exchange in different organisms.Gas Exchange in Different Organisms.doc
Teaching the Periodic Table and the Atom6, 7, 8ScienceThe attached file includes some great interactive websites on the periodic table and a few different ways to teach about the atom and related chemistry using hands-on class demonstrations.TEACHING THE PERIODIC TABLE AND THE ATOM.doc
Online Quiz Websites6, 7, 8MathThis document contains a list (and descriptions) of websites offering online quizzes and practice problems that give immediate results. Sites were searched for with 6th grade in mind, but many sites are very comprehensive and could apply to K-12 and definitely 6-8. (The sites in the document are listed below.)QuizWebsites.doc
Perception Lab6ScienceThis activity is an introductory exercise geared towards 6th graders. It teaches them that we use all of our senses when making scientific observations.Lesson plan 2 point discrimination.doc

Worksheet 2 point discrimination.doc

Lesson plan taste.doc

Worksheet Taste.doc

Lesson plan Vision with apples.doc

Worksheet Vision with apples.doc
Elements, compounds and mixtures7ScienceThis activity is to reinforce the differences between elements, compounds and mixtures. Students will attempt to identify unknown chemicals and classify them appropriately.Lesson plan Elements, comp, mix.doc

Worksheet Elements, comp, mix.doc
Nomarski Optics8ScienceNomarski microscopy is a costly method to make detailed qualitative analyses of cellular conditions.DLC Request-Nomarski.doc
Human Properties of Multiplication6, 7, 8MathThis activity involves all students in the class. Students are used to make human models of the different properties of multiplication (commutative, associative, identity, property of zero, distributive). Pencils (or another item of choice such as stickers, bookmarks, candy, etc.) are given to students in different manners and amounts in order to show the different properties. At the end of the activity, students are allowed to keep one item (as a representation of the identity property). The two files attached are an html version of the activity only and a Word .doc with a detailed Activity Plan.properties_nsfActPlan.doc

Bits & Pieces: Binary Numbers6, 7, 8MathBinary numbers are the foundations of many everyday activities and items, especially in our technologically dominated society. At the most basic level, everything a computer does is represented in zeros and ones. Every time you turn on a light switch, this is a binary action—off or on. This activity is an inquiry based introduction to the concept of binary numbers, why they are important, how they are used, and how they relate to decimal numbers. It is followed with a short activity to help learn the place values (powers of two) that are used when making binary numbers. The lesson is adapted from the MATHmaniaCS website and is modified for use in a middle school setting. Two files are included. BinaryNumbersActivityPlan.doc is the plan for this activity and is a zipped file containing supplemental materials for the activity.BinaryNumbersActivityPlan.doc
Fraction Pies: Improper Fractions and Mixed Numbers6MathThis activity’s goal is to provide students with a visual model of the relationship between improper fractions and mixed numbers. Students use fraction circles to take parts and make wholes; make wholes and break them up into parts. The activity follows up with the mathematical steps of converting improper fractions to mixed numbers and mixed numbers to improper fractions.impropermixedplan.doc

Fraction Circles: Dividing Mixed Numbers and Fractions6, 7, 8MathThis activity is an introduction to dividing mixed numbers and fractions. It involves modeling the division of mixed numbers and fractions by a whole number. The activity is intended to introduce dividing fractions and mixed numbers by providing a visual model using fraction circles.dividingFractionsByWholeNumbersActivityPlan.doc

Multiple Bingo/Factor Bingo6, 7MathTwo games are included. Multiple Bingo is a game to practice finding multiples of a number. The game is a version of Bingo. Students randomly place numbers on their boards. The teacher calls out a number and the student can mark off ONE multiple of that number. The first to a bingo wins. Factor Bingo is to practice finding factors of a number. The game is played in similar fashion to Multiple Bingo.
5 files are included: BingoActivityPlan.doc is the activity itself, GameBoards.Doc are the bingo game mats, PracticeWorksheets.Doc are assessment problems, is a set of files that can be used to generate numbers randomly to use in the game. MultipleFactorsResources is an additional set of links that provide alternative solutions for teaching multiples and factors (these are the same links as 2-5 below)



Postfix Notation Example of Order of Operations6, 7, 8MathPostfix notation is a way of writing and evaluating mathematical expressions without using parenthesis or order of operations. Some computers and calculators use post fix notation because it is simple and efficient and requires no knowledge of parenthesis or order of operations. This demonstration will show students how a normal (infix) notation is converted into postfix and then how this notation is evaluated. Along the way, students will see the order the numbers are evaluated is the exact same as if we followed the ‘inside-out’ method of evaluating using parenthesis and order of operations.

Included in this activity is the Activity Plan document, a PowerPoint explanation, extra information on Postfix notation and practice problems for advanced grades/students



Module for 6th Health TEKS (STD/STI)6, 7, 8ScienceThis module provides a comprehensive overview of common sexually transmitted diseases, including relevant modes of transmission, disease vector, and prevention/treatment. *WARNING* Some explicit graphics.sti unit.ppt
Building Whole Numbers6MathUsing Base-10 blocks (or alternative paper cut-outs), the students get a feel for whole number place values. This activity guides students to see that place values grow by multiples of ten. Furthermore, students practice identifying place values and building numbers with their blocks.Building Whole Numbers 3.doc
Scaling the Statue of Liberty (or other buildings)8MathThis is a suggestion for an activity in which students will build a scale model of the Statue of Liberty (or it could be changed to any building you know the dimensions of). Included is PowerPoint that can be used to guide your students through the process (and can be edited) as well as a Word document describing the basics of building a scale model. Also included in the Word Doc are other ideas for teaching and reinforcing scaling.Scaling.doc

How Fast Does Your Marble Roll?7ScienceThis is a quick lab exercise to explain the relationship between acceleration and velocity. It also helps show the students that 2 different masses can finish at the same time.Worksheet Acceleration lab.doc

Lesson plan Acceleration.doc
Scientific Method and Probability in the Mars Candy Universe6, 7Science, Math, TechnologyTeach the Scientific Method through M&M candies! Each student or group of students formulates a hypothesis predicting which colored M&M is the most abundant. Subsequently, students test their hypothesis by examining the candies and entering their observations into a MS Excel worksheet. They then determine the independent and dependent variable of the experiment. Finally, the students graph their results in a table, line graph, histogram, and pie chart respectively. The students will then determine which graph is the most effective format for communicating their findings. The activity can be modified to focus on the mathematical elements of random color distribution (probability, etc.)Revised MM Activity Plan.doc

MM Activity Worksheet.xls
Shapes and the Coordinate System7, 8Math, TechnologyThis PowerPoint based activity addresses 8th grade TEKS 8.6 A&B and 8.7 A&D. Students will learn about similar shapes, change in position on the graph, ordered pairs, and views of shapes. The lesson also introduces dilation, reflection, translation, and rotation. A rich "Additional Resources" section is included for further student investigation outside of class.Shapes_CoordinateSystem.ppt
How Do I Impact My Environment8ScienceThis is a web based activity using the Environmental Protection Agency's "kids" page to help students understand how humans impact their environment. It covers air quality, water quality, garbage and recycling.Lesson plan environmental webquest.doc

Worksheet Garbage and recycling.doc

Air quality Worksheet.doc

Worksheet Recycle City.doc
Smoker's Lung: A Smoking Simulation6, 7, 8ScienceThis activity demonstrates the effects of cigarette smoke on the lungs. Students will create an artificial lung and will directly observe what happens to an individual's lungs as they smoke.Smoker's Lung.doc
Blow It Up6ScienceThis activity focuses on measuring respiratory values. By measuring lung capacities and respiratory rates, the students will use the resulting data to first predict, then test their hypothesis.Blow It Up[1].doc

lung capacity worksheets.xls
Technical Challenges to Reviving a Frozen Prehistoric Man8ScienceThis document briefly summarizes the technical challenges to reviving a frozen human being and provides links for information related to frozen human specimen discovered in Italy and modern cryonics facilities.Discovery of frozen prehistoric man.doc
Chernobyl (supplement for Ukraine module)6ScienceNuclear power plants provide energy for people worldwide. There are many threats involved in producing nuclear power though. This PowerPoint presentation addresses some of the past accidents such as Chernobyl and Three-mile Island as well as a scenario if something happened of a power plant in Texas.Chernobyl[1].ppt
Longitude and Latitude (in China)6, 7, 8SS_HistoryThis activity is designed to coincide with the PEER 6th-grade curriculum module The Jade Dragon module, teach the students how to find locations on maps using absolute locations (longitude and latitude), and test the students' knowledge of China from what they learned in the module. The activity is meant to be used as a game. The background story for the game is this: The Jade Dragon has been stolen from its cave and Jace has set off to search for it. To find it he will need to travel to different cities and answer a question in each city to find clues about the next city to go to. The Jade Dragon will be waiting in the final city for Jace once he arrives and answers the question. Help Jace be the first to find the Jade Dragon. The activity is found in the file "LatitudeLongitude.doc" with 3 supplemental files.
If you are not using The Jade Dragon module, this game can be easily changed. If you would like a CD with the PEER curriculum, please visit to receive a free copy.



Modernized Wonders: Creating an Updated List of the Wonders of the World6, 7Math, SS_HistoryIn this activity, students will create a new list of modern Wonders of the World. Through compilation of class ideas and thoughts, data analysis, and objective reasoning, students will use mathematical processes to distinguish modern Wonders of the World.Wonders of the World Activity Plan 2.doc

Wonders of the World Presentation.ppt

Wonders of the World Worksheets.xls
Human's closest genetic relatives7, 8ScienceThis is a short response to the specific question of what species is genetically closest to humans. There are also links to a variety of useful websites on this subject.93 - Genetic Comarisons.doc
Longitude and Latitude--Tomb Robbers on the Run6, 7, 8Soc_StudiesThis is an activity where the students have to crack a code related to places on a map. Thieves have broken into King Tut’s tomb and stolen some valuable jewels. The thieves have accidentally left a note as to where they can be found. The note is a bunch of scribbled numbers with a short message. A geographer notices that the scribbled numbers are actually coordinates on a map. If the students can identify each city that is found at the coordinates, the first letter of each will come together to form the town where the thieves can be found. LongLatActivityPlan.doc is the main plan with 3 supplemental documents (narrative, worksheet and content information).longLatActivityPlan.doc



Mutants in Our Midst6, 7, 8ScienceThis integrated module contains slides on the differences between frog and human anatomy with emphasis on bones and muscle. Mathematical as well as scientific aspects of similarities and differences are discussed. It also contains slides that focus on the phenomenon of frog developmental mutations as indicators of environmental change. The second PPT slide draws heavily from the material from the original PPT file but emphasizes the genetic aspects of frog mutations. The second PPT module may be more appropriate for teachers who wish to focus on DNA mutations rather than physiology.Mutants in our Midst - Anatomy.ppt

Mutants in our Midst - Modified for Genetics.ppt
Wonders of the World - English Activity6EnglishThis PowerPoint presentation is centered around the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. It is geared toward teaching English and History to 6th grade students. The module includes an overview of the traditional seven wonders of the world and includes some activities where students can compile their own list of wonders. Themes about ethnocentricity, historical and religious significance, and an English assignment on Comparing/Contrasting are included along with teacher instructions.Wonders of the WORLD! Activities.ppt
Tenement Reform7, 8EnglishThis activity demonstrates how to use persuasive writing as an effective tool in persuading authority figures to induce reforms and changes within the city. Students will learn and incorporate persuasive techniques, such as repetition, analogy, parallelism, and many others.Tenement Reform.doc
Ology-ology6, 7Science, EnglishThis activity will aid students in researching and informing one another of various and possibly even obscure fields of study. Students will incorporate science, English and social studies concepts into their projects. Exposure to the various areas of study and endless types of jobs and careers available to the students will help in developing their long-term goals as well.Ology-ologyActivityplan.doc
Catch a Wave!!6, 7, 8ScienceThis activity provides a quick and easy way to prove light travels in waves. Students will observe how light travels through filters placed at various angles and discuss how the observed effects of the filters can explain the theory that light travels in waves.polarizing light activity plan.doc
Germs6ScienceThis is a hands on activity to teach students about the different kinds of germs. Students use agar plates to monitor the growth of bacteria at two temperatures.Germ Growth.ppt
Taste of India6, 7SS_HistoryStudents design and create their own travel brochures for prospective travelers to India. This is a standalone activity or can be used in conjunction with the 6th grade PEER module “Midnight at the Marble Tomb”.Tour Book.doc

india worksheet.doc
Bridge Building! Testing Structural Stability of Bridges6, 7, 8Science, MathIn this activity, groups of students will use visual aids of bridges around the world and their creativity to build various bridges of spaghetti and marshmallows. Each group will then test the strengths of their bridges to come to conclusions on the characteristics of strong and stable bridges.
The Activity Plan is found in the StructuralStabilityActivityPlan.doc file. Two worksheet files are provided, both are the same sheet, just in different programs (Word and Excel). The 4th file is a set of bridge pictures for use in the activity.



Animations of the rotation and revolution of the Earth6, 7, 8ScienceThis is simply a list of useful animations on the Earth's rotation and revolution as it relates to the changing seasons.108 - Animations of the rotation and revolution of the Earth.doc
Just Another Number6Science, Math, SS_HistoryDuring the flu epidemic of 1918, 30-40 million people died from influenza worldwide and 675,000 died in the United States. In this activity, students will use these numbers as well as more recent flu and population data to calculate and compare
The Light at the End of the Rainbow6, 7, 8Science, TechnologyThis lesson plan consists of several related activities that allow students to investigate the diffractive and wave properties of light and other forms of electromagnetic energy. The props that the students will use include a water ripple tank and blank CDs. Activities within this lesson plan are highly scalable and easily customized to fit your particular physics curriculum. Your students will enjoy this fun yet informative way to learn about some of the amazing properties of light!CD activity.doc

CD lab.doc
Archeology Treasure Hunt--Graphing Activity8MathGraphing ordered pairs is related to the field of archeology in this activity. The students that participated in this activity prior to submission LOVED it and did very well in terms of achievement. The activity has students solve some simple but interesting problems to find a set of ordered pairs. These points are plotted on a grid and then the students translate them to places in the classroom in order to find the hidden treasures.
6 files are included for this activity.
ArcheologyGraphingActivityPlan.doc details the entire activity. Grid.doc, FloorPlan.doc and TeamProblems.doc are examples of a floor plan, questions and grid that were used in one class. 30Problems.doc is a set of 30 problems that could be used or modified for different classrooms. contains a floor plan and problems for a different classroom as well as answers to both sets of problems.



Let's Eat!8ScienceThis is a short demonstration to help reinforce the functions of each component of the digestive system.Lesson plan Digestion.doc

Digestion Worksheet.doc
Organ Systems Bingo8ScienceThis is a fun game that could be used after the digestive, urinary, respiratory, lymphatic and cardiovascular system had been covered.Body systems bingo cards.doc

Lesson plan Body Systems Bingo.doc

Bingo Questions.doc
Is the Earth Really Round?6, 7, 8Science, SS_History, English, TechnologyEveryone "knows" that the Earth is round, but can we prove it? We don’t really need a satellite photo of Earth to determine that the world is round. This activity includes two demonstrations that prove the Earth is round. One involves shining lamps on flat and round objects and the other requires students to use models of the Earth, Sun, and Moon to observe the shape of the Earth’s shadow upon the Moon. Students can also observe a computer simulation of the Earth’s seasons as well as live video of a lunar eclipse.Is the Earth Really Round Lab - revised.doc
Physics Olympics7, 8ScienceStudents learn how to measure speed, acceleration, and work while competing against each other. Both boys and girls race each other by running a foot race: boys vs. boys and girls vs. girls. In addition each individual student does as many push-ups as possible. The foot races are used to calculate speed and acceleration and pushups are used to calculate work.Physics Olympics.doc
Science Fair Presentation Tips6, 7, 8ScienceTips provided by Texas middle-school teachers for writing up and presenting your experimental results for science fair fair tips.pdf
Meiosis and Mitosis Animations7, 8Science, TechnologyThis document contains links to online FLASH and NON-FLASH animations illustrating the cellular processes of meiosis and/or mitosis. The animations are annotated with helpful vocabulary terms and concise explanations. One link is an interactive activity to test students' understanding of the chromosomal movement during mitosis and meiosis.Meiosis and Mitosis Links.doc
What Causes Air Pressure?6, 7, 8Science, TechnologyIn this activity, students will learn about and investigate the forces behind atmospheric pressure on Earth. Using a simple experiment involving a candle, a jar, and a pan of water, students will be able to observe the physical effect of air pressure on water as a vacuum is created. Also included is a MS PowerPoint presentation on air pressure with colorful diagrams and simple to understand explanations of the earth science principles behind air pressure.Air Pressure Presentation revised 1.1.ppt

Air Pressure Lesson Plan revised 1.1.doc
Earth's Moving Crust: A Movement Lab for Plate Tectonics6, 7, 8ScienceThis activity is designed to create a kinesthetic value for the movement of the earth's plates through a movement experience. The students explore movement based on verbal and/or visual cues dealing with plate tectonics concepts/vocabulary.activity plan for plate tectonic mov't lab.doc

plate tectonics power point.ppt
Literary Exploration of Ancient Myths6, 7, 8SS_History, EnglishIn this lesson plan, students will undertake an exciting trek through the mythical worlds of the ancients. Historical legends and creation myths have been carefully selected from Chinese, Greco-Roman, Native American, and Egyptian cultures to help students understand that these stories give great insight into the world-view of these cultures. The students will also understand how the similarities and the differences between different myths often reflect the cultural similarities and differences. The lesson plan includes a PowerPoint document that gives an overview of the myths in the collection and a MS Word document activity plan that outlines potential points of class discussion and student activities relating to the myths included.Myth Activities 1.doc

Ancient Myths.ppt
Tower Building, Architecture, and Math6, 7, 8MathThis activity is an introduction to the concepts of structure and loading in architecture. Though fairly inexpensive and simplistic, the activity uses basic geometry to describe the underlying structure of buildings.Towerbuilding-2.doc

The Endocrine System7ScienceHere is a very informative PowerPoint presentation that covers all the basic elements of the endocrine system. The presentation also includes instructions for a hands-on activity in which students will build a model of the endocrine system.Endocrine System.ppt
Rain, Rain Go Away6, 7, 8ScienceThe Earth's surface is not exactly the same as it was thousands of years ago. Various processes and forces act to shape and reshape the earth's surface. These forces can be categorized into one of two types: constructive and destructive forces. In this activity, the processes of weathering, erosion and deposition will be investigated.Forces of Nature Activity Plan.doc
Population Density6, 7Math, SS_HistoryIn this PowerPoint, students will explore the concept of population density, through a comparison of China and the U.S. In a visual hands-on activity, they will use M&Ms to represent the population of each country, and place the M&Ms on printed maps.Population Density.ppt
Ancient Myths6, 7, 8SS_History, EnglishThe purpose of this activity is to have students research ancient myths and depict them visually so other students can figure out what happened in the myth. Myths will be drawn from the Greek, Chinese, Native American, and Egyptian cultures.Ancient Myths.ppt

Ancient Myths.doc
Dehydration7Science, MathThis PowerPoint explores the topic of dehydration, any how it relates to body weight. There are numerous math problems in the presentation dealing with percents and proportions. Students will find how much water they need each day based on their weight.Dehydration.ppt
Dam Building Activity6, 7Science, Math, SS_HistoryThis activity is meant to be used with “The Jade Dragon” PEER Module. It allows students to evaluate four different locations for building a dam. The students must think critically about the advantages and disadvantages of each solution, and determine as a team which solution is best. The activity provides a perspective on how our decisions can have far-reaching implications; even implications we may have never foreseen.Dam Activity.swf

Dam Activity Background.ppt

Dam Activity Plan.doc

Dam Discussion Questions.doc
Marble Madness!6, 7MathStatistics is based on the fundamental assumption that we can become more certain about some characteristic of an unknown sample population by taking more samples from that population. This activity helps the students understand that as they draw more marbles from the mystery bag, they become more certain about how many of each marble color are in the bag. It is appropriate for any probability-related lesson for 6th through 8th grade.Probability activity plan.doc

Probability worksheet.doc
Advertising 1016, 7, 8SS_History, EnglishThis activity illustrates the uses of English in advertising by highlighting multiple ways of using the written word to convey ideas. This activity also introduces various inventions from the Industrial Revolution as objects to advertise.Advertising Brainstorming sheet.doc

Advertising Invention List.doc

Advertising Lesson Plan.doc

Advertising Review.doc
Colonization of the Americas8SS_HistoryStudents today may not realize how much land and power the European countries once held in the Americas. Students learn about Europe’s presence in the Americas, but to fully understand the impact of Europe's presence one should turn to a map of that time-period. This activity helps students grasp how much territory the three European countries (that were the major world powers of their time) once held in the Americas.Colonization Activity-Student.doc

Colonization of the Americas-Teacher.doc
Tenement Reform: a Persuasive Writing Activity7, 8EnglishThis activity demonstrates how to use persuasive writing as an effective tool in persuading authority figures to induce reforms and changes within the city. Students will learn and incorporate persuasive techniques into their writings. The students will be writing a persuasive letter to the mayor of New York urging him to reform the tenements in which they live during the 1880’s. The two websites listed give a basic review of persuasive writing techniques and tips on how to use them effectively.Persuasive writing.doc
War of the Worlds: A Radio Play7SS_History, EnglishThis activity will help demonstrate how radio plays work, the effect War of the Worlds had on radio listeners, and the power of the radio and public broadcast. This lesson, though lengthy, covers many English TEKS and teaches students the process of producing a play.Radio Play Activity Plan.doc

Radio play assessment.doc

Radio play student checklists.doc

Radio Play -WOTW Script.doc
Mutation Mania6, 7, 8ScienceThis activity illustrates the burden genetic mutations place on a creature’s ability to survive. Students are given a specific mutation, and then asked to perform mundane tasks. The performance is then discussed using a series of thought-provoking questions.mutation.ppt


Ukraine (teacher version).ppt
Reactors, Radiation, and Radii6, 7, 8MathIn this activity, students use mathematics to calculate how much devastation arose from the Chernobyl disaster. Using this knowledge, they then go one step further to compare how such a tragedy would affect their own home. This activity illustrates to students the importance of mathematics in understanding real-world phenomena while serving as a great integration of mathematics and social studies. Included is an activity plan, a worksheet and an answer key.Chernobyl Activity Plan.doc


Assembly Line Production in the Classroom!6, 7, 8Math, SS_History, TechnologyHave your students ever professed the desire to experience the Industrial Revolution firsthand? Show them what they're missing! This activity lets your students take their place at the assembly line and pump out stacks of paper products in competition with their individual worker peers. They will also research how interchangeable parts affects the production process, learn about the advantages and disadvantages of assembly line production over traditional methods, and even do a little bit of math to learn about the rate of worker productivity and diminishing returns!Assembly Line Production-rev 1.0.doc
8th Grade Lab Ideas8ScienceHere are some websites that offer many various labs for 8th graders. They are very broad as they cover a lot of different topic areas.sciencerequest185-1.doc
A BALANCING ACT: Balancing Chemical Equations6, 7, 8ScienceThis is a hands-on activity for students to learn how to correctly balance chemical equations. Individual students or groups will manipulate unbalanced chemical equations using color-coded note cards to visualize the step-by-step process of balancing chemical equations.BalancingChemicalEquationsLessonPlan.doc

Newton's Laws and chemical reaction web activities8ScienceWebsites for physics Activities to explain the Newton's Laws and sites for activities to explain chemical reactionsPhysics_Websites[2].doc
Exploring Other Cultures (supplement to The Jade Dragon)6SS_HistoryThis presentation is designed as a supplement to the PEER 6th-grade curriculum module: The Jade Dragon.
The slide show includes a plethora of information that explores cultural differences between Chinese and American peoples. Topics discussed include; Confucianism, filial piety, and ancestral worship. In addition, there is a segment on the Chinese culture in America. This presentation can be utilized in its entirety or disseminated to fit specific class needs.
If you would like a CD with the PEER curriculum, please visit to receive a free copy.
192 - Exploring Other Cultures (supplement to The Jade Dragon).ppt
Fight or Flight6, 7, 8ScienceHere is a presentation that introduces the biology behind fear and the fight or flight reaction to fearful situations. Within the presentation is a basic introduction to endocrinology (hormones and how they work) as well as the physiology behind reactions to fear that the students would be familiar with (i.e., goose bumps or fainting). There is also an introduction to various phobias. Accompanying the slideshow is a simple worksheet that ties into a slide that is intended to startle the students (sound is required). From this, the students may actually experience what is being presented.197 - Fight or Flight (presentation).ppt

197 - Fight or Flight (worksheet).doc
Great Depression Stock Market Activity7, 8Math, SS_History, EnglishIn this activity, students will participate in a simplified, simulated stock market which is set up to crash. The objective of this activity is to make students understand the stock market crash of 1929 better and to identify its causes and effects, leading to a better understanding of the Great Depression.Stock Market Activity.doc

Stock Market Activity.xls

Stock Market Values.xls
Agricultural Bioterrorism6, 7, 8SciencePowerPoint presentation which covers the history of agroterrorism, or agricultural terrorism. The presentation shows the routes of entry and our government's response plans to such an event.bioterrorism[1].ppt
Force, Motion, Charts, Graphs Activities for Sixth (6th) grade6ScienceFour activities that involve force, motion, graphs, charts and tables. There are also descriptions of several websites with descriptions for activities appropriate for demonstrating force, motion and energy in middle school classrooms.Force Motion Graphs Charts 6th Grade.doc




Texas Fever7Science, SS_HistoryThis presentation describes Texas Fever and why some cattle were susceptible to the disease while others appeared to be resistant.TexasFever.ppt
Math and Interior Design6, 7MathIn this activity, students explore area, perimeter, and volume by building miniature apartments in shoe boxes. They find the amount of wall paper and carpeting they need, calculate the amount of space various decorations will take up, and then calculate how much trim is needed to go around the different shapes.InteriorDesignLessonPlan.doc

Fun with the Metric System6, 7, 8Science, MathThis activity includes a brief introduction to the Metric System, followed by a group activity involving measurement and conversion. It serves as a great integration between mathematics and science, teaching students to become proficient at using the Metric System. In addition, the activity fosters teamwork and cooperation within the groups and among the class.Metric Lesson Plan.doc

Metric System Worksheet.doc

Metric System.ppt
Online Resources for Laboratory Activities6, 7, 8ScienceThese documents list available online recourses for developing inexpensive lab activities for middle school science classes with a brief description of some of the websites. Also attached is an example of one of the activities found on one of the websites.6thGradeLabActivitiesFromWeb.doc

Valentine's Day Hearts Activity6MathIn this activity, students will uses mixes of Valentine’s Day candy “conversation hearts” to study fractions and percents. They will also formulate their own mixes of these candies from instructions given to them.VdayHeartsLessonPlan.doc



Fraction Circles: Dividing by Fractions6, 7MathIn this activity, the students are introduced to dividing a whole number by a fraction. The main goal is for the students to see that when dividing by a fraction, the resulting value is BIGGER than divisor and the dividend. Then, the students identify that multiplication normally gives us bigger values and the students will actually see why it is that we “flip the divisor and multiply”.DividingbyFractionsActivityPlan.doc

Space Race Math Challenge6MathIn this activity, students will fly on a spaceship through a galaxy on a coordinate plane grid, making stops at different planets to solve math problems on various "missions." The problems cover a variety of review questions for the 6th grade math TAKS test.SpaceRaceLesson.doc



Cell Bingo6, 7, 8ScienceThis game helps to reinforce the various structures, functions, and process of cells, and would be effective to use in reviewing for a test. Students are given a "bingo" card that contains various parts, functions, and organization levels of the cell. The teacher reads a description of a cell or process and the students must find the correct answer on their score card. The student that obtains "bingo" first, is rewarded your reward of choice.214 - Cell Bingo (bingo cards).doc

214 - Cell Bingo (bingo questions).doc

214 - Cell Bingo (lesson plan).doc
Conversions and Simple Machines Activities6, 7, 8ScienceThis document contains a plethora of middle school activities for both conversions and for simple machines. Lesson plans and worksheets are included for some of the activities.Conversions and Simple Machines.doc

Exploring Conversions.doc

I Want to be the Load.doc

Pulleys Pulling All Over the Place.doc

Pulley Pictures.doc

Pulley Worksheet.doc
Math Poker6, 7MathIn this activity the teacher will first explore with students the connection between mathematics and card games, and learn about its history. Then students will work in groups, using a deck of cards to determine the probabilities of drawing various combinations of cards. Finally groups will determine an optimal combination, and play a tournament.MathandCardGames.ppt



The Water Cycle6, 7ScienceThe water cycle explains the sun heating the earth's surface water so that it evaporates. This vapor gathers in clouds which rise to the cold air. When those clouds become too heavy to float, they release their moisture as precipitation. The precipitation collects in lakes or oceans after siphoning through soil or running down rivers. It then evaporates and repeats the cycle once again. This lesson plan describes an activity that demonstrates the water cycle using a model that the students build as a class.218 - The Water Cycle.doc
Ground Water and Reservoir Presentation with Exercises6ScienceThis is a presentation on groundwater and reservoirs along with several key lab exercises that can be incorporatedGround_Water_Cities_DLC219.ppt
King Tut and English Computer Lab Activities6SS_History, English, TechnologyThis file contains a word document that has a brief summary and links to various websites that can be used in an English Course. Some links provide assistance to the students through computer-lab based activities in areas such as grammar and poetry, while other links focus on directing the study and research of King Tut.KingTutandComputerLabActivities.doc
All about the Weather6, 7ScienceAttached are 5 hands-on activities designed to teach 6th grade middle school students about the weather. They will investigate the relationship between temperature and air pressure, the nature of cloud formation, the involvement of precipitation and crystals in snowflakes, and the effect of air pressure on the weather using their own home-made barometers. The activities also include lab safety components and can be easily adjusted for 7th grade if needed.Sea and Land Breezes.doc

Cloud in a Jar.doc

Make Your Own Barometer.doc

Make Your Own Snowflake.doc

Acid Rain.doc
Science Fair Tips6, 7, 8SciencePowerPoint and MS Word documents (handout) to be provided to students interested in participating in a science fairScience_Fair_Tips.ppt

Sentence Scramble7EnglishThis purpose of this activity is to help students develop writing skills by developing sentence structure. Students are asked to unscramble sentences so that they make sense grammatically.Sentence Scramble.doc
Shadow Proportions8MathIn this activity students will use proportions to determine the relationship between similar figures. Then, they are taught to apply those proportions to real life problems. The students will calculate the height of their school building using similar triangles. They can also check their accuracy by calculating their own height and comparing it to their measured height.Proportions.doc


Proportions Worksheet.doc
Will It Sink or Will It Float8ScienceThis is a good activity to review the concept of density and to introduce the concept of buoyant force. Students work through 2 labs. One focuses on density and the other on buoyant force, specifically Archimedes’ principle.Lesson plan Will it sink or will it float.doc

Ans Key Will it sink or will it float.doc

Worksheet Will it sink or will it float.doc
Let's Catch A Wave8ScienceThis activity was used in an 8th grade class. It is a good activity to review the concept of waves. Students work through 3 activities in one lab period. Two focus on waves and the third activity focuses on resonance.Answer Key Lets Catch a Wave.doc

Lesson plan Lets Catch a Wave.doc

Worksheet Lets Catch a Wave.doc
Sack Race6, 7, 8MathThis is an outdoor activity to allow the students to practice multiplying and dividing integers. A number line is setup outside using cones and the class is split up into teams of two. One person does integer calculations and the other partner starts at zero on the number line in a sack. The calculator tells their partner how much to hop backwards or forwards depending on their answer (negative or positive). The first team to hop across the finish line wins!SackRace.doc


You Could Be A Source For Batteries6, 7, 8Science, TechnologyThis presentation is a fun and interesting way to discuss an application of science to real life. It also introduces important concepts of life science that relate to everyday life, such as biochips and physical properties of solutions.Lesson plan You could be a source for batteries.doc

You could be a power source for batteries.ppt
Classroom Erosion6, 7ScienceHere is a simple activity that demonstrates to students the effects of water erosion on rocks. During the activity, students will observe the effects of water erosion on the rocks and in the water. This activity can be used for a variety of lessons. The simplest of which would be to have the students make qualitative observations about the rocks and the processes occurring.Classroom Erosion.doc

Erosion and Weathering.ppt
Vocabulary Quiz Game6, 7, 8Science, Math, SS_History, EnglishThis activity is a fun way for students to learn their vocabulary words for English class but could be used for any subject. Attached are the instructions for playing the vocabulary quiz game, which is similar to Balderdash. The templates for creating the vocabulary cards are also attached so that teachers may customize the game for their own classes.Instructions for Vocabulary Quiz Game.doc

Vocabulary Cards Template.doc

Vocabulary Quiz Template.doc
Forces on an Airplane6, 7, 8Science, TechnologyThis activity has a PowerPoint presentation that explains the main forces on a plane in flight (drag, lift, thrust, and weight). The presentation also explains how these forces affect a plane while in flight. To complete the lesson, students are then instructed to create paper-airplanes while taking the four forces into consideration. Their planes are then flown in a competition for distance, air time, and also most creative design.AirplaneActivity.ppt

The Amazing Atom - Modeling the Atom7, 8ScienceThis demonstration and activity allows the students to visual a 3D representation of the structure of an atom and its composition of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Beginning with an introduction to the atom and the atoms size relative to visual cues of the students, the teacher will then create an atom model using balloons (as the valences) and candies (as the protons, electrons, and neutrons). As the target student level is not familiar with valences and orbital, the focus of this demonstration is on the number and general location of the protons, electrons, and neutrons, as well as the nucleus, atomic mass, and atomic number.Atom Lesson Plan.doc
Rapid Rates of Chemistry!8ScienceThis lesson demonstrates four characteristics that speed up the rate of chemical equations. Through the use of five demonstrations that each focus on the different characteristics of concentration, surface area, catalysts, and temperature, the students will learn to identify how rates can be sped up.CHem Rxn Lesson plan.doc

Plasma Balls7ScienceThis presentation is a fun and interesting way to introduce important concepts of ions, charged atoms and electricity. It specifically addresses how a plasma balls generates streaks of colored light.PlasmaBall.ppt.ppt

Lesson plan How does a plasma ball work.doc
Oooops - Time for Stain Remover!8ScienceThis lab is designed to capture students’ interest in science through a self-directed inquiry. The students are given a problem, formulate a hypothesis, and make a procedure using the materials available to them. The idea is for the students to generate results that with either support or refute their hypothesis.Worksheet Stain Remover.doc

Lesson plan Stain remover.doc
Ride the Waves6, 7, 8ScienceThis activity is an inquiry based way to teach 8th graders the characteristics of waves. Students will learn what factors affect the size of a wavelength and will be able to design their own original experiment using slinkies in order to test a hypothesis that they are curious about.Ride the Waves.doc
Airplane Toss6, 7MathThis activity allows the kids to have fun practicing adding and subtracting decimals. They break up into teams and build paper airplanes. Then they participate in a tournament where each team throws an airplane three times. In each throw, they have to measure the distance in feet and inches and then record the distance as a decimal. At the end, they have to add three distance recordings and subtract the sum from the sum of the team they are playing against. The team with the larger sum wins the match.Tournament.doc



Memory Game6, 7, 8MathThis is the old fashion memory game where you try to match all of the cards in one turn. Each card has a multiplication or division problem and two have the same answer. The kids turn over a card, work the problem, and try to match the answer with another card. If they do, they keep them face up and try another card. If not, they lose their turn. It's a great game to practice multiplying and dividing fractions while increasing their math memory.Memory.doc

Sequences Race6, 7, 8MathThis is an extremely fun game for the kids to practice recognizing patterns and sequences. There are ten stations setup outside and each station has a unique pattern/sequence to solve (increases in difficulty). The class is divided into teams of two and each team has to solve the problem before they can move on to the next one. At the end of the game, you will find the students frantically running around trying to get the answer and be able to move on to the next station. The winning team solves the tenth problem first.SequencesActivity.doc

Creepy Critters7ScienceThis presentation is a fun introduction to two creatures that are commonly misunderstood. When people learn and understand more about feared animals they can also learn to respect them and their habitats.BATS!.ppt


Lesson plan scorpions bats.doc
Who Has Been Bitten By The Big Bad Spider7ScienceThis presentation is a fun and interesting presentation about how our environment impacts us. In particular, how spiders impact our life. This presentation also shows how scientists use the scientific method to solve problems. In this case, how scientists determine which critter is responsible for the health issue discussed.Spiders.ppt

Lesson plan Spiders.doc
Characterizing Quadrilaterals Through Origami6, 7MathIn this active, student-driven lesson, the teacher introduces the characteristics of quadrilaterals through paper folding. The students create a star made up of eight identical pieces. When creating the pieces, the students discuss the different quadrilaterals that appear. Afterwards, the final product serves as a great study tool!Origami and Quadrilaterals Lesson Plan-2.doc
Math Mania!! (or any "mania," for that matter)6, 7, 8Science, Math, SS_History, EnglishIn this fun, animated game, students race to solve problems as timely and accurately as possible. Although originally created for math classes, this game may be adapted for any subject and for many levels.Math Mania Lesson Plan.doc

Sample Math Mania Game.doc
Genetics Activities7, 8ScienceThis is a compilation of several activities that help reinforce the basic principles of genetics. These activities cover genotype and phenotype, impacts of environmental influences on species adaptations, impacts of mutations on a species and properties of inheritance.geneticsactivities.doc
Analyzing Temperature7, 8MathIn this activity, students will use temperature data they collect to explore the concepts of mean, median, mode and range, as well as the representation of data in different types of graphs and plots. The students should be familiar with these concepts before beginning the activity.Analyzing Temperature Activity.doc

Analyzing Temperature Worksheet.doc

Analyzing Temperature Worksheet Example.doc
It's All About Waves8ScienceThis activity was used in an 8th grade class. It is a good computer-based activity to review the concept of waves. The students work through a PowerPoint presentation which directs them at various websites related to waves.Its All About Waves.ppt

Its All About Waves W98 version.ppt

Lesson plan Its All About Waves.doc

Worksheet Its All About Waves.doc

Answer Key Its All About Waves.doc
Making Polymers6, 7ScienceThis activity is designed as an introduction of polymers for students who have no prior knowledge of them. Students will make different polymers, including Gak, and will examine the physical and chemical properties of these polymers.Making Polymers.doc
Equivalent Fraction Licorice6MathIn this activity, students discover the concept of equivalent fractions, using pre-cut pieces of licorice. They then learn to write these equivalencies.Fraction Licoroice Lesson Plan.doc

Equivalent Fraction Licorice.doc
Making a Thanksgiving Dinner6MathIn this activity, students will shop for and purchase food items to make a Thanksgiving dinner. There are two versions of this activity, one for 5th grade and one for 6th grade. The 5th grade version deals with multiplication and addition of decimals, while the 6th grade version deals with calculating the price of items when given a percent off or a tax. After students shop for their food, they will make a Thanksgiving table to put their feast on.Making a Thanksgiving Dinner Lesson Plan.doc

Thanksgiving Pictures.doc

Thanksgiving Worksheet - 5th.doc

Thanksgiving Worksheet - 5th - Answers.doc

Thanksgiving Worksheet - 6th.doc

Thanksgiving Worksheet - 6th - Answers.doc
Newton's Laws8ScienceThis activity allows students to visualize Newton's laws of motion using a "Newton car." Students will have fun testing out different ways to make the cars move and will also be able to tell the difference between Newton's 3 laws of motion.Newton's Laws.doc
Skateboard Science7ScienceThis activity will allow students to explore the relationship between force and motion. Students will work in teams using a skateboard to discover how force and acceleration are connected. Students will also graph their results at the end of the activity.Skateboard Science.doc
Charged up!7ScienceThis is an inquiry activity designed to demonstrate to the students the relationship between pH, ions, charges, and conductivity. Students will test various household products with a simple circuit setup and will be able to explore the connection between chemistry and electricity.Charged up.doc
Integer Chess6MathThis is a very basic activity to introduce students to adding together positive and negative integers through "a battle between good and evil." Evil is represented by negative integers, and good is represented by positive integers in this chess-like war game. An activity extension also incorporates multiplying integers.Integer Chess Lesson Plan.doc

Prison Roster.doc

Integer Chess Sheet - Good.doc

Integer Chess Sheet - Evil.doc
Famous Mathematician PowerPoint Lesson6, 7, 8Math, TechnologyIn this lesson students explore the use of PowerPoint while at the same time studying famous mathematicians of the past. This activity is meant to build the students’ technological skills, while also helping them to appreciate the many unique mathematicians with varied backgrounds.Famous Mathematician PowerPoints Lesson Plan.doc

Female Mathematicians.doc

Male Mathematicians.doc
Christmas Factor Trees6MathThis very simple seasonal lesson reviews forming factors trees in a fun way. Students will make factor trees that resemble Christmas trees, complete with a star on the top with the number to be factored and Christmas ornaments for all prime numbers in the factorization.Christmas Factor Trees Lesson Plan.doc

Sample Christmas Factor Tree.doc
Holiday Shopping Activity6, 7MathIn this fun, seasonal activity, students review percents by going Christmas shopping for their friends and family. They will look through catalogs for gifts to give, and cut the gifts they choose out. Students will have to calculate percent off to get the item’s sale price, and then add on tax to the item.Holiday Shopping Activity Lesson Plan.doc

Projector Sheet.doc

Giftbox Handout.doc
Fraction Card Games6MathIn this lesson the teacher will use decks of fraction cards that they make to teach the students about various fraction concepts, including addition of fractions, common denominators, comparing fractions, and ordering fractions.Fraction Card Games Lesson Plan.doc




Bombs Away: Impacts in Space6, 7, 8ScienceCraters are found all around the surface of the Earth, the moon, and plants throughout the Solar System. While craters can be formed by volcanic activity, most craters found in space are impact craters. Impact Craters are created when meteors crash into the surface of planets and moons. In this hands-on activity, students explore craters in the solar system by learning and practicing crater formation basics using a modelCraters.ppt

CraterLesson Plan.doc

Crater Instruction HandOut.doc

Fall Foliage and the Changing Color of Leaves6, 7, 8ScienceAs an extension lesson with any photosynthesis lesson, this activity explores pigments within plant leaves. While throughout most of the year, leaves appear only green, but as autumn and winter approaches, leaves began to change colors and reds, yellows, purples, and browns become more prevalent than green. This phenomenon is explained using the PowerPoint presentation and hands on chromatography to separate pigments present within leaves.
This lesson would be an appropriate companion with the paper chromatography lesson also in DLC requests.

Changing Colorful Leaves.ppt
Spare Change: Addition and Subtraction of Fractions6, 7, 8MathThe goal of this demonstration is to help students understand the concepts of least common denominator (LCD), simplest form of a fraction, and greatest common factor (GCF), through the use of “real world” application. The students will compare the monetary value of different coins to the fractions that they represent and add and subtract them. The total monetary value can then be converted between decimal and fraction form.Spare Change - Adding and Subtracting Fractions Lesson Plan.doc

Spare Change - Adding and Subtracting Fractions Worksheet.doc
Order of Operations Bingo6, 7, 8MathIn this lesson students will learn how to use order of operations. This lesson includes an introductory discussion, expressions, and game cards.Order of Operations Bingo Lesson Plan.doc

Order of Operations.xls
Archimedes' Recipe for Pi6, 7, 8MathPi, π, is a constant that is irrational and represents the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. This activity will be a variation of Archimedes’ method of determining pi by measuring the perimeter of regular polygons inscribed within circles.Archimedes Recipe for Pi.doc

Archimedes Recipe for Pi Worksheet.doc
Buying on a Budget6, 7MathStudents will plan a shopping budget using estimation skills based on wages earned from chores and what they would like to buy from a local shopping circular.Budget Lessonplan.doc

Budget Worksheet.doc
Rational Code Cracking6, 7, 8MathIn this lesson, the students will calculate the answers to rational expressions in order to crack a “secret code”. Answers are positive or negative rational numbers written either as fractions or as decimals. Expressions involve adding and subtracting positive and negative rational numbers and will be written on notecards, with the associated letter on the back, and placed at several stations in the classroom. The activity uses a “rotation” approach through the stations to get students active and interested.Rational Numbers Lesson Plan.doc

Rational Numbers.xls




What's so special about Convection?6, 7, 8ScienceThis presentation is a fun and interesting way to introduce the important and recurring concept of convection while also introducing conduction and radiation as well. The teacher can use the aquarium demonstration in front of the class or modify the experiment to small groups using clear plastic tumblers.Convection Activity Plan (288).docx



Convection Demo Worksheet.docx
How Water Moves (through materials).6, 7, 8ScienceThis presentation is a fun and interesting way to introduce important concepts of how water moves through different types of common materials. We introduce the concepts of permeability and porosity through a hands on activity where the students can actually see how water moves through sediments.LessonPlanPermeabilityandPorosity.doc

How water moves.ppt


All About Aquifers.doc



Tornadoes - Storms of Destruction6, 7, 8ScienceThis presentation is a fun and interesting way to introduce important concepts of severe weather and tornado formation, a particularly relevant topic in Texas. Students will learn about how tornadoes are classified and how they form. Attached is a file which shows a tornado simulator that was built and used in the classroom for maximum inquiry. Although this model is large, smaller models can be built and utilized effectively. Students will understand the forces that are involved in the creation of severe weather.LessonPlanTornadoes.doc


NISD 7th grade tornado Worksheet.doc

NISD Tornado Presentation 7th grade.ppt
Environmental Webquest8ScienceThis activity was used in an 8th grade class. Students are guided through several websites in which they will review the water, carbon and nitrogen cycles. Additionally, the students will learn how human activities have modified soil, water, and air quality.Answer Key Environment K-8.doc

Lesson plan Environment K-8.doc

Worksheet Environment K-8.doc.doc
How Low Can You Go?6, 7ScienceHere is a simple activity that allows the students to measure temperature changes of ice water over time. The addition of rock salt to the mix lowers the freezing point of the water, yet continued melting of the ice results in plummeting water temperatures. This activity can be used for a variety of lessons. The simplest of which would be to have the students collect data that can be plotted with a line graph. However, this can also be utilized to introduce the students to the concepts of endothermic and exothermic reactions, and the energy transfer that accompanies phase changes of water.How Low Can You Go (Activity Plan).doc

How Low Can You Go (Student Handout).doc
Chemical and Physical Changes6, 7ScienceThis activity demonstrates to students, in a hands-on fashion, the concept of physical and chemical changes. By allowing students a first-hand opportunity to experience the differences between the two types of changes, they will hopefully remember the information better in the future. This activity reinforces the concepts of qualitative observation, inference, and drawing conclusionsChemical vs Physical Changes.doc
Liquid Rainbow6ScienceThis presentation is good activity to teach students about measurements and the importance of accuracy.rainbow worksheet.doc

liquid rainbow.doc
Moving Molecules6ScienceThe purpose of this lesson is to allow students to develop a concrete understanding of the difference in the movement and the speed of molecules in different states of matter.MovingMolecules.DOC
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire6MathThis activity is designed for 5th and 6th graders, and uses play money get across important ideas about fractions and decimals. The 5th grade version uses money as a basis to convert fractions to decimals – I found students could not tell me that ¼ = 0.25, but they could immediately tell me that one quarter of a dollar was 25 cents. So students use money to relate the two concepts, and also practice reducing fractions. The 6th grade version was built to review converting percents to decimals, and multiplying decimals.Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Lesson Plan.doc

Record Your Money Sheet.doc

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Game Board (5th grade, 1 of 2).doc

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Game Board (5th grade, 2 of 2).doc

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Game Board (6th grade).doc
Speed and Acceleration8Science, MathThis lesson begins with a semi-short presentation introducing speed and acceleration via definition followed by mathematical formulation (average), with several visual examples included. The students are then taken outside in order to measure the time taken for selected classmates to run certain distances. The data will be recorded and then used to calculate speed, acceleration, and deceleration.Speed and Acceleration.doc



Community Activity: Quilt Fundraiser6, 7, 8Science, Math, English, TechnologyIn this fun, team-building activity, students use math, science, technology and English skills to create a school-wide quilt contest. For the contest, one class serves as the organizer, while each grade level competes, representing a different cause. The contest raises money for the winning quilt’s organization while requiring the sponsoring class to use their writing, reading, communication, math, and researching skills.Quilt Lesson Plan.doc
How Well Do You Sense Your World6ScienceThis hands-on activity explores our sense of vision, smell, touch and hearing. These senses help us identify odors, sounds and objects. The students will also examine the limitations of their senses.Answer Key How Well Do You Sense.doc

Lesson plan How Well Do You Sense the World.doc

Worksheet How Well Do You Sense.doc.doc
How does rabies spread6, 7, 8ScienceStudents will actively study the transmission the rabies virus. During the activity, with students acting as raccoons, dogs, and human, they can follow the path of the transmission of rabies from wild animals to tame animals and then finally humans.RRScience5ActivityPlan.doc


short rabies.ppt
TEKS Reference Sheets6, 7, 8Science, MathNow you can have all of the 6th-8th grade Math or Science TEKS at your fingertips with these two-sided reference sheets. The text of each TEK has been edited for clarity and brevity and related TEKS have been grouped under headings reflecting their common subject matter for ease of reference, and it all fits on one front-and-back printed page! Each sheet is provided here in both black-and-white and color PDF formats. Laminate one and it will become one of the handiest quick references in the classroom.TEKS_Math_BW.pdf



Stone City Bluffs6, 7, 8ScienceThis presentation and activity show the students the relevance of local history while incorporating geologic time and concepts.LessonPlanStoneCityBluffs.doc

Stone City Bluffs.ppt

Stone City Bluffs Worksheet.doc

Background Info Stone City Bluffs.pdf
Creating a Squares Booklet7, 8MathThis hands-on activity helps students bridge the gap between the geometric and arithmetic meaning of the square of a number. Students create booklets illustrating all the squares of numbers from one to twenty. Not only does this serve as a great reference when working with squares, but when students must calculate square roots later on, the booklet proves to be especially useful.Squares Booklet Lesson Plan.doc
Brainzium: An Integrated Game6, 7, 8Science, Math, English, TechnologyThis academic version of the popular game, Cranium, is a huge hit in the classroom! The board game allows students to practice challenging questions from the UIL categories of science, general mathematics, calculator applications, number sense, spelling, and dictionary skills. Students can play individually, in pairs, or in
Algebra Flashcards8MathAlgebra students often have difficulty solving linear equations. Since the entire course relies so heavily on this fundamental concept, these Algebra Flashcards are a great resource to help students practice. The Flashcards may be used for the classic game of Memory, for individual practice, or for use in a bingo game.Instructions.doc

Algebra cards.xls

Algebra cards(2).xls
Bubblegum Breakdown6, 7ScienceTake the most timeless classroom taboo and turn it into a hands-on activity to explore the scientific method and a possible introduction to the use of balances. Bubblegum on the market (not sugar free) can consist of up to 75% sugar. The sugar provides the short-lived flavors of bubblegum, and disappearance of the flavors is a result of sugar being dissolved in your mouth. Comparing the mass of gum before and after being chewed will clearly demonstrate how much of a single piece of gum is actually sugar.Bubblegum Breakdown (Activity Plan).doc

Bubblegum Breakdown (Student Handout).doc
Rolling Rock Cycle6, 7, 8ScienceThis hands-on activity and lesson reviews the students on basic geological principles and cycles. Using common classroom materials the students will replicate the processes controlling the rock cycle and make sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks out of wax crayons.Geology.ppt


Geometric Nets: Feeling Flat?7, 8MathThis lesson will help the students understand how to calculate the total surface area of simple geometric 3-dimensional figures by relating them to net models. They will also use a polyhedron construction kit to build polyhedra, design and recognize different nets for them, and compete for the most original design.Geometric Nets Lesson Plan.doc

Geometric Nets Worksheet.doc
Tail of the Trail6, 7, 8ScienceThis presentation is a fun and interesting way to take some simple and inexpensive materials to allow students to investigate fossil remains in the form of dinosaur tracks to make predictions about how and where animals lived and died.Tail of the Trail LessonPlan.doc

The Tale of the Trail.ppt

Sauropod tracks.doc

Other tracks.doc
EXCELLING in Geometry7, 8MathThis activity uses Microsoft Excel in order to review geometric concepts such as translation, rotation, reflection, and dilation (or size transformation). It can be given in a variety of different ways depending on the target grade level and the class understanding of Excel.Excel+Geometry.doc

Hypertensive Statistics7, 8MathThis activity is primarily dedicated towards having students calculate the mean, median, mode, and range of given systolic blood pressure data and then graphing the results. However, prior to this activity, a short presentation is given in order to introduce to the students the basic function of the heart, vasculature, and the meaning, measurement, and consequences of high blood pressure; therefore illustrating to students the application of mathematics in science and showing that these two disciplines often work in collaboration.Hypertension.doc

GK12_Analyzing Blood Pressure.doc


The Motion of Learning6ScienceThe goal of this activity is to show the students how changes in motion can be graphically represented. The students will collect and plot data of distance traveled while executing various movements over a fixed time period. After graphing their individual data (distance as a function of time) the students will be able to identify how the slopes of the line graph represent the speed at which they were moving.The Motion of Learning (Activity Plan).doc

The Motion of Learning (Student Handout).DOC
One bean, two bean, three bean, four6ScienceThis activity is a fun and easy activity to demonstrate how scientists use the classification system to identify organisms. The students will examine a mix of beans/peas and categorize them into groups. They will also use a dichotomous key to determine the name of each bean/pea.Lesson plan One bean two beans.doc

Answer key One bean two beans.doc

Worksheet One bean two beans.doc
Forensic Science6, 7, 8ScienceStudents seem genuinely interested in forensic science. This is due, in part, to glamorization of this field by shows such as Crime Scene Investigation (CSI). This presentation details several careers related to forensic science and discusses some interesting background information.Forensic Scientists.ppt

Lesson plan Forensics.doc
Social Studies and English/Language Arts TEKS Quick-Reference Sheets6, 7, 8SS_History, EnglishDue to the popularity of our 6th-8th grade Math and Science TEKS quick-reference sheets, we have produced versions for Social Studies and English/Language Arts. These two-sided reference sheets feature all grade-level TEKS, edited for clarity and brevity, with related TEKS grouped under headings reflecting their common subject matter for ease of reference. All sheets are provided in color PDF formats but will also print well in black and white. Laminate one and it will become one of the handiest quick references in the classroom.TEKS_ELA_6_8_Color.pdf



Graphing Worksheets6, 7, 8ScienceThese are five graphing worksheets designed to aid students in understanding, interpreting, and drawing conclusions from various types of graphs.WorkingwithGraphslesson.doc





The Edible Cell6, 7, 8ScienceIn this hands-on activity, students will use edible materials to create a model of a plant or animal cell. They will learn about the different organelles and parts that make up a cell.EdibleCellsActivityPlan.doc



The Effects of Acid Rain6, 7, 8ScienceIn this activity, students will explore the concept of acid rain using pennies. They will look at the changes that occur to pennies left in an acid rain-like environment (vinegar) compared with pennies left in normal water.AtmosphereActivityplan.doc



Acid Rain Powerpoint.ppt
Genetic Expression6, 7, 8ScienceThere are two activities related to genetic expression. In one, pairs of students combine their chromosomes to create an organism which they then build. In the other activity, the class as a whole discusses inherited traits, dominant and recessive and they record this information and plot it.Background Information Frequencies.doc

Chromosome Activity Worksheet.doc


LessonPlanGenetic Expression.doc




Does your weight or age change if you leave Earth?6, 7, 8ScienceThese are two good activities to use during a space exploration chapter that allow the students to calculate their age and/or weight on other planetary bodies.LessonPlanYour Weight and Age in Space.doc

Age in Space Worksheet.doc

Weight in Space Worksheet.doc
Rainforests!6, 7, 8ScienceThis PowerPoint presentation is intended to stimulate student’s interest in the rainforest, exploring the importance of the rainforest, endangered animals and the dangers of logging and farming.Worksheetforest.doc.doc


The Adaptation Game6, 7, 8ScienceThis game is meant to give students an understanding of the definition and function of adaptation. It also gives students practice in identifying different organisms’ adaptations to its environment that allows it to have an improved function.Adaptation game lesson plan.doc

Adaptation Game worksheet.doc

The Adaptation Game.ppt
Calculating Surface Area Under Pressure!7, 8Science, MathThe primary focus of this lesson is to introduce the basic qualitative concepts and associated mathematical formulation for pressure. The motivation is to introduce the students to a physical application involving the measurement and/or computation of surface area, which is treated as a secondary objective herein. This lesson begins with a short presentation that qualitatively defines pressure through examples, in order to make it more tangible to the students, and then gives the mathematical formulation. There are then two quick computations practicing the use of the pressure formula, followed by two short activities that first require the measurement and computation of surface area in order to calculate either force or pressure given the other.GK12_A2_Pressure.ppt


Pressure Worksheet.doc
The Wonderful World of Fractals6, 7, 8Math, TechnologyThis is a simple PowerPoint presentation-based lesson about fractals. Students will follow along with the slides as you present them, learning about fractals and drawing some fractals of their own. This is suggested for a math club, math camp, or similar enrichment activity. This is based off the activities of Cynthia Lanius but is put into an easier-to-use PowerPoint form, and cut up into a simple unit appropriate for just one class period.Fractal Lesson Plan.doc

The Wonderful World of Fractals PowerPoint.ppt
Crank Up The Volume8ScienceThis activity was used in an 8th grade class. Students work through a series of fun activities that help to reinforce the properties of sound waves.Answer Key Crank Up The Volume.doc

Lesson plan Crank Up The Volume.doc

Worksheet Crank Up The Volume.doc
Texas Rocks6, 7, 8ScienceTexas Rocks is a supplement for lesson plans about the different rock types across the state of Texas. Included is a map labeling rock types and a brief description of each rock.Texas Rocks[1].ppt
The Great Easter Egg Hunt6MathIn this activity, the teacher turns the classroom into a gigantic coordinate plane, and places plastic Easter eggs at points on the coordinate plane. Students in five teams go on an egg-to-egg scavenger hunt, solving math TAKS problems found inside the Easter eggs in order to get the coordinates for their next point. After going through 10 points in this way, the hunt is ended.Easter Hunt Lesson Plan.doc

Easter Hunt Handout.doc

Easter Hunt Points 5th.doc

Easter Hunt Points 6th.doc
Towers of Hanoi7MathThis enrichment activity is meant to be used by a math club or math camp, or similar. In this activity, students solve the puzzle of the “Towers of Hanoi” by trying to find the least number of moves needed to get disks from one tower to another, without ever putting a smaller disk under a larger disk. Students will find the least number of moves when dealing with 1 disk, 2 disks, 3 disks, and four disks, and then will guess the equation relating number of disks to minimum number of moves.Towers of Hanoi Lesson Plan.doc

Towers of Hanoi Worksheet.doc

Towers of Hanoi Bases.doc
The Exciting World of Flexagons6, 7, 8MathIn this activity, students learn about the mathematical oddity of flexagons. As they follow along with a PowerPoint about flexagons, they construct their own tri-hexaflexagon and tetra-tetraflexagon out of paper. They answer questions regarding edges, faces, and vertices. This is an enrichment math activity meant for a math club, math camp, or similar. It is a fun activity appropriate for nearly any age.Flexagon Lesson Plan.doc

The Exciting World of Flexagons!.ppt

TriHexaFlexagon pattern.doc

TetraTetraFlexaon pattern.doc
Make Your Own Utopia7, 8Science, SS_History, EnglishThe Make Your Own Utopia activity serves as an introduction to the Dystopian Novels PowerPoint presentation. This activity encourages students to think through the formation of a utopia and reasons for its possible success or failure. A worksheet for answers is also included. The PowerPoint presentation introduces the concepts of a utopia, including multiple historical examples, and is intended to serve as a foundation for reading The Giver. Dystopian novels are introduced as a literary genre which warns against what could possibly go wrong with a "utopia-forming" attempt. The novels 1984, Fahrenheit 451 and Brave New World are briefly analyzed, and students are encouraged to think through the idea of forming a utopia and some potential consequences.makeyourownutopia.doc


Dystopian Novels.ppt
Revolutionary War Medical Techniques8SS_HistoryThis interactive power point presentation is all about the medical practices used during the Revolutionary War. It includes information on techniques used, hospitals, and surgeries.Revolutionary Medical Treatment.ppt
Safety Activities6, 7ScienceThis activity can be used for multiple grade levels as a creative way to reinforce safety concepts learned in class. After the student makes the safety poster, he or she then presents the concept to the rest of the class. This is helpful as peer teaching is a valuable retentive learning process.Safety_Activities.doc
St. Patrick's Day Four Leaf Clover Hunt6, 7MathIn this activity, students learn that a St. Patrick’s Day leprechaun has misplaced his four-leaf clover. Students are given four hints in the form of fractional puzzles, and each hint leads to one of the four circular petals of the leprechaun’s lost clover. Each time students locate a petal, they must find its circumference and area before continuing. When students have found all four petals, they assemble their four-leaf clover and return it to the leprechaun!Clover Hunt Lesson Plan.doc

Clover Hunt Clues.doc

Clover Hunt Answer Key.doc

Clover Hunt Pre-test and Post-test.doc
Rocks, Rocks, and More Rocks6, 7, 8ScienceThis presentation can be used to present information about rocks. The PowerPoint contains information about sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rock types and formation, as well as a brief definition of cleavage and foliation. A list of links to information pertaining to this subject is also available.Rocks, Rocks, and More Rocks1.ppt
Liquid Rainbow7ScienceIn this activity, students learn to make conclusions about the densities of different colored saline solutions by observing how they behave with each other. Below is a worksheet developed specifically for a lesson located at Rainbow.doc
Beat the Heat7, 8ScienceThis lesson plan is about heat and salts effect on the melting point of ice. Students will use thermometers and follow a step by step worksheet to compare the melting temperature of ice with an ice and salt mixture. Students will be asked inquiry based questions based on what they have learned.Lesson Plans.doc

Beat the Heat worksheet.doc
What's in Your Food?7ScienceWhat are we really eating for breakfast? This lesson plan will take students through the importance of iron in the body. Students will learn about the facts of iron as it pertains to the periodic table of elements, to how it makes blood red, and many more important facts.Iron.ppt

Sum It All Up!6MathIn this activity, students will engage in a meaningful review of previously learned material or new material. This plan will work very well in preparation for a test by giving the students extra practice. It will allow the students to see areas in which they might need clarification or areas in which they will need extra help. During this activity the students will be able to be active with their classmates, where they will be able to help each other in a peer on peer environment.DLC1.doc



How much Money do YOU have?6MathThis activity will guide students through the process of recognizing equivalent forms of fractions and decimals. They will use money as an example in order to better understand the equivalences between fractions and decimals.Money_Equivalence Lesson.doc

Money Worksheet.doc
The Metal of Money7ScienceA presentation covering the basic properties of metals, a discussion of how metals have shaped history, and a brief history of the role of metals in money. The presentation includes a link to a virtual tour of the US mint as well as fun trivia about US coins.Metal of money lesson plan.doc

The Metal of Money.ppt

the metal of money wksht.doc
Math Giants (but still in middle school)!6, 7MathThis activity lets middle school students be "math giants". The students are given dry erase boards, markers, and erasers. They line up outside, side by side and watch for the activity leader to write a question on a dry erase board and ask it aloud. The students will write the question on their dry erase boards, show their work and try to give the answer. If they get it right they get to take two GIANT steps forward. The questions provided are designed to be a review of the first six week material for sixth and seventh grade.Math Giants (but still in sixth grade)!.doc

Math Giants (but still in the sixth grade)!.ppt

Seventh Grade Review Problems.doc

Sixth Grade Review Problems.doc
Mississippi River Game6, 7, 8SS_HistoryA board game that has the student traveling down the Spanish occupied Mississippi River in 1974. Players must manage their food, supplies ammunition, and cargo as they face the dangers encountered by traders of this time.Ammunition cards and Cargo cards.ppt

City Cards front and back.ppt

Food, Supplies,and Money Cards.ppt

All About Scientific Journals6, 7, 8ScienceThis PowerPoint is informational and is meant to address scientific journals and articles, as well as introduce students to how do construct a scientific (laboratory) notebook.DLC546_ScientificJournals.ppt
Rock Concept Map7, 8ScienceThe Rock Type concept map allows students to understand the processes and characteristics of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. This activity should be used as a review of information covered in class. The concept map works well as a contest among students and can be used as a study sheet.Rock Type Concept Map.doc

Rock Concept Map.ppt
Au, Let's study metals, nonmetals, and metalloids with an Ag!7, 8SciencePresent both verbally and visually material regarding metals, nonmetals, and metalloids by utilizing the periodic table, diagrams, and illustrations.MetalsActivityPlan.doc


Smile Metric Style!6Science, MathUsing the metric system can be very confusing and difficult for many students. This activity enables the students to practice working with the metric system. The students will be able to:
1. Accurately use a metric ruler to measure length.
2. Accurately read and record measurements taken in centimeters and millimeters.
3. Find a sum of multiple metric measurements.
4. Compare and order individual measurements.
5. Use a histogram to graph their results.

Math Jeopardy!6MathThis is a fun way to review addition and subtraction of fractions and decimals. Students love competitive activities and this can be the perfect way to review different concepts in one class period.Math_Jeopardy Lesson.doc

The Forces on Your Body7ScienceIn this lesson plan, students will be able to construct their own hands in order to visualize the levers found in our fingers. An instructional power point discusses the forces that we have acing on our bodies.finger.ppt


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Fighting Diseases Worldwide7, 8ScienceA presentation discusses the history of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as well as its mission and goal to fight diseases worldwide. The presentation includes a brief explanation of the major organization, which comprise the CDC, as well as some of the diseases and conditions, which are of chief important to the organization. The CDC scientists and physicians work closely with other similar organizations such as the U. S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), and this relationship is highlighted. A video clip of the USAMRIID facility is also included. This presentation is inquiry-based for those students, who have an interest in the areas of science and medicine.CDC.ppt


Math Review Game (General Review Game)6, 7, 8Science, MathThese are two competitive review games, one designed for probability and the other for one and two step equations solving. It can be adapted for most subjects.Probability answers.doc

1 and 2 step equation answers.doc

LessonActivity for MathReview.doc

Math Mania Game (1 and 2 step equations).doc
Trivia Football6MathAsk the students if they enjoy sports? Propose to them a review game that will resemble playing football. Be sure to encourage the students to participate in the activity and make sure they understand how important the material is. This activity was created to use as a review for the Sixth Grade Benchmark Test. It can be changed to cater to any lesson plan. It actively involves the entire class and promotes friendly competition.DLC2.doc


Education; How Important is it?6, 7, 8Science, Math, SS_History, English, TechnologyThis is a fun motivational PowerPoint designed to motivate students to stay in school.Stay in School.ppt
Coordinate Plane (Drawing) Activity7, 8MathThis activity allows students to practice their ability to find points in the coordinate plane by creating a line image based on several coordinate pairs. It also lets them create their own drawing and turn it into a work sheet for fellow students.Coordinate Plane.ppt




The Rock Cycle and Energy8ScienceA lesson that teaches students about the rock cycle and asks them to critically think about the implications of the rock cycle. The activity allows students to review the information they have learned in class.The Rock Cycle.ppt

Rock Concept Map.ppt

Rock Type Concept Map.doc
Cootie Catchers6MathThis activity is designed for the students to do some manual work consisting of paper folding as well as come up with their own problems regarding any subject they are currently studying. After students create their “cootie catcher” or as I have known it, their “fortune teller” they can pass it around to other students and they can solve each other's problems. This is useful when we want the students to practice quick thinking skills and to have some responsibility over their own learningCootie_Catcher_Pictures.ppt

Area Estimation of Irregular Shapes - Inquiry Learning6, 7, 8MathAn activity to estimate the area of irregular shapes and practice finding the area of simple shapes. Inquiry learning.Area Estimation.doc

Area Estimation Worksheet.doc

Estimating Areas.ppt
Ratios, Proportions and Mendelian Genetics6MathThis is a fun review of ratios and proportions using genetics as an application. It features an engaging PowerPoint and board game review.Ratios Proportions and Mendelian Genetics.doc

Ratios and Proportions.ppt

Cards 6th grade.xls

To Infinity...and Beyond6, 7, 8ScienceThis activity is a fun and interesting way for students to get outside and visualize the vastness of the universe and Earth’s place in it, while providing a nice review of major solar bodies. Students will begin traveling through our solar system and make their way to the edge of the universe, stopping at several planets, stars, and galaxies along the way.Scaling the Universe lesson.doc

Scaling the Universe.doc

Items and yardage.doc
Circles from Space6MathThis is a hands-on activity where students will get to imagine a scenario about UFO's crashing into Earth. Students will use compasses, a scaled map, and the relationship between radius or diameter and circumference of a circle to describe what would happen if a UFO crashed in the United States.CirclesFromSpace_LessonPlan.doc


All-Star Basketball Slam Dunk6, 7, 8ScienceThis fun and very interactive lesson plan will show your students the difference between planetary revolutions and rotations. It does this by using a basketball slam dunk contest to gain interest and enthusiasm on this usually confused topic.All-Star_Game_Day_Lesson.doc



Geometric Vocabulary6MathThis is a fun review for geometric vocabulary, finding area, finding circumference and finding volume. It contains a PowerPoint for review with fun animations, cards for a game of Taboo and flashcards for further study.vocabulary.ppt


Geometric Vocabulary.doc
Nutrition in your Life6, 7, 8ScienceThis Resource includes a power point presentation that describes the old and new food pyramids. It also breaks down the many facets of the new food pyramid for easier understanding. There are also a couple lesson plans for the students to further their understanding and an activity that shows pictures and hints of vegetables and has the students guess what they are.FastFoodFrenzyActivityPlan.doc


Fast_Food_Worksheet and answers.doc

Coal Power...How Does it Work?6, 7, 8ScienceLearn about coal power plants, and the detrimental effects these plants have on worker’s health and the environment.Coal Power DLC.doc

Sustainability versus Growth6, 7, 8SS_History, EnglishThis is a PowerPoint presentation on the theory of over-population versus sustainable growth.Sustainability.ppt
Periodic Health Evaluations6, 7, 8ScienceThis lesson goes over why it is important to visit the doctor regularly for checkups.Importance of Doctor Visits.doc

lesson plan.doc

Periodic Health Evaluations.ppt

Getting Ready For That College Stuff!6, 7, 8Science, Math, SS_History, English, TechnologyLesson plan and activity dealing with the college application process. It contains a timeline for application and an online scavenger hunt to familiarize students with various colleges and their websites.Getting Ready for that College Stuff! (Edited).ppt
Osmosis In Action6, 7, 8ScienceA presentation and activity demonstrating key concepts of diffusion and osmosis.Diffusion and Osmosis.ppt

final document diffusion (10-16-07).doc
Preparing for Success8Science, Math, SS_History, EnglishThis is a presentation that focuses on how students can prepare for life after high school graduation. There is specific information on how to start looking for financial aid such as grants or scholarships, the importance of summer programs and community service, and how community colleges may be the right place to start. Many slides center on how disadvantaged students can gain help in attending college or trade school.Preparing for Success.ppt
On Being a Leader8SS_HistoryThis is a power point presentation about qualities that leaders possess. First the students get a chance to list some traits that they think leaders possess. Then they see activities that they can get involved in around the community to lead to becoming a leader.Leadership[1].ppt
Surface Area Estimation of Irregularly Shaped Objects- Inquiry Learning7, 8MathAn activity to estimate the surface area of irregularly shaped objects and practice finding the surface area of simple shapes. Inquiry learning.Estimating Surface Area.ppt

Surface Area Estimation.doc

Surface Area Estimation Worksheet.doc
Body System7ScienceIt's a webquest that shows how the workings of the body are all document (human body).doc
Name that Item!6, 7, 8ScienceStudents will attempt to identify items in two different ways: by using observations made by the teacher, and then by using their own observations through their sense of smell. In doing so, the students will compare the methods of indirect and direct observation.Name That Item! DLC.doc

Name That Item! worksheet.doc
Making Sense of Numbers6MathIn this lesson and activity, students will be introduced to the Least Common Multiple (LCM) and Prime Factorization (PF). This plan will also work well as a follow up lesson as clarification. The students will have the opportunity to be active participants in the lesson and activity, while also learning new vocabulary.DLC3 Making Sense of Numbers.doc

LCM and PF worksheet.doc

LCM and PF worksheet2.doc

LCF and Prime.ppt
Operation!6, 7MathThis is a game used to help students get familiar with the order of operations, and also have fun! The class is divided into teams and the teacher writes parts of an equation on the board. It is the student's job to fill in the equation with the appropriate numbers and/or operators. All operators may be used!Operation!.doc
Money to Burn: Fired up about the Scientific Method6, 7, 8ScienceThis is a lesson plan with a PowerPoint presentation and a demonstration for students to be able to view the scientific method in action. It is also a flamboyant introduction to chemistry and the execution of chemical reactions.Scientific Method DLC.ppt

Scientific Method DLC- Money to Burn.doc

Scientific Method DLC- Money to Burn - Worksheet.doc
Network Security and Cryptography6MathThis presentation and activity introduces the technology of secure network communication. Students will be introduced to the concept of Cryptography: converting ordinary messages to secret codes using keys. Students will be required to create a simple cryptography wheel and use the wheel to decrypt coded answers to fun riddles by using a key. The key for each coded messages must be obtained by solving a math problem, in this case greatest common factor (GCF). This lesson provides a fun secret messaging activity and motivation for the students to work on GCF problems.Cryptography and Network Security.ppt

Math Cryptography Lesson Plan.doc

Math Cryptography Wheel.doc

Math Cryptography Worksheet.doc
Graphorama6, 7, 8ScienceThis lesson presents guidelines for making effective data tables and graphs. An activity allows students to collect their own data which they can arrange in a data table and graph.graphing.ppt

graphing worksheet.doc

Multiplying and Dividing Decimals6, 7MathA power point presenting simply methods to multiply and divide decimals. Can be used as a review or to help introduce the topic.Multiplying and Dividing Decimals.ppt
Think Quick6, 7, 8ScienceIn this hands-on activity, students test their reaction times to see if sight, sound, or touch is fastest. No special materials are required -- you need only 1 meter/yard stick per group (~4 students). This lesson gives students to practice the scientific method and math skills.Think Quick.doc

Think Quick ws.doc
Crystal Candies6, 7, 8ScienceIn this activity, students make their own rock candy as a demonstration of crystals and supersaturated solutions.Crystal Candies.doc

Online quiz kit6, 7, 8Science, Math, SS_History, English, TechnologyThis kit is intended to be an example or a template for a simple online multiple choice and free response quiz. Student responses and results may be viewed from an online
The Life Cycle of a Star6, 7, 8ScienceThis is a quick power point that gives some basic information about stars and our Sun and their life cycles.The Life Cycle of a Star.ppt
Economic Value of Native Grass Ecosystems8ScienceThe PowerPoint presentation describes the nonmonetary services that native ecosystems provide & also uses switch grass for biofuels as a specific example of how utilizing native ecosystems can be economically valuable as well. The activity requires the student to estimate the area of a piece of land using the methods that it describes and calculate how much money could be earned by harvesting switch grass from it.Estimating Ecosystem Value PLAN.docx

Estimating Ecosystem Area Worksheet.doc

Methods for Estimating Areas.docx

Value of Native Ecosystems.ppt
Diabetes8ScienceThis activity is designed to give students a better understanding of diabetes and how it could affect them. It provided the technical information of how diabetes is developed and what consequences come with the prevalent disease. The overall goal of the activity is to encourage healthy eating and exercise habits that can help stay or even prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes.679-Diabetes-lesson.ppt


Catch a Cloud!8ScienceIn this activity, students will explore the relationships between solar energy, water, and the weather by creating their own clouds. In doing so, students will better understand how weather is formed and regulated out of what may seem like “thin air.”Catch a Cloud_ReducedSize.ppt

Catch A Cloud! Worksheet.doc

Catch A Cloud! DLC.doc
A Supplementary Activity to Practice Multiplication and Division of Decimals with Word Problems6, 7, 8MathA PowerPoint presentation with worksheet that uses a road trip to introduce information and questions that students must figure out how to answer. This should be a supplementary activity.ROAD TRIP WORKSHEET.doc


A Stellar Cellular Ceiling6ScienceIn this activity, students will be assigned a particular organelle to research. They will then use critical thinking and problem solving skills to come up with the best way to represent their organelle on a ceiling model of either a plant or animal cell and complete a report on their research. There is an accompanying worksheet that has the students compare organelles to important parts of a city emphasizing the function of each organelle in the cell.Cellular Ceiling Activity Plan.doc

Cellular Ceiling Worksheet.doc

Cellular Ceiling Worksheet (Answer Key).doc

Cell Labeling.pdf
Recycl-ogy (Worms and Trash!)6ScienceThis activity allows students to control factors affecting the rates of recycling using worms and everyday organic trash. Students will be able to construct their own worm-recycling bin and control the amounts of trash, soil, water, and materials added. Over a period of time, students will measure the rates of soil produced and the worms' reproduction rates to see the factors controlling recycling.LessonActivityPlan_RecyclingOrganicMaterials_RMullins.doc
Cultural Diversity8EnglishHelp students seek what lies beneath the facade of their fellow classmates to develop understanding of one another.Activity plan for DLC.doc

DLC_cultural diversity.doc
Weathering Away7ScienceThis lesson plan should take about 1 class period. The Power Point presentation gives an introduction to weathering, the causes of weathering, and reviews soil formation. Instructor should review concepts and objectives discussed in the PowerPoint. Students will apply information learned from the lecture to identify differences in chemical and physical weathering in the activity provided.Weathering.ppt

Weathering Activity Plan.doc

Lab Safety Scenes6, 7, 8ScienceThis activity gives students a chance to act out unsafe lab practices and discuss why the practices are unsafe. Through hands on activity, the students can gain a better appreciation for why lab safety is important.LabSafetyLP.doc



Whoops! Accidents that led to the development of familiar products6, 7, 8Science, SS_HistoryThis lesson includes a power point presentation citing historical discoveries that happened by accident. The presentation tells many interesting stories behind various inventions including tea, vulcanized rubber, chewing gum, safety glass, Penicillin, Teflon, and many more. This activity is intended to stimulate students’ interest in discovery and reading.whoops.ppt

Geological Terms and Definitions6, 7ScienceThe following information is a compiled source of PowerPoint presentations from the PEER website. Each presentation covers the basic knowledge of the rock cycle and basic elements of geology. A fun crossword is attached for students to practice their understanding of geology.The Rock Cycle.ppt



It's Elemental, My Dear Oxygen8ScienceThe goal of this lesson is the teach students about the properties of elements and how they affect where an element is located on the periodic table. It will start with a lecture by the teacher on the components of the periodic table. Once the lecture is completed an activity will reinforce learning.Elements_and_Properties.doc




Newton's Second Law7, 8ScienceStudents will use materials provided and their knowledge of Newton’s second law to observe and determine the connection between acceleration, forces, and mass.DLC Request Newton's Second Law.ppt

Activity Plan DLC Newton's Second Law.doc

Lab worksheet.doc
Newton's First Law8ScienceThis activity allows students to explore Newton's First law.Worksheet - Racing Newtons First Law.doc

Activity Plan - Newtons First Law.doc
Forensic Math7, 8MathThis activity is designed as a Crime Scene Investigation exploration and will grab students' interest in examining the concepts of graphing and making educated conjectures. The students will create a scatter plot of height and then use a best fit line equation to solve a mystery.DLC696_Forensics.ppt





Introduction to Genetics6, 7, 8ScienceThis lesson consists of a power point presentation that gives a general introduction to genetics. First, Mendel’s peas are elaborated on, and then, students are given the basic structure of a chromosome. Following this, important definitions are defined before the students have a chance to see how to set up a Punnett square and how to work problems. The class has a chance to go through more example problems. Following this lesson up with a worksheet where students work Punnett square problems individually may be of interest.Introduction to Genetics.ppt
An Escape from Bioterrorism6, 7, 8Science, Math, Technology“An Escape from Bioterrorism!” explores the idea of how scientific modeling follows fits in to the scientific method. This activity is designed to teach how bioterrorism could be dangerous and how we can prevent it from spreading. To gain the most knowledge of bioterrorism, students will participate in a hands-on activity to test a simple model of vector-borne disease. Afterwards, the class will discuss the results and its effects in the real world. The entire activity is structured around the scientific method. This activity is prepared with the reference of PEER module “Texas, 1867,” but it can stand alone.Information on Bioterrorism-1.ppt



Author's Organization6, 7, 8EnglishThis lesson covers different ways authors organize their writing. After going through a PowerPoint Presentation that discusses different organization styles (chronological, inductive, deductive, compare/contrast, and cause/effect), the students will practice identifying these organization styles by analyzing example paragraphs.Authors_Organization.ppt



The Photosynthesis Factory6, 7, 8ScienceThis PowerPoint presentation has a cute representation of photosynthesis, and links to photosynthesis animations.Photosynthesis.ppt
Help Jeremy Pigeon7, 8ScienceWho is the father of Jeremy Pigeon? Students will work in groups and uncover clues to determine the father of Jeremy Pigeon by solving clues to determine the genotype of each character in this mystery.punnett_squares_activity_plan.doc



The Earth and the Moon7ScienceThis lesson is a power-point-based lecture great for introducing the phases of the moon. The material initially establishes background information about the earth’s rotation and the moon’s rotation, ultimately explaining why we see different phases of the moon. This is a great way to cover TEK 7.13 B. Following the presentation with another visual lesson or worksheet may help the students’ gain a better understanding of the process.The Earth And The Moon.ppt
Force and Motion Jeopardy7ScienceThis is Jeopardy! This game is a review of forces and motion. Categories include Friction, Gravity, Newton's Laws, Momentum, and Forces.Forces_Jeopardy.ppt
Adding and Subtracting Decimals6MathStudents will learn the fundamentals of adding and subtracting decimals. They will practice some real world direct and word problems involving the addition and subtraction of decimals. They will participate in a fun inquiry-based activity involving measuring the length of their fingers and comparing their measurements to those of their class mates, to determine if the hypothesis that taller people have longer fingers is true or false.Adding_and_Subtracting Decimals.ppt

Lesson Plan.doc

worksheet 1.doc
Rotation vs. Revolution6, 7, 8ScienceThis activity allows for modeling of the tilt of the earth. Also explains the reasoning behind the
Faults and Topography6, 7, 8ScienceThese 2 activities focus on cartography and topography. In the "Cartographer for a Day" activity, students build a Play-Doh model of a mountain and make a map of it. In the "Modeling Faults" activity, they build a 3D paper diagram to show faults below the surface.Faults and Topography.ppt

Activity Plan - Modeling Faults.doc

Modeling Faults Handout.doc

Modeling Faults Worksheet.doc

Modeling Faults Answer Key.doc

Activity Plan - Cartographer for a Day.doc

Cartographer for a Day Handout.doc

Supplement - Intro to Plate Tectonics.ppt
The FUN of FORCE8ScienceThis activity introduces students to the basic concepts of force and motion. Students will use the knowledge of force and motion to construct roller coasters and test how different features of a coaster affect the force of the object on the coaster.FORCE and MOTION.ppt

Interactions of Body Systems8ScienceThis is an animated PowerPoint that describes the body systems and ways in which they interact.Feedback (NXPowerLite).ppt
Cooking Up Fractions!6, 7MathThis activity helps students to see a real-world application of fractions. The students form groups where each group is a different catering company. They then take a cookie recipe and covert the measurements of different ingredients to fit a new recipe that feeds a certain amount of people.Fractions_Activity_Plan.doc



RollerCoaster7ScienceThis activity presents building rollercoasters in the classroom to illustrate gravity and force.Roller Coaster Lesson Plan.doc

Web Quest Worksheet.doc
It's Elemental, My Dear Oxygen7, 8ScienceThe goal of this lesson is to teach students about the properties of elements and how they affect where an element is located on the periodic table. It will start with a lecture by the teacher on the components of the periodic table. Once the lecture is completed an activity will reinforce learning.Elements_and_Properties.doc



Feedback Mechanisms and Homeostasis7, 8ScienceThis lesson on Feedback Mechanisms and Homeostasis includes three hands-on labs and two PowerPoint presentations that show the different types of feedback and how they work to maintain homeostasis in the body. Students will design and create their own feedback mechanism models and collect and analyzed data to show how these systems work in the body.Feedback and Homeostasis (NXPowerLite).ppt

Interactions in the Human Body (NXPowerLite).ppt

Lesson Plan Feedback Mechanisms.doc

Negative Feedback Activity Pet Watering System.doc

Negative Feedback Kidney Modeling Activity (NXPowerLite).doc

Negative Feedback Kidney Modeling Activity.doc

Negative Feedback Temp Activity.doc

Negative Feedback Temp Worksheet.doc
Disease and Body Response Jeopardy!6, 7, 8ScienceHere is a PowerPoint discussing some of the world's major diseases, the body's responses and homeostasis. Also, there's a fun Jeopardy game that goes with it.diseases2.ppt

All About Engineering6, 7, 8Science, Math, TechnologyThis is a general presentation about engineering. It is a great way to introduce students to the field and help them to know how math and science can be used. This presentation could also be used to open up a discussion about career choices and future goals.ENGINEERING_PPT.ppt
Name That Quadrilateral7MathIn this lesson students will learn to make a distinction between the various types of quadrilaterals based on their properties.Classifying Quadrilaterals.ppt

Name that Quadrilateral Lesson Plan.doc

Name that Quadrilateral Teacher Extension.doc

Name that Quadrilateral worksheet.doc
Animals: Characteristics and Classification7ScienceThis is a PowerPoint presentation designed to inform students about the characteristics of animals, and how these characteristics are used to classify them. The PowerPoint also covers radial and bilateral symmetry, and binomial nomenclature.Animals class and char.ppt
Sponges, Cnidarians, and Flatworms6, 7, 8ScienceThis lesson introduces students to the basic structure, function and habitat of sponges, cnidarians, and flatworms.Sponges_Cnidarians_Flatworms.ppt
Sponges, Cnidarians, and Flatworms6, 7, 8ScienceThis lesson introduces students to the basic structure, function and habitat of sponges, cnidarians, and flatworms.Sponges_Cnidarians_Flatworms.ppt
Sponges, Cnidarians, and Flatworms6, 7, 8ScienceThis lesson introduces students to the basic structure, function and habitat of sponges, cnidarians, and flatworms.Sponges_Cnidarians_Flatworms.ppt
Nematodes: We're Everywhere!6, 7, 8ScienceIn this activity students will play a bingo game using their knowledge gained from the Power Point about nematodes. Each square will contain a word describing a characteristic of the nematode. The teacher will have a list of the descriptions that she will choose randomly out of a container of some sort. The rules of bingo are the same in this game except the squares contain words instead of numbers which is the only difference!Activity Draft (nemamtode bingo).doc

final bingo sheets.doc

LessonActivityPlan Nematodes.doc

Understanding Propaganda7SS_History, EnglishThis PowerPoint presentation is meant to introduce students to the concept of propaganda and some of the many ways in which it is used. Propaganda use in history, government, movies, news, advertising, and war are all discussed. There is also an introduction to open vs. closed societies and the use of propaganda in each. Multimedia clips are embedded within the presentation to enhance concepts. Note: Check the lesson first to ensure all of the links will operate on your computer.Understanding Propaganda Lesson Plan.doc

Understanding Propaganda.ppt
Interactive Spelling Website7EnglishHere is a list of really good, interactive websites that reinforce spelling, particularly homophones that are frequently misspelled.Interactive Websites for Spelling.doc
Discrepant Events6, 7, 8ScienceThese discrepant event examples are fun ways to introduce or review a topic & pack a lot of "wow" factor!DE Air.doc

DE Balance.doc

DE Crystals.doc

DE Gummi.doc

DE Soap in Microwave.doc
An Escape from Bioterrorism6, 7, 8Science“An Escape from Bioterrorism!” explores the idea of how scientific modeling fits in to the scientific method. This activity is designed to get knowledge and ideas of how bioterrorism could be dangerous and how we can prevent it from spreading. To gain the best knowledge on bioterrorism, students will participate in a hands-on activity to test a simple model of vector-borne disease. Afterwards, the class will discuss the results and its effects to the real world. The entire activity is structured around the scientific method. This activity is prepared with the reference of PEER module “Texas, 1867,” but it can stand alone.DLC744_BioterrActivity.doc
Pair Them Up! Scientific Notation and Standard Form6, 7MathThis lesson serves as an introduction to scientific notation. The presentation included explains the concept of scientific notation, why it is useful, and how to convert numbers in standard decimal form to scientific notation and vice versa. The activity consists then in completing a worksheet where numbers in both standard decimal form and scientific notation are provided in a matrix, and each of these must be matched to those shown in a second matrix where the corresponding representation in the opposite form of the numbers in the first matrix is given. Matching all pairs correctly should enable the student to "decode" a hidden message!Scientific_Notation.ppt


Fantastic Factors8Math, TechnologyThis lesson is meant to motivate students to be interested in factoring and determining prime numbers. It motivates the students by providing information on the history of primality and factorization. Also, the lesson shows how factorization and prime numbers are utilized in real world situations. This lesson is also a review on how to determine prime numbers, greatest common factors, and foiling.Fantastic_Factors_(easier_version).ppt

Factorization and Primality wksh1.doc

Factorization and Primality wksh 2.doc

Fantastic Factors activity plan.doc
What's That Beat?6, 7MathThis is an interactive activity where the students discover their heart rates and use logical reasoning to discern what brings about differences in these rates. This is a fun activity that involves a good bit of inquiry based learning.What's That Beat.ppt

What's That Beat_Activity_Plan.doc

What's That Beat_Worksheet_2.doc

What's That Beat_Worksheet_Answer_Key_2.doc
Momentum madness7ScienceThis lab contains an activity demonstrating that momentum is determined by mass and velocity.Momentum.ppt

Mometum lesson plan.doc

Momentum worksheet.doc
Weather, Climate, and Atmosphere - Oh Sky!6ScienceThis lesson introduces students to the idea of weather and the role of the atmosphere in controlling weather patterns and circulation. The multitude of activities allows students to create and manipulate different aspects of weather and to examine how their manipulations impact the air, land, and oceans.DLC750_AirPressure.ppt

DLC750_All about the weather.doc
Airsoft & Paintball: The fun, danger, and physics behind combat sports.6, 7, 8Science, Math, TechnologyThis PowerPoint presentation gives an overview of airsoft and paintball gun use, addressing some of the history and physics of both as well as safety issues and possible injuries.AirsoftandPaintball.ppt

AirsoftandPaintball Lesson Plan.doc

AirsoftandPaintball Worksheet.doc

AirsoftandPaintball Worksheet (Answer Key).doc
Monopolies, Pools, and Trusts7SS_HistoryStudents will study the meaning behind monopolies, pool, and trusts. Then they will demonstrate their understanding of these concepts by writing editorials and creating radio shows.Activity Plan[1].doc

Creating Monopoly Worksheet.doc

Editorial Worksheet.doc

Monopolies,Pools, and Trusts.ppt

Tech and Monopolies Worksheet.doc
Exploring The Earth's Lithosphere (Activities)6ScienceThis DLC item provides a thorough PowerPoint lesson and corresponding activity to introduce the understanding of the earth's inner layers (crust, mantle, core) and how those layers are responsible for the movement of the earth's lithosphere and resulting features, such as mountains and volcanoes. The information also provides an understanding of the rock cycle and how different rocks are formed in these basic earth processes.Simple_Tectonics_Lesson_Plan.doc




Life in King Arthur's Court7, 8Math, SS_History, EnglishIn this activity students get an opportunity to experience life in Medieval England. In the lesson, students will learn about King Arthur, chivalry, myths and legends. The students also get an opportunity to make their own myths.King
Science Fair Worksheet Packet: Step-by-Step6, 7, 8ScienceScience fair doesn't have to be overwhelming! This worksheet packet is a step-by-step way to get kids ready for science fair, from finding a topic to writing up conclusions. We used this at a middle school and it was a very helpful tool to keep the students organized and on-track. 6th needs a little extra help, but 7th and 8th grades worked great with these worksheets. You can do one worksheet a week or adjust to fit your own schedule.Science Fair Workbook.doc
Pick Your Car!6MathThis activity involves a real world application of adding, multiplying, and dividing decimals. The students will go through a process of purchasing and paying all the expenses of their "dream car!"Pick Your Car Activity Plan.doc

Pick Your Car.doc

Pick Your Car.ppt
Sentence Structure8EnglishThe purpose of this activity is for students to gain a deeper understanding of sentence structure by manipulating structure themselves through sentence restructuring and combining activities.!Read First - Activities SUMMARY.doc

Restructuring Sentences - Activity Plan.doc

Sentence Combining - Activity Plan.doc

Sentence Combining - Answer Key.doc

Sentence Combining - Worksheet.doc

Sentence Scramble - Activity Plan.doc

Sentence Scramble II - Activity Plan.doc

Other Exercises - Worksheet.doc

Other Exercises - Answer Key.doc
Vocabulary Comparison8EnglishThe purpose of this activity is for students to practice vocabulary words through an adaptation of the game Apples to Apples.Noun_Cards.doc

Adjective Cards.doc

Dictionary Guide.doc

The Photosynthesis Factory7ScienceThe students will learn about the process of photosynthesis. This lesson focuses on the energy conversion and chemical reaction that takes place during photosynthesis. It also explores how the structures of a plant aid in the photosynthesis process. Students will then relate the parts of a plant to the parts of a factory as an analogy.Photosynthesis activity.doc

photosynthesis lesson plan.doc

Photosynthesis worksheet.doc

How Cars are Powered6, 7, 8ScienceThis presentation discusses energy, renewable energy, and alternative fuels from a standpoint on how these effects our everyday transportation, CARS. Middle school students are interested in cars, so this is a great way to get them talking about alternative fuels and energy.How are Cars Powered.ppt

How are Cars Powered handout.doc
Climate Change and You!6Science, SS_HistoryThis activity challenges students in approaching a real-world problem and has students investigate how different countries influence the world's climate. Students will learn about the atmosphere and the different gases in the atmosphere and how the gases contribute to global warming.DLC764_GlobalWarming.ppt

Greenhouse Gases Unit ACTIVITIES.doc

Knowing Nutrition7, 8Science, MathIn this activity students compare nutrition labels from two similar foods to determine which choice is healthier. This activity helps students learn about making good food choices and gives them an opportunity to practice working with percentages in a real world setting.0704LSN.pdf


Knowing Nutrition.ppt
Atmosphere Model6, 8ScienceThis activity allows students to understand differences in atmosphere composition on Earth, Mars, and Venus. The power point presentation, “Atmosphere”, provides student with a basic introduction about the atmosphere.Atmosphere.ppt

Atmosphere Activity Plan.doc

Atmosphere Model Worksheet.doc
Physical & Chemical Properties6, 7, 8ScienceHere are a short PowerPoint presentation and a worksheet (with answer key) to explain and review the difference between physical and chemical properties and changes.Physical and Chemical Worksheet.doc

Physical and Chemical Worksheet (Answers).doc

Physical_and_Chemical_Properties 9-27-07.ppt
Probability Activity, Find Odds and Expected Values6, 7, 8MathPowerPoint and worksheets for a fun probability activity. Students solve for odds and expected values in events like the lotto and games of chance.PPT Probability Worksheet.doc

Proability with Candy.doc

Proability with Candy Activity Plan.doc

Probability And Expected Value.ppt
Blast Off!6, 7MathThis is a hands on activity that has students build paper helicopters and discover the theoretical and experimental probability that the helicopter lands on a certain target.Blast Off! Lesson Plan.doc

Blast Off - Worksheet.doc
Dress for Success6, 7, 8Science, Math, SS_History, English, TechnologyThis pamphlet discusses the necessity for proper attire in the workplace and at school. A short word search accompanies the pamphlet for reinforcement.DLC782_Dress_for_Success.pdf

DLC782_Dress for Success worksheet.pdf
Phytoplankton Identification and Counting8Science, MathPlanktons are aquatic organisms classified into phytoplankton and zooplanktons. Phytoplankton are small microscopic single celled organisms with ability to photosynthesize. They are classified according to the size, shape, and photosynthetic pigments. There are three major types of phytoplankton: Diatoms, Dinoflagellates and Coccolithophores. This activity will help the students identify the types of phytoplankton, count the number of phytoplanktons in a slide grid and identify chlorophyll synthesizing phytoplanktons.
Phytoplankton Activity Plan.doc


It's Elemental7, 8ScienceThe goal of this lesson is the teach students about the properties of elements and how they affect where an element is located on the periodic table.Elements and Properties.doc

Elements and Symbols.doc

periodic table.doc

It's Elemental! Lesson Plan.doc

Rock & Roll6, 7, 8ScienceThis demonstration shows movements of the earth's crust and describes the physical phenomena that they cause.Rock and roll.doc

Earthquakes and Volcanoes.doc

Earthquakes and Volcanoes key.doc
DNA Demonstration6, 7, 8ScienceThis quick demonstration will get students up and moving and help them see how nucleic acids bind together in base pairs to make the DNA double strand.DNA Demonstration.doc
Coastal Population Pressure6, 7, 8Science, MathThis is a lesson over coastal population pressure. It begins by introducing the topic with a PowerPoint presentation. It elaborates on the relationship between the environment, population, disease, and other variables. Following the presentation there is an activity where the students model a crowded coast. A supplemental presentation over infection and links to games reviewing how we affect the environment are included.Coastal Pop Pressure.ppt



How We Affect the Environment.doc
Skittle e-Xplosion6, 7MathThis activity is designed to allow the students to get a visual representation of how exponents drastically impact the quantity of a number. Exponents are a difficult idea for young students to grasp and being able to see them in action is quite helpful!Skittle eX-plosion Activity Plan 1.doc

Skittle eX-plosion Worksheet.doc
Underage Drinking and Its Effects6, 7, 8ScienceThis PowerPoint explains the terrible effects of drinking alcohol on teenagers.Underage_Drinking_DLC_792.ppt
Who's Who on the Periodic Table7ScienceThe purpose of this lesson is for students to gain an understanding of the properties of different elements on the periodic table. Each student will stand in front of his or her group one at a time and, after having selected an element, will take ‘yes or no’ questions from the other students about his or her element. Just like the game, Guess Who, the group of students will try to guess which element was chosen by elimination.Learning_The_Periodic_Table.ppt



Class Census: Using Percentages, Range, Averages, and Frequency6MathStudents will interact to learn how collected information can be studied and categorized using percentages, range, averages, and frequency.presentation.ppt
Exploding Water7, 8Science, MathThis demonstration shows how oxygen and hydrogen must be mixed in the proper proportion to form water. It shows an application of proportional math to a chemical reaction.Oxygen and Hydrogen Proportionality.doc
Newton's Three Laws of Motion7, 8ScienceThis is lesson contains a power point presentation that is great for introducing Newton’s Three Laws of motion. It provides a wonderful basis of these fundamental principles. There is also a list of websites that contain demonstrations or extensions that would be helpful in actively presenting Newton's Laws.Newtons Three Laws.ppt

Ratios and Proportions7, 8MathIn this presentation, the students are given an introduction to ratios and proportions with a few examples. The lesson is further extended with examples of their application in math and solving equations using proportionalities.Ratios and Proportions.ppt
Settlers In Texas6, 7, 8Science, SS_HistoryThis PowerPoint and worksheet act as an introduction to frontier life in Texas during the 18th and 19th centuries.SettlersInTexasLessonPlan.doc


Texas Crops 1800-19407Science, Ag, SS_HistoryThis is a PowerPoint containing information on the 5 major crops in Texas during the 1800s and early 1900s. Cotton, wheat, sorghum, corn and rice were very profitable for Texas farmers and important crops in shaping Texas' history. The presentation also contains information about climate, pests and other problems that affected Texas agriculture.TexasCrops.ppt
Native American Plant Remedies6, 7, 8SS_HistoryThis lesson introduces various plants used by American Indians and settlers for medical reasons. The Native Americans and settlers used many different types of plants to cure various medical symptoms, such as, asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, etc. A short activity follows the power point presentation.NativeAmericanPlantRemedies.ppt


Medicinal Plants of North America7SS_HistoryThis ppt. highlights medicinal plants found in North America that could have been used by pre-western cultures.DLC808_Medicinal Plants of North America.ppt

DLC808_Medicinal Plants of North America.pdf
Farm Animals of the Spanish Colonial Texas7SS_HistoryThis PowerPoint provides basic information on the history of farm animals during Spanish colonization of Texas. Large and small animals were used as transportation, a food source and manual labor in the fields. The accompanying matching games uses concepts from the PowerPoint as a quick quiz for the students after reviewing the PowerPoint material.Farm Animals of Spanish Colonial Texas.ppt

Matching Game.ppt
Health and Environment Websites6, 7, 8ScienceWebsites with current health and environmental information and activities for students to use with their laptop computers.Health and Environment Links.doc
Drawing Fun using Dilation and Water Absorbent Toys8MathThis lesson uses water-absorbing toys to explore dilation. The initial and final length of the toys can be measured, and the students can calculate the toy's scale-factor. The lesson also explores dilation by having the students dilate a drawing. The students lay a grid over a picture which they're given. The students redraw the picture over grid-paper which has different sized grid-spacing. The size of the picture will change based on the size of the new grid-paper.Activity Plan Dilation Creation.doc

Activity Plan Dilation Investigation.doc

Dilation Links.doc

Learning Math Dilations.ppt
Literary Elements and Devices7EnglishThis is a review and game dealing with all different types of literary devices.Lesson Plan- Lit Terms.doc

Literary Devices Worksheet.doc

Literary Elements and Devices2.ppt

Literary Jeopardy.ppt

Literary Terms Puzzle Key.doc

Literary Terms Puzzle.doc


Factor Fun6MathThis is a lesson that includes links to websites to help review math concepts dealing with factors, LCM, and GCF.GCF_and_LCM_final.ppt
The Civil Rights Movement in Texas6, 7, 8SS_HistoryThis presentation provides information on the Civil Rights movement in the United States and, specifically, how that movement occurred in Texas.Civil Rights Movement in Texas.SKS.ppt
English Phonemes6EnglishA review of the 44 English Phonemes. Includes a basic PowerPoint presentation, some simple activity ideas, and a Bingo game. This lesson is designed for a multi-level English as a Second Language (ESL) classPhoneme_Presentation.ppt




Graph-O-Mania!!!6MathThis basic activity is designed to aid students in understanding how to represent data on graphs, deciphering what is relevant information and what is not, drawing conclusions from the graphs, and observing how graphs make our lives easier!Graph-O-Mania.doc

Best Jobs.doc


Television Show Statistics.doc
Cryptography and Advanced Ciphers6, 7, 8MathAn introduction to cryptography is presented to the students. Some history on encoding information with some practical examples is also given. Afterwards, using alphanumeric encoding, students are able to encode and decode messages using a variety of encryption and decryption techniques.cryptography and advanced ciphers lesson plan.doc

cryptography and advanced ciphers activity station assignments.doc

cryptography and advanced ciphers.ppt

cryptography and advanced ciphers worksheet.doc
Sweet Order of Operations6, 7MathThis activity is intended to help students learn to interpret an event as one of the six basic operations considered when dealing with order of operations (P,E,M,D,A, or S), and to express such events using mathematics. Mini chocolates are handled and manipulated through various containers and surfaces to lead the students visually into interpreting each of the steps performed as an operation. The students must then write the operation related to each of the steps followed and develop a final expression that will solve using order of operations. As a reward, the students will receive the number obtained as the final solution to the problem in mini chocolates if they can arrive to the correct answer.Order of Operations.ppt

Sweet_Operations_lesson plan.doc
Garage Clutter (Ratios and Percentages)6MathThe goal of the activities is to introduce and explain the concept of ratios and percentages by associating them to sports items (basketballs, baseballs, and soccer balls). Definitions of a ratio and percentage will be given first along with simple examples. The activities will then follow.DLC Format.doc


Garage Clutter (ratios and percentages).doc

Atomic Structure Battleship6, 7, 8ScienceBlow up the periodic table with Atomic Structure Battleship!!! Test your knowledge of atomic structure against one of your classmates. From your knowledge of the elements on the periodic table and their atomic structure try to sink all your opponent’s ships before they sink you. The player with the most knowledge of the elements will be victorious and rule the elemental sea.Periodic_Table_of_Elements.doc

Atomic structure battleship.doc
ATOMS Bingo6, 7, 8ScienceThe purpose of this lesson is for students to learn the names and symbols of different elements on the periodic table. Played just like Bingo, each student will be given a card that has rows and columns of different element symbols. Tested on their knowledge of the names of these elements, the students will have to match the name that is called out with the symbol on the card.Learning_The_Periodic_Table.ppt




Simple Machine Force and Motion7, 8SciencePowerPoint describing different aspects of simple machines, and how force/motion is affected by them.Newtons Three Laws.ppt
Buying on a Budget6, 7MathIn this activity students perform chores around the house to earn an allowance. The student will then deposit this allowance into a checking account. With the help of a weekly flyer, the student can decide what items he or she wants to purchase. The student can make a withdrawal from the bank to purchase the items. The remaining balance will collect interest.Budget Banking Lessonplan.doc

Budget Banking Worksheet.doc

Shopping Circular.doc
Matter8ScienceThis is a great PowerPoint for teachers to use to explain the properties of matter.Matter.ppt
Hot Off the Press: The Dust Bowl Times!7SS_History, EnglishThe students will be asked to create a newspaper that would come from Oklahoma 1934-1935 during the Dust Bowl, and relates to the novel. Each group member is assigned a different section of the newspaper for which to write an article. The groups come up with their own newspaper name, and each article should also include a picture to accompany it. When the project is completed, the groups can read and share each other’s newspapers. They can be typed or hand written.Out_of_the_dust_kb.doc
Waves7, 8ScienceIt is a PowerPoint that serves to introduce students to the concept of waves. How and where they take place in our universe.waves.ppt
Cellular Organization6ScienceCellular organization can be complicated to teach; however if you relate it to an everyday concept, like a cookie factory, the students will be able to understand. These two PowerPoints contain information on animal and plant cells. The Cellular Organization PowerPoint contains two mini games that allow the students to match cell structure to its function.Cellular Organization.ppt

Cell Structures.ppt

Cell Organization Helpful Links.doc
Newton's Webquest7, 8ScienceIn this activity students will first be introduced to Newton’s three laws. Once they develop a thorough understanding, they will be expected to do a Webquest investigating what they have learned. Then the teacher will have the option to have the students prepare an appropriate presentation (such as a PowerPoint, poster, demonstration, etc.)Newtons w. webquest.ppt

Newton's webquest activity.doc

Webquest-lesson plan.doc
Math Cryptography6, 7, 8MathThis activity can be an in class or a take home assignment. This activity is designed to test the students’ ability to match fractions and decimals to each other. This assignment combines these aspects to reveal a hidden message. This activity could be used to prepare students for an exam.Math
Math Battleship7, 8Mathmath_battleship.doc


Flavored or Not?8ScienceStudying genetics or inherited traits is certainly more than simply tracing back or predicting just eye and hair color. Our genetic code is either specific or varies from one another. We do pass on other, more "unusual" traits, such as the ability to discern specific tastes in foods.Genetics lesson plan.doc
Giant Periodic Table6, 7, 8Science, English, TechnologyStudents get an opportunity to engage in a hands-on activity while at the same time learning about chemistry, the periodic table, and compounds. By creating a wall-sized periodic table, students feel as if they play an integral role in the development of the classroom décor and atmosphere. In addition, valuable research skills are incorporated by requiring students to dig deeper into the mysteries of each element.PeriodicTable.doc
M.M.M.R. Race6MathThis activity is intended to help students review and practice finding the mean, median, mode, and range (MMMR) of a list of numbers. Playing in teams, the students compete through four races to find the MMMR of a given list of numbers in the shortest amount of time. Each team receives points for finding the correct MMMR values in each race, but bonus points are also given for finishing in first, second, and third place in the race. The team with the most points at the end of the competition is declared the winner.mmmr_lesson_plan.doc


What does this dimension do?8Math• Students will learn how the dimensions of 2D and 3D objects change the perimeter, area, and volume of an object through seeing a concrete example, creating their own concrete example, and working out the theoretical dimensions of shapes from the worksheet provided.proportional_changes_area_perimeter_volume_lesson_and_activity_plan.doc

Shopping with Fractions and Decimals6, 7, 8MathThe students visit different 'stores' and get practice with adding and subtracting fractions when purchasing the different items at the stores.shopping_with_fractions_and_decimals_lesson_plan.doc


Tasty Pie Charts6, 7, 8Science, MathStudents will take M&M's and count how many of each color they have. They will then count the total number of M&M's and then determine the different percentages of each color in their possession. Once this is done, the students will make a pie chart (or bar graph, etc.) based on the data collected. After all is complete, the students may keep their candy if desired.Tasty_pie_charts_activityplan.doc

Mascot Pride: Similar Figures6, 7MathThis lesson is designed to introduce the concept of similar figures to middle school kids. It also allows them to transfer a small image placed in a small grid to a large grid. This idea of proportional transfer allows the kids to get a first hand perspective on what “similar” is. The handout is very customizable and probably should be suited for your school. For example, the current image to be transferred is a Bronco in order to stimulate school pride (SFA) in the students. The Microsoft paint template is included so that it can be changed.Similar Figures Handout.doc

Similar Figures Lesson.bmp


Settlement of Ancient Rome8SS_HistoryThis power point explains the settlement of Ancient Rome.AncientRomePPT_373.ppt
It's Electric! - Transforming Energy6, 7, 8ScienceStudents will learn about transforming energy into usable forms. The power point introduces energy transformations and the associated handout will help students follow along. Following the presentation on energy transformations, students will use a Genecon hooked up to a light bulb to create electricity.DLC874_Energy Transformation Handout.doc

DLC874_Energy Transformations Lesson Plan.doc

DLC874_Energy Transformation.ppt
Scientific Method Review Game6, 7, 8ScienceThis PowerPoint is an interactive game modeled after the game show Jeopardy. The subjects are science tools, science processes, the scientific method, vocabulary and the International System of Measurement.Quiz Show Lesson Plan.Scientific Method.doc

Quiz Show Scientific Method.template.ppt
The Scientific Method: Termites, Ink Pens, & Pheromones6, 7, 8ScienceStudents should learn how to use the scientific method to describe the behavior of termites. They will learn that termites will follow the lines drawn with a Bic® ink pen. There is a chemical in them that is similar to the pheromones that termites release. Termites will stay on a line drawn by a Bic® ink pen with large smooth curves and no sharp points or breaks in the lines.Termites.ppt

Termite Lesson Plan.doc


Termites Background Info.doc
Earth Science Labs8ScienceThis lab explores two different labs, one dealing with soil permeability and the other with water and science labs.doc


Soil Permeability Lab.doc

Water Contamination.doc
Memorable divisibility6MathThis lesson is intended to help students memorize the rules for divisibility. Working in pairs, the students will play a memory game in which cards from two separate decks must be matched to form phrases that correspond to the definitions of commonly used divisibility rules. Students will benefit from this hands-on activity by reviewing divisibility rules and memorizing them through using them repetitively while playing and having fun.memorable divisibility.doc

memorable divisibility.ppt


Factors and multiples6MathThis lesson is intended to help students reinforce their understanding on factors and multiples. Working in teams, the students must build two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) geometric shapes using Styrofoam beads of different colors and toothpicks. They will discover that the beads represent the factors of a number, that a 2-D shape formed by interconnecting beads with toothpicks represents a number, and that a 3-D structure implies having multiples of the number. The students benefit from this hands-on activity by physically seeing the difference between factors and multiples from a size perspective (small vs. large) while having fun building colorful structures at the same time.factors and multiples.doc

How does your Garden Grow8Science, AgThis is a PowerPoint Presentation meant to introduce students to the advantages and disadvantages of using chemicals in an agricultural settingHDYGG881.ppt


Introduction to Evolution7, 8ScienceThis presentation and activity offer a good introduction to evolution. The activity demonstrates the peppered moth phenomena that occurred in England during the Industrial Revolution. This shows very well how natural selection works.Evolution Presentation.ppt


P.E.M.D.A.S.6MathThe purpose of this lesson is for students to gain an understanding of the order of operations. The students will have to quickly provide a solution to a given problem by using the order of operations in order to advance in the game and will be left behind with incorrect answers.Activity Plan Order of Operations.doc


Order of Operations - Easy.doc

Order of Operations - Hard.doc
When Cars Attack!!!6MathIn this activity, the students build model cars and then use these cars to explore the ideas of ratio and proportional thinking.When_Cars_Attack!!!_Lesson_Plan.doc

Earth's Processes Review Game6ScienceThis PowerPoint is an interactive game modeled after the game show Jeopardy. The subjects are the rock cycle, layers of the earth, definitions, plate tectonics, and types of rock.Earth's Processes Quiz Show.template.ppt

Quiz Show Lesson Plan Earth's Processes.doc
Rock Cycle6, 7, 8ScienceThis provides a brief introduction to rocks, the color, hardness and smoothness of each rock. It also highlights the physical characteristics of the rocks. It helps to segregate rocks according to their characteristics and further classify them under three broad categories of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. It improves understanding of the categories of rocks and associating the formation and transformation of rocks to the rock
Lottery Probability7, 8MathIn this activity, students learn about dependent probability by participating in a classroom lottery. The students use small candies to purchase lottery tickets which might win them a large bag of candy.Lottery Lesson Plan.doc

Lottery Work Sheet.doc

Lottery Tickets.xls
Newton's Laws of Motion6, 7, 8ScienceThis lesson plan contains three quick, easy, and cheap lab activities that demonstrate each of Newton's Laws of Motion. The lab activities also contain questions that help students understand the physics of motion and apply it to everyday examples.ForceMotionLabs_898.doc



Microscope Madness6ScienceThis activity is a laboratory exercise with 6 stations designed to improve students' abilities using microscopes. The activity also allows the student to feel like a true scientist by using microscopes to observe real science and specifically the differences between plant and animal cells, using samples from the ocean their own bodies!MicroscopeMadness_LabProcedures.doc


Mystery of the Disappearing Water6ScienceThis activity allows the students to be the scientists, meaning little to no teacher guidance! The lesson starts with the world's water disappearing and the students have to rightfully replace the water in the appropriate reservoirs to correctly restart the hydrologic cycle.MysteryWater.ppt



Investigating Landforms In Your Backyard6, 7ScienceThe rock cycle needs to be studied and this advanced activity provides an opportunity for students to 'get dirty' and study science from samples in their own backyard. Students use investigative methods and the scientific process to analyze rock and soil samples from their own properties to predict where the samples originated in the rock cycle. This lesson should be conducted after students had been exposed to the rock cycle basics.LessonActivityPlan_GoogleEarthLandformExploration.doc

Hands-on Volume and Surface Area Measurement6, 7, 8MathA hands-on activity giving students a chance to practice measuring volume and surface area of three dimensional objects. The students will rotate through different stations giving them the opportunity to measure different key parameters of specific three dimensional objects (sphere, cone, pyramid, prism and cylinder) and will then calculate the volume and surface area of these objects using the appropriate formulae.volume_surface_area_lesson_and_activity_plan.doc


Measuring Angles6MathThis lesson introduces protractors and instructs students on how to use them to measure angles.Measuring Angles Lesson.doc

Measuring Angles.ppt


Infected7ScienceIn this activity, students will use a hands-on activity to study the components and function of the immune system. Students will role play the immune response, and then use the demonstration to match each component of the immune system to its function.IMMU-KNOWLEDGE-Y READ THIS FIRST.doc

Immune System Activity Plan.doc

Infected! Activity Plan.doc

Infected! Worksheet.doc

Infected! Answer Key.doc

Patterns for Immune System Components Handout.doc
Math BINGO6, 7, 8MathThis is a simple, yet effective lesson to get students involved in any type of review. It's easily manipulated to adjust to other material.AnswerSheet.doc


Lesson Plan (Bingo).doc
Paper Bag Probability6, 7, 8Science, Math, EnglishThis is a hands-on lesson/activity which gives students some practice with probability and statistics by using sampling. Links are given at the beginning of the activity to other subjects (including movies and books) as well as other extensions.paper_bag_probability_lesson_plan.doc

Let the Force Be with You - Plants and everything else in nature.6, 7, 8ScienceStudents as part of their curriculum have learned to define and calculate forces. This lesson demonstrates forces in nature. We specifically cover three different forces: turgor pressure, emergence of seedlings, and geotropism.DLC910_LessonActivityPlan.doc

Force In Living Things (DLC910).pptx

Force in Living Things_LabHandout.doc
Feedback Mechanisms in Human Physiology8ScienceOrganisms use positive and negative feedback mechanisms to coordinate activities within the body. Negative feedback helps regulate normal body functions like blood glucose, water and electrolyte levels and temperature regulation in the body. Positive feedback occurs in processes such as contractions during labor, lactation and blood clotting. The information presented will take about 2 days to cover and a student form is attached that focuses on the key points in the information presented.DLC911_Feedback.ppt

DLC911_Feedback Mechanism Lesson Plan.doc


DLC911_Feedback Mechanisms activity.doc
Swine Flu Pandemic7ScienceThis PowerPoint explores the current issues surrounding swine flu.Disease Transmission Activity.doc

Powerpoint Notes for Swine Flu.doc

Swine Flu Pandemic Powerpoint.ppt
Not Your Elementary School Solar System!6, 7ScienceThis activity and PowerPoint lessoned is designed to engage the students’ interests in visual design and creating scale diagrams of the Solar System, while at the same time learning about the basic elements in the Solar System. Though originally designed as a computer-based activity, teachers can have students create 3D or 4D solar system models on or with paper materials. The activity engages the students to choose their own elements and perspective for the model, which allows creativity and basics into design process in science and engineeringSolarSystems.ppt




What Is Left Behind! - Chemical Precipitates in Reactions8ScienceThis activity is designed to demonstrate and provide an understanding of the principles of chemical precipitates to students.Chemical Precipitation Activity.doc

Chemical precipitate procedure.doc

Chemical Precipitation Worksheet.doc
Genetics and Animal Communities on Mars6, 7ScienceStudents build animal colonies on Mars using basic genetics, creating Punnett Squares, and then analyzing ecological affects. This lesson challenges students to calculate the genotypes of various animals and allows them to construct populations, proportions, and percentages of different animals and then examine how populations change based on selection.LessonActivityPlan_AnimalCommunities.doc





Amazing Traits7ScienceThrough this lesson and computer interactive games, students will be able to distinguish and understand concepts of genes, dominant and recessive traits, and the Punnett square.Amazing Traits.doc
Don't Feed the Daphnia!6ScienceStudents will observe responses to the internal stimulus, hunger. Students will make observations of starved Daphnia prior to feeding, predict how the Daphnia will respond (both physically and behaviorally) to food, and make observations. Finally, students will form questions about another internal or external stimulus they could test with Daphnia.Don't feed the Daphnia.doc
PLANTastic!6, 7, 8ScienceStudents will be introduced to the defining characteristics of different plants. Through pictures and notes, the students will be able to readily identify the differences in several plant samples and what these differences mean for the plants and their growth.PLANTastic.doc
Cycles, Rocks, and Your Backyard!6, 7, 8ScienceThese series of PowerPoints and activities provides an in-depth collection of rock cycle information and provides students a chance to discover a real cycle in their own backyard!Geology.ppt



Forces of Nature Activity Plan.doc

Classroom Erosion.doc

Erosion and Weathering.ppt
Where in the World is Carbon!?6ScienceThis lesson includes a short PowerPoint outlining the carbon cycle and highlights significant carbon sinks and sources. The PowerPoint is followed by two activities. First, the students write a story about a carbon atom as it travels through the carbon cycle in different ecosystems. Then, the students will use a "carbon cycle puzzle" to practice arranging it in the proper order.Where in the World is Carbon.ppt

Where In the World Is Carbon.doc
Solution Classification Activity6, 7, 8ScienceStudents will explore the differences between homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures through hands-on activities. Accompanying worksheets are provided.Mixture activity.doc

Mixtures worksheet.doc

Post Test.doc

Answer Key.doc

Answer key for post test.doc
Swine Flu Got You?6, 7, 8ScienceThis is a short presentation describing what you need to know about the swine flu and how to protect your health. A brief history of the swine flu is also presented to show students that influenza is not a new problem! An additional presentation and activity is included to provide more in-depth experience with viruses and immunity.DLC930_SwineFluInformation.ppt

Flu Outbreaks and You!7, 8ScienceThis lesson includes a PowerPoint and activity to teaching students how the flu originates, virus composition, and how viruses can lead to pandemic outbreaks. The activity focuses on viral immunities and how to combat a flu outbreak.DLC931_flu_ppt.ppt


Host PARTY! Who are you inviting?8ScienceIncluded are links to two activities from the CDC’s BAM Body and Mind curriculum. The first activity, Understanding the Epidemiologic Triangle through Infectious Disease, can be considered optional, as it may be remedial for some students. In place of performing the activity, the teacher may go over the concepts as outlined in the attached activity plan, since the second activity, Being the “Host” at This Party Is No Fun, requires that students understand the concepts of the first activity. As an extension of the second activity, students can complete a research project, for which a plan is included in this document. When students are researching infectious diseases (as part of the second activity), have them look with aim to find a disease that they will further investigate and present information about to the class.CDC Host Party Activity.pdf

CDC Triangle Activity.pdf

epidemiology Activity plan.doc

VA Infectious Disease.ppt
Specific Heats and a Luau6, 7, 8ScienceStudents create their own calorimeter and then use it to measure the specific heats of mystery samples in order to identify them. The traditional Hawaiian method of cooking a pig with hot rocks is used as an example of the relationship between heat and temperature.Specific heat.doc

Specific Heats Worksheet.docx
The Theory of Evolution7, 8ScienceThis activity has a presentation for the theory of evolution as described by Charles Darwin. An experiment is included that uses the Peppered Moth as an example of natural selection.PepperedMoth_LP.doc


West Nile Virus6Science, Math, SS_History, English, TechnologyThis lesson introduces and teaches about the West Nile Virus and its spread all over the world with specifics on how the virus is transmitted in the body and the symptoms that occur upon transmission. Activities such as making flyers and brochures to build and making mosquito repellant help to reinforce the lesson taught.West Nile Virus[1].ppt

Mosquito Repellent Activity Plan.doc

Prevention Project Activity Plan.doc

Example Flyers and
Livestock and Pollution9, 10, 11, 12AgThis lesson is designed to educated students about the different forms of pollution associated with the livestock industry, particularly dairies, feedlots, and other Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. Students are given the facts and encouraged to understand the importance of finding a solution to the problem, and given the opportunity to come up with their own ideas for waste management in livestock production operations.Ag and Pollution Lesson Plan.doc

Agriculture and Pollution Presentation.ppt
Active Atoms6, 7, 8ScienceThis activity is designed to demonstrate and provide the students with an understanding of the parts of an atom. The students will be engaged in the activity by creating a moving model of an atom by either watching or participating in making the models.Active Atoms.doc

Active Atoms Worksheet.doc

Active Atoms Worksheet key.doc
Fun Gases6Science, TechnologyThis activity allows for better understanding of gases occupying space and explains differences between gases in the atmosphere and sea level.Fun gases.doc

Fun Gases Worksheet.doc
Don't Touch Me!6, 7, 8ScienceIn this activity, students will learn about the feedback mechanisms that plants use to maintain equilibrium using turgor pressure. Students will use critical thinking and problem solving skills to investigate the turgor response in M. pudica to different stimuli.Don't Touch Me Lesson Activity Plan.doc

Don't Touch Me Observation and Analysis sheet.doc
Human Accelerator6, 7, 8ScienceThis is an activity in which students simulate Jefferson Lab’s accelerator by passing tennis balls down a straight line. This is a simple and fun exercise that teaches the importance of team work in class projects. It is an exercise whereby all students are members of the class human accelerator. Each member must play their role for the activity to be successful.LessonPlan_Human_Accelerator_DLC948[1] (1).doc



Simplifying Fractions6, 7, 8MathA short presentation on simplifying fractions and different methods of doing this. Additionally, a Domino game utilizing different forms of equivalent fractions so the students may get fun and practical experience with simplifying fractions.Simplifying_Fractions_Lesson_Activity_Plan.doc

Elements and Compounds6ScienceStudents will participate in an interactive PowerPoint, then complete a class activity of “Element, Compound, or Mixture” at the end of class to apply the lessons learned.Matter and Energy (NXPowerLite).pptx
Going with the Flow! Convection Currents8ScienceThis activity will use a brief demonstration to allow students to observe convection current in a tub of water dyed for visibility, and record their observations. When the demonstration is over, the brief PowerPoint presentation provides information on what convection currents are, how they ‘work’, and how heat energy from the sun drives the processes within the atmosphere and ocean to create wind and currentsConvection Current Demonstration.docx

Convection currents lesson.doc

Convection Currents2.pptx
Human Organ Systems8ScienceThis lesson plan presents the structure and function of various organ systems in the human body and how these systems interact. Additionally, the students compare other vertebrate organ systems to their own to determine how specific adaptations lead to increased chance of survival.Human Organ Systems- Lesson Plan.doc

Organ Systems (NXPowerLite) (NXPowerLite Copy).pptx

Circulatory System Quiz.doc

Digestive System Quiz.doc

Endocrine System Quiz.doc

Excretory System Quiz.doc

Integumentary System Quiz.doc

Muscular System Quiz.doc

Nervous System Quiz.doc

Respiratory System Quiz.doc

Skeletal System Quiz.doc
Plant Tropisms6, 7, 8ScienceA short, informative power point lesson on the various types of plant tropisms, as well as student activities including: word search and vocabulary quiz.Plant Tropism Word Search and Definitions.doc

Plant Tropisms.ppt

Tropism lesson plan.doc

Tropism Notes.doc

Tropism Vocabulary Quiz.doc
Bingo Math Review7MathThis is a review game for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions and decimals as well as scientific notation. The lesson is comprised of cards, problems, and an answer sheet.Bingo Lesson Plan.doc

Bingo Questions.docx

Bingo Questions Worksheet KEY.doc

Break it Down-Weathering and Erosion6, 7, 8ScienceThis lesson plan allows students to learn about the processes of weathering and erosion and how those processes shape the landscape.Break it Down Lesson Plan.doc

Weathering and Erosion.pptx
It's Chemistry6, 7, 8Science, MathThe lesson begins with a WOW demonstration called Elephant Toothpaste followed by an instructive, interactive PowerPoint and then an activity called Chemistry in a Bag where kids are able to identify chemical and physical changes by seeing and feeling endothermic/exothermic reactions and color changes.ChemistryPowerpoint.ppt

Elephant Toothpaste Activity Plan.doc

Chemistry in a Bag.doc

It's Chemistry Lesson Plan.doc
Ecological Succession: Change in an Ecosystem6, 7, 8ScienceThis is a lesson and several activities designed to teach middle school kids about how an environment can change naturally through ecological succession.Ecological Succession Change in an Ecosystem.ppt

Ecological Succession.doc

Examining Stages Succession.doc

Forest in a Jar.pdf

Succession in Communities.pdf
Salinity Mystery - Can You Measure It?6, 7ScienceStudents will build a hydrometer to measure the densities of fresh and salt water samples. Students can use their hydrometers to test the salinity of water from their house and compare it to water from around the water to investigate how salinity affects density and organisms.SalinitySolutions_972.doc



Salinity Demonstration.doc

Moon Phases8ScienceThis is an engaging, hands-on lesson that is easy to understand, simple, and fun! It includes a lab on modeling the phases of the moon, a Jeopardy game, and a detailed PowerPoint presentation.MoonPhases.doc

Moon PhasesPPT.ppt

JEOPARDY Activity Plan.doc

Jeopardy Game Solar System.ppt
Solar, Weather and Ocean Systems8ScienceThis presentation explains how the Earth’s tilt affects seasons, how location and elevation on earth affect temperatureLessonActivityPlan_Solar_Weather_Oceans.doc

Solar, Weather and Ocean Systems.pptx

Microclimate Temperature Lab Worksheet.docx

Weather Maps.docx>
Does it Sink or Float? All about Density and Buoyancy6, 7, 8ScienceThis activity guides students through the use of water displacement chambers and balances to determine the density of objects. After this practice, students are asked to determine the density of several mystery liquids inside balloons and use this information to identify the liquids.Properties of Liquids.ppt

Density DLC.doc

Density and Buoyancy Worksheet.doc
Subtracting Fractions with Regrouping6, 7, 8MathA lesson and activity are given which gives students hands-on practice with subtracting fractions and regrouping. It shows students a way to 'trade-in' whole numbers (shapes) for different representations of the whole numbers (smaller shapes) to perform a subtraction operation.subtracting_fractions_with_regrouping_lesson_plan.doc



Positive Pirates and Negative Knights6, 7, 8MathThis is an activity where students can practice adding and subtracting integers while letting their personalities stand out. Students will be grouped as negative integers (Knights) or positive integers (Pirates). The students will then be given a problem and will have to 'battle' each other to determine the resulting answer.positive_pirates_and_negative_knights_lesson_plan.doc
Commission and Percent Increase/Decrease6, 7, 8MathThis lesson gives students different chances to calculate percent increase/decrease between their own data as well as data determined by their classmates. Additionally, the concept of commission is introduced to students and they are given a few opportunities to perform calculations leading to understanding of the subject.commission_and_percent_increase_decrease.doc

Speed & Acceleration7ScienceThis lesson on speed & acceleration consists of a short PowerPoint that defines speed, velocity, & acceleration. It also discusses how to recognize speed and acceleration graphs & how to calculate speed. The lab activity that follows gives the students practice in calculating and graphing speed.Calculating and Graphing Speed.doc

Speed and Acceleration Lesson.doc

Velocity and Acceleration.ppt
Starry, Starry Night8ScienceThis lesson covers the life cycles of stars. It includes a PowerPoint and two activities that cover the formation and death of the different sized stars.Star Lesson Plan-2.doc

Gummy Bear Metric Challenge6ScienceThis activity is designed to help familiarize students with the lab equipment they will be using throughout the year. Additionally it is an introduction to the concept of the scientific method.Metric System Lesson Plan.doc

The Gummy Bear Metric Challenge Day 1.doc

The Gummy Bear Metric Challenge Day 2.doc

Gummy Bear Analysis.doc
Fun with Slime6SciencePolymers are created when many molecules are connected together into large, often complicated structures. This activity is designed to allow students the opportunity to make their own polymer—slime. Made from Elmer’s glue and Borax, this polymer is a special type of goo called a Non-Newtonian fluid. The included power point explains in very limited detail about both polymers and non-Newtonian fluids.Fun With Slime.doc

Slime and Polymers.doc

What are polymers.ppt
Energy Conversion7ScienceThis lesson contains a PowerPoint discussing the different forms of energy and introduces the law of conservation of energy & energy transformations. The PowerPoint is followed up with a Bingo game where the students identify energy transformations taking place in various pictures.Energy Conversion Lesson Plan.docx

Energy PPT_.ppt

Energy Conversion BINGO.docx

Energy BINGO slips to draw.docx
Halloween Chemistry Magic Show6, 7, 8ScienceHalloween has the reputation for magic and tricks. This activity is designed to show students that a lot of things that are seemingly caused by “magic” can actually be easily explained by science. Flinn Scientific is a company that specializes in providing school teachers with kits, equipment, and other supplies to enhance scientific learning—this lesson uses many of the kits available from their company.Halloween Science Magic Show.doc

Halloween Science Magic Show Handout.doc
Energy Bingo6ScienceThis is a short activity designed to review students on the energy concepts they've learned. Included is a link to an excellent Bingo card generator.Energy Bingo Lesson Plan.doc

Review Questions for Energy Bingo.docx
Plant Tropisms Lab7ScienceThis is a lab activity that introduces plant tropisms and guides the students as they further examine gravitropism and phototropism.Tropism Teacher Notes.doc

Marble Force6ScienceThis activity is designed to show students how when a force acts on an object it can change its speed and direction. When this object interacts with another object it changes that objects speed and direction also.Marble Force DLC.doc

Marble Force.docx

Marble Force data collection.docx

Bill Nye Marble Madness.pdf

Marble Force set-up.JPG
Levels of Organization7ScienceIn this activity the students build their own models of an animal cell and then use them to review the levels of organization by organizing their cell models into tissues, organs, organ systems & finally they are organized into an organism that is displayed in the classroom.Bouncy Ball cells and Levels of Organization.docx
The Light Side of the Room8ScienceThis lesson is designed to help students understand reflection and refraction. Students will learn in depth about ray diagrams, lenses and mirrors and will finish up the lesson with a prism experiment so that they can visualize reflection and refraction.prism lesson plan.doc

Reflection and Refraction of light class notes.ppt

Reflection and Refraction of light.ppt
Medopoly Clinical Trials Game6, 7, 8ScienceThis is an exciting activity that requires the students to go through the stages of Clinical Trials in a board game format. There is a competition to see which person or team can get the required materials for a Clinical Trial and then conduct the trial by answering questions about the process.Medopoly Instructions.doc

Medopoly Phase Questions with Answers.doc

Medopoly Phase Questions.doc

Medopoly Chance Cards.doc

Medopoly Clinical Deed Cards.doc

Medopoly Community Meds Cards.doc

Medopoly Game Board.ppt

Medopoly Money.doc

Medopoly Clinical Trials Board.jpg
The Big Picture Behind Multiplication and Division of Fractions6, 7, 8MathBy solving numeric and word problems involving fraction multiplication and division, the tiles that cover a mystery picture can be removed one at a time. Guess what the picture is about!lesson plan_v2.doc


The big picture behind fractions MnD v2.ppt
Medical Investigators Urinalysis lab7ScienceIn this activity the students will act as "medical investigators". They will test the urine of 3 patients for protein and/or glucose to identify if any of these patients could have health problems and what their results indicate.Urinalysis Lesson Plan.doc

Urinalysis Student Sheet.docx

Genetics Fun-etics6, 7, 8ScienceThis lesson, assortment of activities, and list of fun facts will aid the students in understanding the complexity that is genetics. After an introduction to genetics including a brief history of the father of genetics, Gregor Mendel, the students are given the opportunity to study nature vs. nurture, survival of the fittest, mutation, and trait effects throughout a series of activities.GENETICS.ppt

Genetics Activities.doc

Genetics Lesson Plan.doc


Chex Mix Taxonomy Classification6ScienceThis lesson helps students understand why scientists classfiy organisms and how they do it by sorting ("classifying") Chex Mix.Taxonomy classification ppt1.ppt

Taxonomy classification worksheet.doc

Taxononmy classification Lesson Plan.doc
Force and Motion, and Pulleys6ScienceThis is a lab activity for both Force and Motion and Pulleys. The first activity uses inclined planes and a small car to demonstrate force and motion and the second uses a series of pulleys to allow the students to observe how setting up pulleys in various configurations can improve efficiency and ease of moving something.Merrily We Roll Along DLC.doc

Merrily We Roll edited.doc

Investigating Pulleys DLC.doc

Investigating pulleys2.docx
Interactive Earth's Layers6ScienceThis is a fun way to have the students take notes about the layers of the Earth. They will build a "model" of the layers using construction paper and then take notes on each layer, enabling them to better visualize the layers as they take notes about them.Layers of the Earth notes.ppt

Layers of the Earth Worksheet.doc

Earth Layers Lesson Plan.doc
Adaptation Island7ScienceA board game to review the basics of genetics, natural selection & reproduction.Teacher Lesson Plan.docx

Adaptation Board Game.pptx

Adaptation Island Instructions.docx

Catastrophe Cards.doc

Mutation Cards.doc

Test Your Knowledge Cards.doc

Adaptation Island Play Money.doc
Easter Egg Genetics6, 7, 8Science, MathIn this activity students get a short introduction to genetics & how genes are inherited and then apply their probability problem-solving skills to solve real-life genetics problems.Easter Egg Genetics Lesson Plan.doc

Genetics of Inheritance.pptx

Egg Genetics WS.docx

Punnett Square Key.docx
Building a Cell6, 7ScienceThis activity is designed to introduce students to the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.Cell Lesson Plan.doc

Cell presentation (NXPowerLite).ppt

Building a Cell.doc
Save Our Species!6ScienceStudents will use drawings and descriptions of imaginary or real animals to determine why the animal has become endangered. Based on the information about their animals, students will design an ecosystem for that animal and then devise recovery plans to increase the populations of those species.Endangered Species_1027LP.doc

Endangered Species.ppt
Exploding Pumpkins8ScienceThis demo is an example of the power of exothermic chemical reactions that is still suitable for a classroom. Calcium carbide reacts with water to form the volatile gas, acetylene. With the flick of a match, this powerful gas can turn a pumpkin into a jack-o-lantern with knife-like precision. Or so it seems…..Exploding Pumpkins.docx
Math in Music7MathMusic is a popular passion among youth. Though often difficult to delineate, music is highly mathematical. Rhythmically tapping your foot at repetitive intervals to a song testifies to its mathematical nature of patterns and sequences. This lesson makes sense out of the sound we hear, the music we feel, and the math that connects it all.MathInMusicLessonPlan.doc

Shape Up with the Scientific Method8MathStudents will explore the relationships between different shape dimensions and shape volume. Each student will have the opportunity to make an educated guess on which shapes have the largest volume prior to calculating the volume of all 6 shapes.Answer key figures.doc

Shapes and the Scientific Method.doc

Volume Shapes answer key.doc

Worksheet Shapes and the Scientific Method.doc
Characteristics of Organisms6ScienceA PowerPoint presentation and activity to introduce and apply characterization of organisms into domain and kingdom.Organisms Lesson Plan.doc

Organisms Instruction Sheet.doc

Organism Sorting Packet.doc

Organisms sheet.doc

Kingdom Answer Key.doc

Classification of organisms.ppt
Biodiversity in Ecosystems7ScienceStudents simulate biodiversity in a forest and see first hand how biodiversity contributes to survival of species.Biodiversity lesson plan.doc

Biodiversity in Ecosystems.pptx
Up, up and away!7, 8ScienceThis experiment was designed to help students understand the concepts of heat, thermal energy, and temperature and the relationships between them. Students will view a PowerPoint over different aspects of heat, thermal energy, and temperature and will then perform an experiment to visualize the concepts taught.Temperature, Heat, and Thermal Energy.pptx

heat temp thermal lesson.doc
How Does Life on Earth Exist?7ScienceAfter viewing a PowerPoint and taking notes about the things that allow life to exist on Earth, students will complete an activity that allows them to create their own planet and list how life survives there.How_does_life_on_Earth_exist.ppt


An Energy Debate6ScienceStudents will interact with the instructor while navigating a PowerPoint presentation to teach them energy inefficiencies in the home. Then they will break into groups (teams) and compete to design the most logical and energy efficient house plan. The winning team will receive an “Energy Star” award.An Energy Debate (NXPowerLite).pptx

AnEnergyDebate-Lesson Plan.docx

An Energy Debate Student Worksheet- Teacher Key.docx

An Energy Debate Student Worksheet.docx

Be The Change - Solving Energy Inefficiencies in the Home (NXPowerLite).pptx

Be The Change - Student Notes-Assignment Page.docx

By Land or Sea — Comparative Anatomy7, 8ScienceStudents will explore comparative anatomy by understanding how nature has used the same genes to create diversity.By Land or Sea Comparative Anatomy Lesson.doc

Comparative Anatomy - Marine.ppt

Houston Zoo CompAnatomy10-2013.pptx

These Bones Can Talk.doc

Comparative Anatomy Worksheet.doc
The Ocean’s Give and Take8Science, TechnologyThis 5E lesson is designed to help the students understand the human dependence on ocean systems and how human activities can modify these systems. Students will clean up an oil spill to learn how the use of the ocean’s resources can impact the ocean’s systems.Ocean Systems 5E Lesson Plan.doc

Ocean Systems (NXPowerLite).pptx

Ocean Systems Quiz key.docx

Ocean Systems Quiz.docx
Ethics in Veterinary Medicine6, 7, 8ScienceThis presentation defines ethics and applies ethics to veterinary medicine. Animal rights and animal ethics are discusses as well as use of animals in research. Two activities generate discussion and analysis of the issues associated with ethics in veterinary medicine.Ethics in Veterinary Medicine (NXPowerLite).pptx

Animal Welfare Worksheet.docx

Ethics in Veterinary Medicine Worksheet.docx
Mix It Up in the Kitchen6Science, MathThe purpose of this lesson is to be able to have the students identify the differences between: mixtures and solutions, heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures, solutes and solvents. Students will be able to explore every day foods in relations to science by carrying out a series of small experiments.Mix it Up LessonActivityPlan.doc

Find the Solution!.pptx

Hi, my name is Research6, 7Science, EnglishA means for an RS/RM to introduce him or herself to the class, discuss their research and have the class introduce themselves to the RS/RM in a fun and creative way. Introduces communication in science and the scientific method.Hi, my name is Research Activity Plan.doc
Learning is Infectious-Classifying Bacteria!6, 7ScienceStudents will learn the differences between the bacteria kingdoms while using bacteria found in their own mouths to see bacteria up close and personal. The presentation is a summary of the traits of both eubacteria and archaebacteria, a list of differences and similarities and reasons why they are two separate kingdoms. The lab is a fun activity in which the students take swabs from the insides of their mouths and streak an agar petri dish to watch the bacteria grow.Bacteria Taxonomy Lesson Plan.doc

Archeabacteria and Eubacteria Taxonomy Final.pptx

Germ Growth Final.ppt
Identifying Insects with a Dichotomous Key7ScienceThe purpose of this lesson is for students to learn how biologists are able to name and classify organisms. This lesson shows how to use a dichotomous key to identify insects and also includes an activity for students to make their own dichotomous key.Insect Dichotomous Key Lesson Plan.doc

Warm up questions.doc

How to Use a Dichotomous Key.doc

Insect Dichotomous Key.doc


Vocabulary Organizers (2).pdf

Create Your Own Dichotomous Key.doc

Evaluate Questions.docx
The Effect of Catastrophic Events on Ecosystems7ScienceThis lesson includes an informative PowerPoint on the effects of hurricanes, floods and tornadoes on ecosystems. An activity is included in which students research ecosystems and produce a news style report.Catastrophic Events Impact on the Ecosystem(1085).ppt

ecosystems lesson plan.doc

Grading Rubric for the Ecosystems Newscast Project.docx
Visualize Convection Currents6, 8ScienceThrough the PowerPoint and the visualize convection activity, students will learn about convection currents and how they occur. Students will be able to explain their findings to the class based on the information they learn in this activity.Convection Currents (NXPowerLite).pptx

convection currents.doc


Lab write up Convection Currents.docx
Cycling of Matter7ScienceThis presentation explains the cycling of matter and shows how the decomposition in a composting bin is an example of the cycling in a living system.Cycle of Matter.pptx


The Ocean’s Give and Take6, 7, 8ScienceHumans rely heavily on ocean systems. We use the ocean for food, water, commerce, recreation and sadly enough, waste removal. Runoff, artificial reefs, and the use of the oceans resources have all have a large impact on the ocean systems. After viewing the PowerPoint for this lesson, students will have the opportunity to simulate the cleanup of an oil spill.ocean systems lesson plan.doc

Ocean Systems (NXPowerLite).pptx
Cell vs. Organism7ScienceCells have many functions that mirror functions of organisms. The purpose of this 5E lesson plan is to help students understand cells better and to understand and be able to compare the functions of a cell to the functions of the organism they inhabit.Cell vs Organism.pptx

cell vs. organism 5E.doc

Cell quiz.docx

Cell quiz2.docx

Cell quiz key.docx
The Perfect Blend7ScienceThe lesson is designed to help with the understanding of incomplete dominance through comparison with the other forms of genetic dominance. The students will further their understanding of incomplete dominance by working on some Sponge-bob related worksheets.DLC 1093.doc

SpongeBob Genetics Review.pdf

SpongeBob Incomplete Dominance.pdf
Minerals 101!6ScienceStudents will learn basic mineral background information, and how to identify them. They will watch a PowerPoint presentation, and then complete a worksheet activity. Using the information learned students will complete a lab exercise classifying ten different minerals.Minerals 101.pptx

Minerals Are Everywhere! - Lesson Intro Day 2.pptx

Minerals 101! - Activity Plan.docx

Minerals 101 - Day 1 Student Worksheet.docx

Minerals 101 - Day 1 Student Worksheet Teacher Key.docx

Day2 Lab - MineralIdentificationChart.docx

Day 2 Lab - Whats that Mineral.docx
The Lunar Cycle8ScienceThis is a 5E lesson plan to give students and understanding of the different moon phases, students will review all stages and be able to point out these phases in class or the sky. As well as an understanding of the Earth, sun, and moon’s relationship.The Lunar Cycle -Lesson Plan.doc

The Lunar Cycle.pptx

PowerPoint Student Worksheet.doc

PowerPoint Student Worksheet - KEY.doc

Moon Phases Worksheet.doc

The Lunar Cycle -Evaluation Questions for Students.doc

The Lunar Cycle -Evaluation Questions for Students -- KEY.doc

Phases of the Moon Lyrics.doc
The Vast Universe8ScienceThe student will describe components of the universe , including stars, nebulae, and galaxies, and use models such as the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram for classification. An H-R Diagram Bingo game is provided along with other hands-on activities.Vast Universe Lesson Plan.doc

What's in Our Universe.ppt

Scaling the Universe lesson.doc

Scaling the Universe.doc

HR Diagram Bingo Master Board.doc

HR Diagram Bingo Cards.doc

HR Diagram Bingo Pieces.doc

Items and yardage.doc
Texas Ecosystems: Biodiversity and Sustainability7ScienceThis lesson will help students understand the different eco-regions of Texas, the organisms within those ecosystems, and how those organisms interact with and rely on each other for survival.Ecosystem Crossword.doc


Texas Ecoregions Crossword.doc

Texas Ecosystems.ppt
What is Research?6, 7, 8ScienceThis is a PowerPoint presentation on the basic concept of research, including famous scientists who made important discoveries through research.Research (NXPowerLite).pptx
Let's Build a Cell!7ScienceThe primary parts of the cell are presented, along with their functions, and higher levels of organization in organisms. A board game is also included to increase retention of materials.Cell Game Lesson Plan.doc



Organic Compounds for Lunch7ScienceThis two-day lesson contains a PowerPoint that teaches about organic compounds, student worksheets, and a lab activity in which students test common food items for organic compounds.Organic Compounds Student Lab Procedure and Data Table.docx

Organic Compounds Student Worksheet- Teacher Key.docx

Organic Compounds Student Worksheet.docx

Organic Compounds(1106).ppt

The Whole Truth (Not the Fibula) About the Skeletal System7ScienceThis lesson is designed to help the students learn the bones in the skeletal system. The students will further their understanding through the quiz Prezi and attached worksheets.Prezi quiz worksheet.docx

Skelton fill in the blank key.docx

Prezi quiz worksheet key.docx

Skeletal System Lesson Plan.doc.docx

Skelton fill in the blank.docx
Internal Adaptations in Organisms7ScienceThis lesson covers internal adaptations of organisms including gills in fish, xylem in plants, and hollow bones in birds. It is specifically designed to cover TEKS 7.12 A. There is a PowerPoint presentation, a link to a Prezi presentation, and a lesson plan that includes a foldable on internal adaptations.Internal Adaptations.doc

Internal_Adaptation Powerpoint.ppt
Genetically Modified Food Debate7, 8ScienceA situation is given where school officials are considering allowing genetically modified vegetables to be served to children in school cafeterias. The foods would cost less and be more nutritious than the unmodified foods that are currently being served. The teacher will assign students to a group with a certain role. Based on their role, they gather data to help support your claim of whether or not these new genetically modified foods should be served to the school children. After information is gathered, students will debate with members of other Role groups to determine what should happen in the schools.Debate Activity Teacher Instructions.doc

Genetic Modification Debate Activity.doc

Genetically Modified Food (NXPowerLite).pptx
Alternative Energy6, 7ScienceAn introductory PowerPoint that explains different energy sources.Alternative Energy 1.ppt
Energy Resources6, 7ScienceThis is PowerPoint presentation on renewable and non-renewable resources. It covers the types of energy how students can conserve energy at home.TEKS 6.7B (NXPowerLite).ppt
Raising Energy Management Awareness6ScienceProducing ideas to save energy in the homes, schools, and communities of students.Energy DLC.doc

energy audit.doc

Making the Selection7ScienceExplore the concepts of selective breeding.Making the Selection- Data Table for Students.docx

Making the Selection- Student Worksheet and Data Answer Sheet.docx

Making the Selection- Student Worksheet.docx

Motions of the Ocean8ScienceStudents will experience first-hand the effects of El Niño and La Niña and hurricanes on a smaller and safer scale. They will create a hurricane proof house and learn the power of the ocean.Lesson Plan_Motions of the Ocean.doc

Role of Oceans in Weather Systems.pptx

Hurricane Houses Activity.docx

El Nino and La Nina Activity.docx

Blank US Map.docx
Pull It Up6ScienceThese are two interactive, hands-on pulley lab investigations.PulleyLab1.doc


Navigating the Nervous System7ScienceThis is an engaging presentation and hands-on activity featuring the Nervous System. In small groups students will be introduced to the nervous system. Students will learn the structure and function of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System. They will explore that a neuron is the nerve cell that makes up the nervous system, and learn what makes up the parts of the neuron. Optical illusions are included to engage the students. The presentation for this lesson is a Prezi and is found online at the link provided.Navigating the Nervous System LessonActivityPlan.doc

Navigating the Nervous System Student Worksheet.doc

Navigating the Nervous System Student Worksheet Key.doc

Brain Teasers Powerpoint.pptx
Nitrogen and Carbon Cycle Activities6, 7, 8ScienceFun, interactive activities for the Carbon Cycle and Nitrogen Cycle. The Nitrogen Cycle activity involves following the travels of Nitrogen throughout the cycle while you collect stamps for Nitrogen's passport. The Carbon Cycle activity include a puzzle that fits together several ways, but only one way completes the cycle correctly and an interactive website.The Carbon Cycle HW Assign_1.doc
Dichotomous Key for Texas Trees7ScienceThis is a dichotomous key for common Texas Trees. It includes color pictures of many Texas trees.Key to Common Trees of TX.doc

Key to Common Trees of TX 2.doc
Careers in Science Booklet6, 7, 8Science, AgThis booklet contains information about careers in science. Many diverse careers are featured along with self-tests for students, puzzles, games, and real life examples of scientists.CAREERS IN SCIENCE.pdf
Oceans and the Atmosphere8ScienceThere are many ways that Earth, ocean, and weather systems interact and affect one another. The Sun provides the energy that drives convection within the atmosphere and oceans, producing winds and ocean currents. These currents cause atmospheric movement that influence local weather, and can be tracked and recorded using weather maps that show high and low pressures and fronts. Some weather systems, such as hurricanes, can escalate in the right conditionsOceans and the Atmosphere Lesson Plan.doc

Oceans and the Atmosphere.pptx

Recipe for a Hurricane Worksheet.doc
Darwin's Finches Activity7ScienceThis is a hand's on activity comparing the usefulness of different types of beaks when gathering food. Students will have different tools and compete to pick up various food items.Darwins Finches Activity.doc

beak ID.doc

beak ID.pdf
Manned Space Exploration6, 7, 8ScienceThis lesson introduces various topics involved in manned space exploration. The purpose of this lesson is to identify the accommodations, considering the characteristics of our solar system, that enabled manned space exploration. Students will learn about the multiple characteristics of our solar system, as well as human accommodations that allow humans to explore space. Students will also learn about the effects of space on the human body and the need for a space suit, proper nutrition, and exercise while in space. This lesson includes two hands on activities, two demonstrations, and several online links to interactive and fun experiments & games online.Space Exploration Lesson Plan.docx

Space Exploration (1150) (NXPowerLite).pptx

Space Exploration Activity Worksheets.docx

Visualizing Microgravity ActivityPlan.docx
Living Cells6, 7, 8ScienceThis lesson covers cells and is meant to teach students the differences between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells and to distinguish between animal cells and plant cells. Students will learn about the features of cells’ contents: cytoplasm (cytosol, organelles, and cytoskeleton) and the functions of the organelles and be able to identify organelles from animal and plant cells. Also covered is the cell theory, central dogma of biology, and endosymbiotic theory. This activity includes online quizzes, a coloring and labeling sheet; interactive online exploration of animal and plant cells, and some example cell models students can make themselves.Cells Final.pptx

Cells Lesson Plan.doc

Coloring and Labeling Eukaryotic Cells Sheet.doc
Go With the Flow7ScienceStudents will learn about rivers and their journey. Through the PowerPoint students will learn about flooding and its impacts. Through the experiment students will get to predict and visualize the things that shape rivers. This lesson will give the students a better understanding of how rivers work and how floods impact life.Floods Lesson Plan.doc


River System Fill in the Blank.docx

River Quiz.docx

River Quiz Key.docx

Around the World with Levers6ScienceIn this lesson, students will learn about the three classes of levers via a PowerPoint presentation and worksheet. They will then use their knowledge of levers to play a game. Students will answer questions at different stations correctly to move on the next station. The main goal is to go to every station, traveling all the way “around the world” to win the game. Students will also use small, everyday objects to model the different types of levers.Types of Levers Lesson Plan.doc

Types of Levers Powerpoint.pptx

Around The World Questions.docx

Levers Answer Key.docx

Levers Worksheet.docx
Biogeochemical Cycles: the Carbon & Nitrogen Cycles9, 10, 11, 12ScienceThis lesson covers the carbon cycle and nitrogen cycle, as these elements cycle through the environment between atmosphere (air), biosphere (living organisms), lithosphere (earth’s surface and crust) and hydrosphere (water) undergoing changes in form as they move throughout their storage pools. Each process will be described so that students will understand exactly how carbon and nitrogen move throughout the cycle and change form. The importance of these elements to organic compounds (life) is stressed as well as human induced changes (global warming, carbon emissions, and nitrogen fertilizer) and the effects of an imbalanced cycle.Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle Lesson Plan.doc

Carbon Cycle.pptx

The Nitrogen Cycle.pptx

Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle Jeopardy.pptx

Carbon Cycle Fill-in Diagram.docx

Carbon Cycle Fill-in Diagram - KEY.docx

Nitrogen Cycle Fill-in Diagram.docx

Nitrogen Cycle Fill-in Diagram - KEY.docx

Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle Assessment.docx

Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle Assessment - KEY.docx
Symbiosis Let's Be Friends!6, 7, 8ScienceThis lesson covers the four relationships of symbiosis – mutualism, parasitism, commensalism, and amensalism and has multiple examples of each that include pictures and descriptions of the organism’s role. There are several YouTube video clips from nature shows with narration to further explain the relationships. Also covered are the two types of symbiotic relationships ectosymbiotic and endosymbiotic as well as three different types of parasitism (biotrophic, necrotrophic, and brood parasitism).Symbiotic Relationships Lesson Plan.doc

Symbiotic Relationships (NXPowerLite).pptx

Symbiosis Activity Table.docx

Symbiotic Relationship Classification Wkst.docx

Symbiotic Relationship Classification Wkst KEY.docx
Matching Symbiosis8ScienceSymbiosis is the close association between two or more organisms of different species, often but not necessarily benefiting each member. Sometimes both organisms benefit from the relationship; however one organism may be harmed by the relationship. Most of the cases of symbiosis revolve around food. This can be that one feeds off another or that one uses the other to avoid being eaten. Through the PowerPoint and the provided activity the students will gain an understanding of these relationships and learn how to tell the difference between the three types.Lesson Plan Sybiosis.doc

Sybiosis Activity Cards (NXPowerLite).docx

Sybiosis activity key.docx

Symbiosis Activity Table.docx

Sybiosis picture key.docx

Symbiotic Relationship (NXPowerLite).pptx
The Scientific Method6, 7, 8ScienceStudents will participate in an interactive PowerPoint, covering the process of the scientific method. Following the PowerPoint students will form groups and practice setting up experiments, choosing variables, and making predictions.Scientific Method (NXPowerLite).pptx

Scientific Method-Lesson Plan.docx

Variable Practice.docx

Variable Practice_TeacherKey.docx
The Scientific Method with Soap Bubble Lab8ScienceThe purpose of this lesson is for students to learn how to apply the Scientific Method to their own science experiments. Using a soap bubble lab, students will be able to use the Scientific Method, practice collecting data measurements, encouraged to think critically, and make predictions.1161 Scientific Method Lesson Plan.doc

1161 Scientific Method - Identifying Variables - Soap Lab.doc

1161 Scientific Method.pptx
Cell Functions PowerPoint7ScienceThis PowerPoint covers the basic functions of the cell such as energy use, waste removal, and growth.DLC1163Cell Functions (NXPowerLite).pptx
Balancing Act8ScienceStudents will gain an understanding of chemical equations and learn how to balance those equations. They will learn through a PowerPoint presentation and by filling out the worksheet that goes with it. They will be evaluated on the material by taking the quiz.Chemical Formula (NXPowerLite).pptx

chemical formulas lesson plan.doc

Formula Quiz key.docx

Formula Quiz.docx
Reaction Time8ScienceThere are several signs that a chemical equation has occurred. In this lesson students will learn all about these different signs through the PowerPoint, the multitude of experiments and videos and the final quiz.Chemical Reactions Lesson Plan.doc

Chemical Reactions Quiz key.docx

Chemical Reactions Quiz.docx

Chemical Reactions.pptx

Labs - Physical or Chemical Change.pdf
All About Horse Teeth9, 10, 11, 12AgStudents will participate in an interactive PowerPoint, covering background information about horse teeth care and floating.Horse Teeth-Lesson Plan.docx

All About Horse Teeth (NXPowerLite).pptx

All About Horse Teeth - Student Worksheet.doc

All About Horse Teeth - Student Worksheet Key.doc
Reproduction in the Mare9, 10, 11, 12AgHorse breeding requires extreme care as well as time. The process requires breeders to consider several different factors and make observations to ensure that the mare does conceive and is not hurt during the procedure. Breeders must note when mares are at the estrus part of their estrous cycle, which is the period when the mares are most receptive to stallions. In this lesson, students will learn about the organs of the reproductive system, along with their functions.Lesson Plan_Mare Reproductive System.doc

Mare Reproductive System.ppt

Mare Reproductive System Quiz.doc

Mare Reproductive System Quiz_Answers.doc

Reproductive System Diagram.ppt

Reproductive System Diagram Labels.doc

Reproductive System Diagram.doc

Reproductive System Diagram_Answers.doc
Remember the Restraint!9, 10, 11, 12AgLike humans, animals need yearly checkups to ensure that everything is in working order. At the veterinarian’s, certain safety procedures must be followed so that the animal and handlers are not injured. This lesson will discuss the different techniques used by veterinarians so that they are able to safely examine their patients. Students will learn about the various types of restraints used on animals.Animal Restraint Lesson Plan.doc

Small Animal Restraints.pptx

Animal Restraint Quiz.docx

Animal Restraint Quiz_Answers.docx
Conservation and Uses of Animal Materials9, 10, 11, 12AgThis lesson details safe and responsible uses of agricultural resources and laboratory materials. It includes a PowerPoint presentation covering conservation of animal materials and two water contamination activities.Conservation and Uses of Animal Materials 2.pptx

How Did These Contaminants Get Here Activity.docx

Lesson Plan-Conservation and Uses of Animal Materials 2.doc

What's in My Water Activity.docx
Just Give it a Shot9, 10, 11, 12AgInjections are given to animals to prevent and treat illness. Knowing where and how to give injections and learning safe habits when giving injections are important skills. In this lesson, students will learn the common procedures for giving injections to cattle, sheep, horses, and goats.Injection Lesson Plan.doc

Injection Procedures.pptx

Injection Procedures Quiz.doc

Injection Procedures Quiz Key.doc

Injection Activity.pptx

Injection Activity Handout key.doc

Injection Activity Handout.doc

Injection Fact Sheet.pdf
Mini-labs on Forces and Motion, Photosynthesis, and the Rock Cycle7ScienceThese three activities are all hands-on ways to demonstrate the rock cycle, photosynthesis, and forces and motion. These were found online at the URL provided.Forces and Motion.pdf


Rock Cycle.pdf
Testing for Organic Compounds6, 7, 8ScienceStudents will test various common substances to see whether they are organic or inorganic. A detailed PowerPoint presentation explains organic substances and the elements that are used to build them.Lesson Plan Organic Compounds.doc

Organic Compounds (NXPowerLite).pptx

Tests for Organic Compounds.pdf
Land Subsidence7ScienceThe student will know that natural events and human activity can impact Earth systems. Land subsidence causes the ground to collapse, forming a hole in the ground.Land Subsidence lesson plan.doc

The Dangers of Energy Drinks6, 7, 8ScienceThis presentation reviews the dangers of energy drinks.Energy Drinks.pptx
Adaptations7SciencePlants and animals adapt to their environment in order to survive. They might adapt to avoid predators or to be a more efficient predator. Or they might adapt to survive their environment. Through the PowerPoint and the adaptation creation activity, students will learn how different and even similar animals and plants survive in different biomes.Adaptations Lesson Plan.doc

Animals in Space6ScienceAnimals have been an integral part of the human race to space. Before astronauts like John Glenn and Neil Armstrong were able to go into space, different animals were sent on missions for scientists to determine whether or not space travel was safe. In this lesson, students will learn which animals were used to investigate the effects of the space environment on living organisms. They will also learn how animals benefited scientists in other ways, such as by testing out the effectiveness of safety equipment.Animals in Space.pptx

Guess Who.docx

Lesson Plan1180.doc
How did you learn to do that!?6, 7, 8ScienceTraits can be inherited, learned, or are just instinctive. A dog is a good example of all three. The dog has inherited his features from his parents, has learned how to sit and stay, and has the instinctive urge to bark. In this lesson students will get the opportunity to understand the differences between these three traits.Inherited, Learned or Instinctive.pptx

lesson plan.doc
The Reason for the Seasons8ScienceSeasons involve much more than just temperature changes. In this lesson, the students will learn how the Earth’s tilt and revolution around the sun cause the climate changes in various parts of the world. The lesson will also discuss how the Earth’s tilt affects the differing amounts of sunlight throughout the year that explain the occurrences of solstices and equinoxes.ReasonForTheSeason_LessonPlan.doc

The Seasons (NXPowerLite).pptx
Lab Safety and Equipment6ScienceIn order to be successful in the lab you must first have a general understanding of the tools you will be using and how to safely act in the lab. Breaking the rules can lead to messes and injuries. In this lesson students will learn their basic lab tools and safety rules.Lesson Plan.doc

Lab Safety and Equipment.pptx

cartoon 1.docx

cartoon 2.docx

lab safety quiz.docx

lab safety quiz key.docx
Admissions to College of Veterinary Medicine6, 7, 8Science, MathThis PowerPoint focuses on requirements for entrance into the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine and what a student can do while in high school to increase their chances of acceptance in to the school. Includes demographic information for recent classes including age, sex, ethnicity, and what students are doing after completing their studies.Admission to CVM (NXPowerLite).pptx
Poisonous Rangeland Plants9, 10, 11, 12AgKnowledge of poisonous rangeland plants is of vital importance to livestock management. This vivid PowerPoint and activity, instructs students about various poisonous plants growing in Texas Rangelands. Students will then research a plant not covered in the PowerPoint.Poisonous Range Plants.doc

Poisonous Rangeland Plants (NXPowerLite).pptx

Poisonous Range Plants Activity and Rubric.doc
Atoms - Finding a Balance8ScienceAtoms are the basic unit of matter. They are composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. In this lesson students will learn what a valence electron is, how to find the number of valence electrons using a periodic table, and how to determine the charge of an atom.Atoms.doc

Animal Safety9, 10, 11, 12AgA PowerPoint presentation and follow-up activities illustrate safe practices when working with animals.Lesson Plan-Lab Safety With Animals.doc

Safety With Animals.pptx

Play It Safe Game.pptx
Careers in Agriculture6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgAfter a PowerPoint presentation about the careers in agriculture students will use a computer and navigate the Ag Day website while completing the Ag Day worksheet to further explore the exciting realm of agriculture.Ag Day Website Scavenger Hunt - Key.doc

Ag Day Website Scavenger Hunt.doc

Careers In Agriculture - Lesson Plan.doc

Careers In Agriculture.pptx
Thermal Energy6ScienceThis lesson is HOT! It covers the topic of Thermal Energy and the three ways heat is transferred. This lesson has five fiery demonstrations to grab the students' interest, an ice cube activity, and worksheet.Thermal Energy Lesson Plan.doc

Thermal Energy PowerPoint (NXPowerLite).pptx

Thermal Energy Worksheet.docx

Thermal Energy Worksheet Answer Key.docx

Thermal Energy Activity Handout.docx

Demonstrations with Fire Instructions.docx
Weather Alert!7ScienceThis 5E lesson with video links, PowerPoint presentation, and group activity, is designed to help students understand the impact that catastrophic events, such as tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods, have on ecosystems. Students will then create a newscast of the different impacts on certain ecosystems and will present them to the class.Catastrophic Events Impact on the Ecosystem(1218).ppt

5E Lesson Plan Catastrophic Impacts Ecosystem(1218).doc
The Long and Short of Succession7ScienceStudents will play the roles of organisms in a Piney Woods ecosystem, including coniferous trees, pines, grasses, insects, and mammals. Environmental event cards read by the teacher will raise or lower the scores of each player (organism) depending on the impact of the event.The Long and Short of Succession (NXPowerLite).doc
How do Cells Obtain Energy?7ScienceThis is a PowerPoint Presentation meant to introduce students to the process of cellular respiration. It covers both aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration in plant and animal cells.Cell Respiration Lesson Plan.doc

Cellular Respiration.pptx

Photosynthesis and Respiration Notes Guide.doc
Atmospheric Movement7, 8ScienceThis lesson plan will educate students on how to identify how global patterns of atmospheric movement influence local weather using weather maps that show high and low pressures and fronts. The lesson will also educate students on what conditions are necessary for changes in weather and how those changes affect weather on a global scale. This lesson includes two firey demonstrations and a hands on build-a-barometer activity!Atmosperic Movement Lesson Plan.doc

Atmospheric Movement Powerpoint (NXPowerLite).pptx

Atmospheric Movement Worksheet.doc

Atmospheric Movement Worksheet Answers.doc

Barometer Activity Teacher Instructions.doc

Barometer Activity Worksheet.doc
Pythagorean Theorem Activity8MathThe purpose of this lesson is for students to learn the Pythagorean Theorem and to be able to recognize how to use the formula today. Students will be able to use the theorem both in and outside of the classroom. Tested on their ability to identify right triangles outside of the classroom, students will use measurements of common right triangles to work the formula in a variety of ways.DLC 1229 Activity Plan.doc

DLC 1229 Pythagorean Theorem ppt.pptx

DLC 1229 Activity Worksheet.doc

Notes and ppt Outline.docx
Livestock Production9, 10, 11, 12AgThis curriculum provides teachers with PowerPoint presentation and activities relating to many aspects of livestock production.Livestock Production Lesson Plan.doc

Cattle Production.pptx

Branding Activity.docx


Equine Activity.docx

Sheep Production.pptx

Sheep Jeopardy.ppt

Goat Production.pptx

Goat Jeopardy.ppt

Swine Production.pptx

Ear Notching Activity.docx
Circulatory System6, 7, 8Science, HealthThis lesson covers the circulatory system from function, components, measuring your pulse to a brief introduction of circulatory diseases. This lesson is for TEKS 7.12B - circulatory system. In this lesson, students will learn about the circulatory system and will be able to draw out the direction blood flows through the human body. This lesson includes multiple video links, two activities, and an online definition quiz.Circulatory system lesson plan.doc

Why Valves Activity.doc

Circulatory System presentation (NXPowerLite).ppt
Urinalysis9, 10, 11, 12AgThis curriculum will provide students with instructions on all aspects of urinalysis from collection to microscopic examination.Urinalysis Lesson Plan.doc


Urinalysis Activities.doc

Patient Chart.doc

Urinalysis Quiz.ppt
Bridges - how and why they work7ScienceThe purpose of this lesson is for students to learn basic workings of three simple bridges: beam, suspension, and truss. In a hands-on lab project, students will use their knowledge of these bridges to create similar structures out of the every-day items they are provided. The students will then have to label the direction of the forces working on the bridges on a separate worksheet.Building Bridges Activity Lesson Plan.doc

Building Bridges Activity Sheet.docx

Building Bridges PowerPoint (NXPowerLite).pptx
Game and Exotic Animals9, 10, 11, 12AgA PowerPoint presentation and follow-up lesson will provide students with a basic understanding of common game and exotic animals. Information presented includes: animal characteristics, behavior, and habitat.Game and Exotic Animals Lesson Plan.doc

Game and exotic animals (NXPowerLite).pptx

We're in This Together.docx
Multiple Trait Punnett Squares9, 10, 11, 12AgThe purpose of this lesson is for students to understand how to fill out a Punnett Square when crossing two or more traits. Students will learn that gametes are randomly selected through independent assortment, which they will practice in the provided worksheet assignment, as well as examine the effect of independent assortment on the distribution of traits. Students will also be able to make predictions using the square and basic probability conceptsActivity Plan Genetics Punnett Squares.doc

Multiple Trait Punnett Squares.pptx

Multiple Trait Punnett Squares Worksheet.doc
Spay and Neuter Video9, 10, 11, 12Ag, HealthThis is a video by Purdue College of Veterinary Medicine showing a cat spaySpay and Neuter Videos.docx
The Sun and Light Years8ScienceThis lesson describes the Sun and how light years are used to measure distances in space. It includes a PowerPoint and an activity plan.SUN2.pptx

Ecological Relationships8ScienceThere are many ecological interactions that occur in the natural world. Population dynamics is the pattern of any process or interrelationship that affects growth or change in a population of organisms. This lesson goes through some of the ecological relationships dealing with population dynamics, including producer-consumer systems, predator-prey relationships, parasite-host relationships, competition between organisms for resources, and the flow of energy and nutrients in a food web.Lesson Plan.doc

Predator-prey activity.docx

Predator-prey activity KEY.doc

Ecological Relationships Quiz.docx

Ecological Relationships Quiz Key.docx

Ecological Relationships (NXPowerLite).pptx
The Properties of Water6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgThis lesson has a PowerPoint that describes the properties of water and includes a fun capillary action lab and an activity sheet.Properties of Water Activity Sheet.docx

capillary action lab.docx

properties of water final.pptx
Light Interactions7ScienceThe purpose of this lesson is for students to recognize the ways in which light interacts with matter through reflection, refraction, scattering, and absorption. Students will also be able to describe different types of light and will become familiar with the basic properties of light.Activity Plan.doc

How Light Works Final.pptx

Light PPT Outline.docx

Properties of Light Lab Activity Worksheet.docx

Worksheet- Transparent Translucent and Opaque.doc
Beef Cattle EPD9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgA PowerPoint presentation and activities help students understand the importance and use of expected progeny differences (EPD).Beef EPDs lesson plan-1.doc

Beef EPDs-1.pptx

Beef EPD worksheet.docx
Human Activity and Water7ScienceStudents will gain a greater understanding of our impact on water systems. This lesson includes a short PowerPoint presentations covering key terms related to water systems and current concerns surrounding water quality issues.Watershed Lesson Plan.doc

Watershed PowerPoint.pptx

Groundwater Activity.doc
Using A Dichotomous Key7, 8ScienceThe purpose of this lesson is for students to learn how biologists are able to name and classify organisms. This lesson shows how to use a dichotomous key to identify insects and also includes an activity where students must identify insects and then try to make their own dichotomous key.Dichotomous Lesson Plan.doc

Warm-up Questions.doc

Insects List.docx

Dichotomous Key.doc

How to Use a Dichotomous Key.doc

Create Your Own Dichotomous Key.doc

Evaluation Questions.docx

Vocabulary Organizers (2).pdf
Veterinary Imaging Equipment9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgA PowerPoint presentation and follow-up activities introduce students to many types of imaging equipment used in veterinary clinics. Students will become familiar with the function, use, and safety issues associated with each device.Lesson Plan-Digital Imaging equipment.doc

Digital Imaging Equipment (NXPowerLite).pptx

Digital Imaging Game (NXPowerLite).pptx
The Nervous System7Science, HealthThis lesson teaches students the basic function and anatomy of the nervous system, including the subdivisions of central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. To familiarize students with the different lobes of the brain and their general functions as well as specialized brain cells as well as the function and anatomy of the spinal cord. Explain the path that information travels in the nervous system from senses to brain and brain to muscles. The presentation gives an example of brain damage (Phineas Gage) and an explanation of spinal cord damage as relevant to the nervous system and a current advancement in the neuroscience field towards treatment.Nervous System Lesson Plan.doc

Nervous System Presentation.pptx

Nervous System Worksheet.doc

Nervous System Worksheet.doc
Common Ancestry: Finding the Proof9, 10, 11, 12ScienceThis lesson begins with a demonstration describing adaptations of mammals to motivate the students to think about anatomical similarities and differences between species. An interactive PowerPoint presentation follows this engagement activity describing proof of common ancestry based on the fossil record, biogeography, and homologies. The lesson also features a video that explains how a complex set of genes called homeotic genes have been found in all species of animals, including sea creatures, and are responsible for body segmentation in crustaceans, like lobsters, crabs and shrimp. In humans, this same family of genes is responsible for creating our segments, such as our spine and ribs. This video also addresses how these species have evolved over millions of years as nature finds new ways to use their genetic material. Finally, students will explore common ancestry by using a data table and Venn diagram to create Cladograms, a diagram showing the degree of relationship between different organisms.ancestry lesson plan.doc

Common ancestry (NXPowerLite).pptx

Common AncestryWorksheet.docx

Common Ancestry Key.docx
HABITAT, SWEET, HABITAT7ScienceThis lesson has a PowerPoint presentation and outdoor activities to inform students about biodiversity and microhabitats.Biodiversity and Microhabitats Final.pptx

Microhabitat Lesson Plan.docx

School Yard Microhabitiats Activity.docx
I Spy an Ecosystem!6ScienceStudying ecology is all about looking at how organisms are related to one another and the environment surrounding them. It can be helpful to break down ecological systems into a hierarchical organization. From an individual organism to the biosphere, there are many different ecological levels. This lesson goes through the levels of ecosystem organization (organism, population, community, ecosystem, biome, and biosphere) and includes creative activities for students to increase understanding of ecosystem organization. The hierarchy can even be expanded to include levels of organization within an organism (such as cell, tissue, organ, etc.) and also levels greater than the biosphere.DLC 1291Ecosystem Organization - Lesson Plan.doc

DLC 1291 Ecosystem Organization Biomes.pptx

DLC 1291 Ecosystem Organization.pptx

DLC 1291 Ecosystem Flip Book activity.docx

DLC 1291 Ecosystem Earth activity.docx

DLC 1291 DLC 1291 Biome in a Box activity.docx

DLC 1291 Build Your Own Ecosystem activity a.pdf
Ecological Relationships 5E Lesson Plan8ScienceThere are many ecological interactions that occur in the natural world. Population dynamics is the pattern of any process or interrelationship that affects growth or change in a population of organisms. This lesson goes through some of the ecological relationships dealing with population dynamics, including producer-consumer systems, predator-prey relationships, parasite-host relationships, competition between organisms for resources, and the flow of energy and nutrients in a food web.5E Lesson Plan.docx

Ecological Relationships (NXPowerLite).pptx

Ecological Relationships Quiz.docx

Ecological Relationships Quiz Key.docx

Predator-prey activity.docx
Transmission of Genetic Information7ScienceStudents will learn about the transmission of genetic information through a family. They will learn what affects this transmission and what can actually be passed down. Finally, students will create their own dragons in order to see how traits are passed from parents to offspring.Virginia Genetics Lesson Plan.doc

Transmission of Genetic Information.pptx

Genetics Quiz.docx

Genetics Quiz-key.docx
Sutures9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgThis lesson will give students hands on experience and practice with sutures. Students will learn how to complete the two main types of sutures and what tools and equipment are needed in this process. After completing this lesson, students should be able to complete simple sutures on their own.Sutures Lesson Plan.doc

Sutures Activity Worksheet.docx

KEY Sutures Activity Worksheet and Tips.docx

Sutures (NXPowerLite).pptx
Estrus Detection and Artificial Insemination9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgA PowerPoint presentation and activity will enable students to understand and describe the procedures for estrus determination, semen collection and evaluation, and artificial insemination in a variety of species.Lesson Plan-Artificial Insemination.doc

Artificial Insemination.pptx

Artificial Insemination Lab activity.docx
Animal Genetics9, 10, 11, 12AgKnowledge of how traits are passed from parents to offspring is essential when making decisions concerning animal breeding programs. This presentation and activity will provide students with foundational information about genetics and opportunities to apply the knowledge to different livestock species.Lesson Plan-Animal Genetics.doc

Animal Genetics (NXPowerLite).pptx

Animal Genetics Breeding Lab Activity 1.doc

Animal Genetics Lab Activity 2.docx

Animal Genetics Lab Activity 3.docx
Biomes & Ecosystems6ScienceThe purpose of this lesson is to teach students about biomes, ecosystems, and the roles that different organisms play with their ecosystem in the transfer of energy and nutrients. There are nine different activities listed to help teach the students the lesson using different approaches that include: an online quiz, create a food web/habitat online, creating a food web project on paper, learning about biomes through an interactive website, student directed presentations on the different parts of an ecosystem, student directed skits on ecosystem aspects, and a mural for the entire class to make of their local geographical region. Detailed instructions, required supplies, and links all provided. You can pick and choose which activities to use; single activities can stand alone or be used in conjunction with one another.Ecosystem Activites Plan.doc

Cycling of Matter no compost Presentation Final.pptx
Lightyears8ScienceThis activity gets students out of their desks to practice measuring and manipulating units in a fun, interactive manner. Conversion units of distance are often too awkwardly large to manipulate when discussing planets, solar systems, and galaxies. Units such as light-years are useful when discussing enormous distances but are difficult for students to comprehend. In order to understand the journey light takes in 1 year, students will replicate that journey and walk 9,500,000,000,000 km in 365 days. Well, not exactly. They will generate their own unit of measure based on a distance they travel in a set time interval. We will call the unit of their making a “student minute” because it is the distance that 1 student can walk (normal pace) in 1 minute. Included is a powerpoint presentation to explain the concepts, a student worksheet, and an optional extensions worksheet.Light-years activity plan.docx

Light-year student worksheet.docx

Light-years activity extension student worksheet.docx

Light-years presentation (NXPowerLite).pptx
The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Wavelength8ScienceThe purpose of this lesson is for students to learn the basics about waves and the electromagnetic spectrum. Included are an in-depth PowerPoint presentation and a worksheet for students to complete after the presentation. The worksheet tests students’ ability to define the parts of the wave, as well as how to measure wavelength, amplitude and frequency of example waves. It also provides students a space to write their understanding of how scientists are able to gain information about our universe through using various wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum.Lesson Plan Electromagnetic Spectrum.doc

Exploring the Electromagnetic Spectrum Worksheet.doc

Electromagnetic Spectrum (NXPowerLite).pptx
Homeostasis – the balance within us9, 10, 11, 12Science, Ag, HealthThis lesson covers the physiology topic of Homeostasis for a high school audience. It includes a comprehensive PowerPoint over homeostasis: history, variables, control centers, threats, organ systems (parts & function), and regulatory mechanisms with several examples, links to YouTube videos for visual explanations, and also the disease diabetes in relation to homeostasis. Student project includes modeling an organ system.1319 Lesson Plan Homeostasis.doc

Organ systems working together.pdf

1319 Homeostasis.pptx
Camouflage and Climate Change6, 7, 8ScienceMany animals have adapted to survive in a particular habitat/biome. The snowshoe hare is a prime example. It turns white in the winter to blend in with the snow. The recent changes in climate in the area in which they live are jeopardizing this species. With less snow on the ground and the snow melting earlier in the season, the hares are becoming bright white targets. Could they become endangered? If they do, how will that affect other organisms in their environment? In this lesson students will learn about the adaptations of the snowshoe hare, its plight, and possible solutions to the snowshoe hares’ possible demise.Lesson Plan Camouflage and Climate Change.doc

Animal Images.pptx

Article Case of the Disappearing Rabbit.docx

Article The Color of a Bunny.docx

Camouflage and Climate Change.pptx

Snowshoe Hare Quiz.docx

Snowshoe Hare Quiz Key.docx

Animal Flip Book.docx

Camouflage the Hare!.docx

What Do Ecologists Do.docx
The Cycling of Matter and Energy6, 7, 8ScienceThis presentation explains the cycling of matter and energy within living systems and shows how the decomposition in a compost bin is an example of the cycling in a living system.Lesson Plan Cycling of Matter.doc


Compost Primary Consumers.docx

Compost Secondary Consumers.docx

Compost Tertiary Consumers.docx

Compost Food Web.pdf

The Cycling of Matter and Energy.pptx

Food Web of the Compost Pile.pptx
Domains and Kingdoms and Where We Belong!6ScienceThis lesson covers the biological taxonomy rank of Domains and Kingdoms for all living things. The lesson has been divided into two separate fun activities for the students: Family Feud and a Scavenger Hunt both involving questions to reinforce the material learned in this lesson. An additional Student Review worksheet is attached to test what the students learned as well as a PowerPoint presentation to introduce the material.Domain and Kingdoms Family Feud Activity Plan.docx

Domain and Kingdoms Family Feud Questions.docx

Domains and Kingdoms presentation.pptx

Scavenger Hunt Activity Plan.docx

Scavenger Hunt Activity Student Worksheet.docx

Scavenger Hunt Questions and Answers.docx

Scavenger Hunt Key.docx

Student Review Worksheet.docx

Student Review Worksheet Key.docx
Human-Animal Bond9, 10, 11, 12Aghis lesson and associated activities will teach students about the human-animal bond and how it is important to veterinary medicine. Students will understand how important animals are to society and how animals and humans benefit each other. Students will hopefully gain an appreciation of how veterinarians and veterinary assistants benefit animal health and welfare and how animals benefit humans through their assistance in the military, therapy and other important jobs. These topics could open students up to different possible careers. This lesson includes crosswords and a research activity.Human-Animal Bond Lesson Plan.doc

Human-Animal Bond (NXPowerLite).pptx

Human-Animal Bond Crossword.docx

Student Research Sheet Human Animal Bond.docx

Veterinary Ethics Crossword.docx

Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics AVMA.pdf

Protecting the Human Animal Bond.pdf
Poultry Science: Breeds, Management, and Industry9, 10, 11, 12AgIncreased knowledge of poultry provides students with a better understanding of where some of their foods come from, why particular breeds are selected, and management techniques necessary for a successful industry. This PowerPoint presentation in this lesson will provide a general overview of poultry breeds, their management, and the poultry industry at large. Students will then be able to draw educated conclusions based on poultry and industry standards.Poultry Science Lesson Plan.doc

Poultry Science (NXPowerLite).pptx

My Poultry Operation Activity.doc

Poultry Breed BINGO.doc
Reproductive Structures and Cycles of Livestock9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgUnderstanding the reproductive structures of various livestock species promotes healthy and efficient management practices. Throughout this vivid PowerPoint presentation and accompanying activities students will be introduced to the structure and function of reproductive organs as well as compare and contrast structures from different livestock species.Lesson Plan-Reproductive Structures and Cycles of Livestock.doc

reproductive structures and cycles (NXPowerLite).ppt

Reproductive Structures Worksheet.docx

Reproductive Structures Worksheet Key.docx
Genetics: Building Blocks of Life9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgHeredity is an important concept in medicine and in agriculture. Understanding genetics allows students to understand how genes make us what we are. In this advanced lesson, students will learn about the principles of Mendelian Genetics, Molecular Genetics, Heredity, and techniques of genetics.Lesson Plan_Genetics.doc

Mendelian Genetics and Punnett Squares.docx

Mendelian Genetics and Punnett Squares_answers.docx

Mendelian Genetics quiz.docx

Mendelian Genetics quiz_answers.docx

Genetics Final.pptx

Dog Traits Activity.pdf
Livestock Economics9, 10, 11, 12AgThis lesson will cover the relationship of livestock and the commodity market, formulating feed rations, and the impact of genetics on livestock production. The PowerPoint will include practice math problems, important terminology, and explain the importance of feed efficiency in the production of livestock. In addition, basic genetic principles are discussed as well as how these are used to further our productivity in livestock production.Livestock Economics Lesson Plan.doc

Livestock Economics PowerPoint Edited.pptx

Livestock Math.docx

Livestock Math Answers.docx

Livestock Genetics Activity.docx

Livestock Genetics Activity Answer.docx

Livestock Quiz.docx

Livestock Quiz Answers.docx
Livestock Evaluation9, 10, 11, 12AgTo fully understand the ideal livestock animal, it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of structures and their function. Through this presentation and activity, students will learn the different structures of various livestock species and be able to evaluate and choose ideal animals.Lesson Plan-Evaluation of Livestock.doc

Evaluation of Livestock (NXPowerLite).pptx

Evaluating Livestock Practice (NXPowerLite).pptx

Evaluation Practice Key.docx
Poultry Science: Breeds, Management and Industry9, 10, 11, 12AgThis lesson will give a general overview of the poultry industry. It is important for students to learn more about poultry so that they may gain a better understanding of where some of their foods may come from and why particular breeds and processes are used. During the presentation and Poultry Breeds Bingo and My Operation activity, students will learn basic knowledge and draw educated conclusions based on poultry and the industry. This lesson covers TEKS: principles of agriculture, food, and natural researches and livestock production.Poultry Science Lesson Plan.doc

Poultry Science Presentation.pptx

My Poultry Operation Activity.doc

Poultry Breed BINGO.doc
Surgical-Assisting for Animal Care Assistants9, 10, 11, 12AgThis lesson will explain the responsibilities of a surgical assistant during veterinary surgery. It will also cover the important terminology and skills a surgical assistant will be expected to have knowledge of during veterinary surgical procedures. This lesson covers TEKS 130.6 14A-F and includes several videos in the PowerPoint as well as a review game and assessment worksheet.Surgical-Assisting Lesson Plan.doc

Surgical-Assisting Assessment.doc

Surgical-Assisting 1 Surgical Preparation.pptx

Surgical-Assisting 2 Tools and Equipment.pptx

Surgical-Assisting 3 Skills and Postop Care.pptx

Surgical-Assisting Assessment KEY.doc

Surgical-Assisting Bazinga Review Game.doc
The Tooth of the Matter: Animal Teeth9, 10, 11, 12AgThis lesson explains the major dental differences commonly seen between herbivorous species, omnivorous species, and carnivorous species. Four different kinds of teeth are found in mammals: incisors, canines, premolars, and molars. All four of these kinds of teeth are defined and compared between species. A short activity at the end of the presentation reviews all of the information discussed in the presentation and explains how evolution and adaptation were major causes for the differences among species. There are many videos throughout the presentation to engage the students and provide a better understanding of the material covered. Proper dental care in pets is also covered in this presentation. A jeopardy style game has been created to help review students and test their knowledge of the material discussed in the presentation!Animal Teeth Lesson Plan.doc

Animal Teeth.pptx

Animal Teeth Game.pptx

the tooth of the matter.docx

the tooth of the matter-key.docx
Animal Circulatory System9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgThis lesson and associated activates will teach students about the different circulatory systems in animals. Students will understand different animals have different circulatory systems but they still function the same. The integration of biological science will assist students in understanding how their own bodies are circulated in comparison to animals. Included is an edible blood activity where students can apply what they've learned in a fun and delicious way!Animal Circulatory Systems Lesson Plan.docx.doc

Animal Circulatory Systems (NXPowerLite).pptx

Animal Circulatory Systems Handout.docx

KEY Animal Circulatory Systems Handout.docx

Edible Blood Activity.docx
Nutrient Digestion6, 7Science, HealthThis lesson covers how large molecules are broken down into smaller molecules during digestion. Everything we eat can be broken down into their basic molecules from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. This lesson includes a PowerPoint presentation, Milk tasting activity, and review worksheet.Nutrient Digestion Lesson plan.doc

Nutrient Digestion presentation.pptx

Milk Tasting Activity Worksheet.docx

Lactose-Free Milk Activity Instructions.doc

Student Review Worksheet.doc

Student Review Key.doc
What's the Matter with Matter?6ScienceThe purpose of this lesson is to teach students the properties and relationships of matter and atoms. The students will explore the effects of heat on the motion of atoms and how it is related to physical phase changes. They will also compare the physical properties of pure substances that are both independent of (density, melting point, boiling point, and solubility) and dependent on (volume, mass, and weight) the amount of matter present. In learning and exploring these concepts, students will start forming the basic blocks of science that they will continue to build upon in subsequent education.States of Matter Lesson Plan.doc

States of Matter presentation.pptx

Properties of Matter Worksheet.docx

Physical Characteristics Worksheet.docx
Lab Equipment Crossword6, 7, 8ScienceThe purpose of this lesson is for students to learn the names of equipment used in the laboratory. Students will complete a crossword puzzle individually by observing lab equipment and filling in the name.Lab Equipment Crossword Activity Plan.doc

Tool Identification PowerPoint (NXPowerLite).pptx

Lab Equipment Crossword.doc

Lab Equipment Crossword Answer Key.docx
Soil8, 9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgTo fully understand how plants grow and obtain food, students must first understand the role of soil. Through this presentation and activity, students will gain an understanding of the components and physical properties of soil. Soil profiles will also be described accompanied with a “hands-on-activity” allowing students to demonstrate their understanding.Lesson Plan-Soils.doc

Soils (NXPowerLite).pptx

Soil Profile Activity.docx

Soil Profile Activity Key.docx

Small Animal Skeletal System9, 10, 11, 12Science, Ag, HealthThis lesson will demonstrate the skeletal systems of small animals. It is important for students to be able to understand and identify the different skeletal structures when working with small animals. Activities will challenge and promote learning the bones of cats, dogs and rodents. There are quizzes over each small animal's skeleton in the PowerPoint, worksheet, and quiz included as well.Small Animal Skeletal Systems lesson plan.doc

Canine Skeletal System worksheet.docx

Small Animal Skeletal Systems quiz.docx

Small Animal Skeletal Systems quiz KEY.docx

Small Animal Skeletal Systems.pptx
Large Animal Skeletal Systems9, 10, 11, 12Science, Ag, HealthThis lesson will demonstrate the skeletal systems of large animals. It is important for students to be able to understand and identify the different skeletal structures when working with large animals. Activities will challenge and promote learning of the bones of large livestock species (cattle, horses, swine, sheep, and goats) and poultry with quizzes of each skeleton in the PowerPoint.Large Animal Skeletal Systems lesson plan.doc

Bovine Skeletal System Worksheet.docx

Large Animal Skeletal Systems quiz.docx

Large Animal Skeletal Systems quiz key.docx

Large Animal Skeletal Systems.pptx
Environmental Science in the Agriculture Industry8, 9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgThis lesson depicts environmental science as it relates to agriculture. The history of current technological farming advancements is illustrated as well as types of farming practices. Pros and Cons are discussed.Environmental Science Lesson Plan.docx

Environmental Science PP.pptx

Environmental Science in the Agriculture Industry Qui1.docx

Environmental Science in the Agriculture Industry Quiz Key.docx
Veterinary Technician Tools9, 10, 11, 12AgThis lesson will outline the most common tools that veterinary technicians use. It is important to learn about the tools and equipment used because this will allow the students to better understand the responsibilities of a veterinary technician. The presentation and activity provided will present these common tools in a way that allows the student to compare and contrast similar tools and their purposes.Vet TechTools Lesson Plan.doc

Vet Tech Tools.pptx

Name that Tool Activity.docx
Large Animal Restraint9, 10, 11, 12AgThis lesson introduces large animal restraint to students in a practical setting. Students will be able to restrain large animals and understand how to approach and handle livestock. Included is a restraining activity with instructions if a live animal is available or can be done on a stuffed animal.Large Animal Restraint Lesson Plan.doc

Large Animal Restraints (NXPowerLite).pptx

Large Animal Restraint Activity.doc
Anatomy of Flight in Birds7, 8ScienceWatch knowledge take flight! In this lesson, students will learn about the internal and external adaptations of birds, specifically the red-tailed hawk, pigeon, and emperor penguin through a PowerPoint presentation to learn how some birds have adapted to fly and others have not. Students will know the anatomy of both flying and grounded birds and understand how their anatomy allows for flight. Afterwards, students will be prepared to complete two exciting labs to better understand avian anatomy: the chicken dissection and testing bone strength!DLC 1388 - Lesson Plan.doc

DLC 1388 - Anatomy of Birds (NXPowerLite).pptx

DLC 1388 - Lab Activity - Bone Strength.doc

DLC 1388 - Lab Activity Chicken Dissection KEY.doc

DLC 1388 - Lab Activity Chicken Dissection.doc
Livestock Production PowerPoints9, 10, 11, 12AgThese are introductory PowerPoint presentations on Cattle Production, Hog and Pig Production, Sheep and Goat Production, and Poultry Production. These include common terminology, handling procedures, healthcare, management procedures, and breed information.Livestock Production - Cattle Final.ppt

Livestock Production - Hogs and Pigs Final.ppt

Livestock Production - Sheep and Goat Production Final.pptx

Poultry Production Final.pptx
Forces of Nature6, 7ScienceThe purpose of this lesson is for students to understand four different extreme forces of nature and their effects on the environment. In an interactive PowerPoint presentation, students will use their knowledge of these forces of nature to answer quiz question to the best of their ability. The students will then get to listen and learn the answers as the lesson moves forward. Optional activity is also provided as a lesson extension.catastrophe lesson plan.docx

CATASTROPHE (NXPowerLite).pptx

Floods Quiz.docx

Hurricane Quiz.docx

Tornado Quiz.docx

Volcano Quiz.docx
Making & Breaking that ATP Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration7, 8ScienceThis lesson covers the two reactions of photosynthesis and cellular respiration looking at major molecular players, locations of reactions, the origin of organelles chloroplasts and mitochondria, and how to read the chemical equations of both reactions. There are PowerPoints covering both reactions that are supplemented with many YouTube video links. The lesson includes fun, attention grabbing YouTube video links as lesson introduction and conclusion, four activities to help students understand the concepts for both reactions including an online microscope lab, a demonstration, and worksheets for each process. Also included is a Notes Guide that can be printed and handed out covering both reactions. There are two additional online activities that can be completed by the students’ individually as lesson extensions.Making and Breaking that ATP Lesson Plan.doc

Photosynthesis Presentation (NXPowerLite).pptx

Visualizing Photosyn Worksheet.doc

Visualizing Photosyn Worksheet KEY.doc

Cellular Respiration Presentation (NXPowerLite).pptx

Cellular Respiration Demonstration.doc

Fermentation worksheet.docx

Fermentation worksheet key.docx

Review Worksheet.doc

Review Worksheet KEY.doc

Notes Guide.doc
The Big Four Macromolecules7, 8Science, HealthThis lesson covers the function and structure of macromolecules (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids). The lesson includes a PowerPoint presentation, lab experiment and worksheet, a YouTube video, and links to an online lesson and quiz.Macro Lesson Plan.doc

Macromol Lab Instructions.doc

Macromol Lab Worksheet.doc

Macromol Lab Worksheet KEY.doc

Macromolecules Presentation (NXPowerLite).pptx
Introduction to Ratios6MathThrough a simple PowerPoint lesson presentation, students will learn the fundamentals of ratios and proportions.DLC 1401 - Lesson Plan.doc

DLC 1401 - Introduction to Ratios.pptx

DLC 1401 - Student Activity.docx.doc

DLC 1401 - Student Activity-key.docx.doc
Greenhouse Management9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgThis lesson will cover basic management of a greenhouse, potted flowers, foliage, and edible plants within the greenhouse. Understanding the different kinds of greenhouses can help students understand the responsibility of owning or managing not only their plants, but also the greenhouse facilities. This lesson includes two PowerPoint presentations, multiple activities, andGreenhouse Management Lesson Plan.doc

Greenhouse Managment.pptx

Greenhouse Math Problems.pptx

Greenhouse Math Skeleton Notes.docx

Greenhouse Math Activity Sheet.docx

Greenhouse Math Activity Sheet ANSWER KEY.docx

Greenhouse Design Project Activity Sheet.docx

Mini Greenhouse Project Directions.docx
Livestock Reproduction Males and Females9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgReproduction in livestock varies from species to species. Each species has a unique reproduction specialization that allows them to succeed in copulation, conception, and birth. It is important to understand the differences between genders and species and their needs for the animal’s health and safety. This lesson will covers in depth and with a lot of detail the reproductive systems of cattle, sheep and goats, pigs, and horses both male and female covering important terms, major organs, primary hormones and touch on the reproductive system of the cat and dog. Included in this lesson plan are skeleton notes for male and female reproduction for students to fill in during the presentations and a quiz and bingo game!Reproduction in Livestock Lesson Plan.doc

General Livestock Reproduction Male (NXPowerLite).pptx

General Livestock Reproduction Female (NXPowerLite).pptx

Female Reproduction Skeleton Notes.docx

Male Reproduction Skeleton Notes.docx

Reproduction Bingo Cards.docx

Reproduction Bingo Call Card.docx

Reproduction Quiz.docx

Reproduction Quiz Answers.docx
Fun with Electromagnetic Waves6ScienceThis lesson introduces the electromagnetic spectrum and how light interacts with objects. The purpose of this lesson is to teach students about the effects of electromagnetic waves on various materials, including absorption, reflection, scattering, transmission, refraction, and change in temperature. This lesson also explores why materials are chosen based on their thermal or electrical properties for specific technologies. Conductors and insulators are also defined for thermal and electrical applications. This lesson includes three activity labs and five online games.Electromagnetic waves Lesson Plan.docx

Electromagnetic Waves.pptx

Absorption Reflection or Transmission lab.docx

Angles in Reflection lab.docx

Spear Fishing Challenge lab.docx
Garden Chemistry - Soil Science7, 8ScienceStudents will learn about the dynamic relationship between plants and the soil in which they grow. They will identify the organisms that call soil home and describe the beneficial and detrimental effects they have on the plants with which they live. The PowerPoint presentation walks students through the variety of life found in a garden, including both plants and soil organisms. Students will identify essential nutrients of plants and define pH and describe its effect on plant life. The presentation also introduces for discussion how humans can interact to change a garden system.Garden Chemistry lesson plan.doc

Garden Chemistry2 (NXPowerLite).pptx

Soil Scientist activity.docx
Anatomy of Livestock9, 10, 11, 12Science, Ag, HealthIt is important when learning about the different livestock that the students learn about the anatomy that goes along with those animals. Through this vivid presentation and activity, the students will get a basic overview about the different animal systems that make up the anatomy of that animal.Anatomy of Livestock Lesson Plan.doc

Anatomy of Livestock.pptx
Reproduction in the Stallion9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgThis lesson will allow students to be able to understand and identify how and why the stallion is an important side of equine reproduction. It is important for students to understand the steps the equine industry takes to breed their horses and why these steps are taken.Reproduction in the Stallion Lesson Plan.doc

Stallion Reproductive System.ppt

Stallion Reproductive System Diagram.doc

Stallion Reproductive System Diagram Key.doc

Stallion Reproductive System Quiz.doc

Stallion Reproductive System Quiz Key.doc
Skeletal System7ScienceThis lesson plan will help you interactively give an overview of the human skeleton via a video, pausing to expound on topics throughout the video and using a PowerPoint presentation on the Skeletal System. A quiz and quiz key are included, with instructions for a pasta skeleton activity. Also included is an excel worksheet covering the breakdown of time required to complete this lesson.HumanSkeleton Lesson plan.doc

HumanSkeletonPPT(1441) (NXPowerLite).pptx


HumanSkeletonQuizWksht KEY.doc

Pasta Skeletal System Activity.doc

Soil Microbes and Composting7, 8Science, HealthIn this lesson, students will learn about soil microbes and their role in the ecosystem of decomposing dead material and recycling nutrients back into the soil. They will apply these concepts by using the scientific method to make a mini compost bin in the classroom and observing decomposition by soil microbes.Soil Microbes and Their Role Lesson Plan.doc

Soil Microbes PowerPoint (NXPowerLite).pptx

Classroom Composting Worksheet.docx

Classroom Composting Worksheet Answer Key.docx

Classroom Composting Activity.doc
Properties of Water9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgThis lesson reviews the unique properties of water that make it crucial to life. Topics addressed include water’s structure, hydrogen bonding, cohesion, surface tension, solvent abilities, density, and specific heat capacity. This lesson includes teacher lesson plan, PowerPoint presentation, student worksheets, interactive lab activities, and quiz with answer key.
All PowerPoint slides and other materials in this unit were received from and are available for download from the NanoSense Web Site at Copyright © 2005-2008 by SRI International. All rights reserved.
Properties of Water Activity Plan (DLC 1455).doc


Teacher Lesson plan.pdf

Student Activity Plan.pdf

Natural Selection8ScienceStudents will learn key definitions that form the bases of natural selection. They will explore how this mechanism works and results in the development of different plant and animal species. Additionally, to apply their knowledge and to further their understanding, students will follow the story of the Desert Pocket Mouse in the New Mexico Valley of fire and will analyze how it demonstrated a simple and perfect example of natural selection.LessonPlan Natural Selection.doc

Desert Pocket Mouse Worksheet.docx

KEY Desert Pocket Mouse Worksheet.docx
Feline Breeds9, 10, 11, 12AgMeow! This furry lesson and worksheet will introduce feline breeds and allow students to learn how to identify differences in coloring, hair length and texture as well as different body types.Feline Breeds Lesson Plan.doc

Feline Breeds List.doc

Feline Breeds Worksheet.doc

Feline Breeds Worksheet KEY.doc

Feline Breeds (NXPowerLite).pptx
Density Detective8ScienceIn this lesson students will learn about density and will play detective to see how this physical property can be used to identify an unknown liquid. Students will be assigned an unknown liquid to investigate. By measuring the mass and volume of the liquid, they can calculate the density. They will then identify their unknown liquid by comparing their experimental density with a table of values of known densities of different liquids.Density Lesson Plan.doc

Density Detective Worksheet.doc

Density Detective Worksheet Key.docx

Density PowerPoint.pptx
Poultry Digestive System9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgThere are many different types of digestive systems between the species of livestock. The poultry digestive system is different from every other species of livestock. This lesson will introduce the students to the digestive system of production poultry. It will explain the importance of nutrition and how birds digest food from intake to excretion. Included in this lesson are skeleton notes for students to fill out during the presentation, digestive system labeling quiz, and racing game for students to test their knowledge.Lesson Plan for Poultry Digestive System (NEW)-1.doc

Student Skeleton Notes- Poultry Digestive System.docx

Digestive System in Poultry (NXPowerLite).pptx

Digestive System Labeling Quiz.docx

Digestive System Labeling Quiz ANSWERS.docx

Poultry Digestion Call Card.docx
Veterinary Pharmacology9, 10, 11, 12AgThis lesson and associated activities will teach students about the pharmacy sector of veterinary medicine. Students will understand how their pets are prescribed medications and how, as a veterinary assistant, they can be involved in the process. The integration of science and math assist students in understanding how their core curricula can be applied to real world situations in pharmacology. This lesson includes fun workstation activities and a worksheet to test what the students learned!Veterinary Pharmacology Lesson Plan.doc

Veterinary Pharmacology (NXPowerLite).ppt

Veterinary Prescriptions (NXPowerLite).ppt

Vet Pharm Stations Activity.doc

Vet Pharm conversion chart.docx

Veterinary Pharmacology Handout.docx

KEY Veterinary Pharmacology Handout.docx
Plant Hormones9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgThis lesson presents the five major hormones in horticulture. Students will learn how and when each of these hormones acts on the plants and be able to recognize the results of these hormones. Included are handouts for the students to complete throughout the PowerPoint presentation and two plant hormone experiments.NEW Plant Hormones Lesson Plan.doc

Plant Hormones (NXPowerLite).pptx

Ethylene Experiment.docx

Auxin Experiment.docx

Plant Hormones Handout.docx

KEY Plant Hormones Handout.docx
Marine Symbiosis9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgCome learn about symbiosis under the sea! This lesson plan will cover the three main types of symbiotic relationships: commensalism, mutualism, and parasitism in marine life. The slideshow will define each type of relationship and then provide at least two examples of each relationship type as they occur in the marine environment. Included is a student quiz.Marine Symbiosis Lesson Plan.doc

Marine Symbiotic Relationships (NXPowerLite).pptx

Symbiotic Relationship Classification Wkst.docx

KEY Symbiotic Relationship Classification Wkst.docx
Exploring the Urinary System6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgThis is a PowerPoint presentation covering the urinary system! The presentation includes a brief overview of organ systems, the parts of the urinary system and the use of urine color as an indicator for health. This presentation can be used in conjunction with other body systems lesson plans.the Urinary System (NXPowerLite).pptx
Careers in Veterinary Medicine9, 10, 11, 12Science, Ag, HealthThis lesson will cover the different careers available to those students who want to pursue an education in veterinary medicine. The available jobs do not stop at a private practice, but extend into specializations, research, and product development. There are many options for students to choose from that work directly or indirectly with animals, small or large animals, and companion or livestock species. This lesson includes a powerpoint, two worksheets, and research project.Careers in Veterinary Medicine Lesson Plan.doc

Careers in Veterinary Medicine PowerPoint (NXPowerLite).pptx

Careers in Veterinary Medicine Matching Quiz.docx

Careers in Veterinary Medicine Matching Quiz Answers.docx

Careers in Veterinary Medicine What Did You Learn Activity.docx

Careers in Veterinary Medicine Research Project.docx
Equine Driving9, 10, 11, 12AgCome take a ride with this lesson which covers the basic safety requirements, driving how-to’s, and essential parts of the cart and harness. The students will be able to identify different types of carts, harnesses and bits used while driving single and multiple horses. An overview of the history of driving, different breeds used, and driving competitions will be included. Included are skeleton notes, scenario activity sheets, and a labeling quiz.Equine Driving Lesson Plan.doc

Equine Driving PowerPoint (NXPowerLite).pptx

Group Labeling Quiz.docx

Group Labeling Quiz Answers.docx

Equine Carriage Driving Skeleton Notes.docx

Scenario Activity Sheets.docx

Scenario Activity Sheets Key.docx

Skeleton Notes Key.docx
Force Motion and Energy6ScienceThis lesson reviews basic definitions for force, motion, and energy, and introduces the concepts of potential and kinetic energy. This lesson has six, fun and interactive online activities for students to learn how changes in mass or gravity can affect kinetic or potential energy and will require a computer lab. The purpose of this lesson is to teach students about the two different forms of energy, how objects contain potential or kinetic energy, and that energy can be transferred between potential and kinetic energy in addition to an experiment. Similarities and differences of potential and kinetic energy will also be explored.Force Motion Energy Lesson Plan.docx

Force Motion Energy Activity Plan.docx

Potential and Kinetic Energy.pptx

Potential Kinetic Review.pptx
Calculating Work with Force and Distance6, 7, 8Science, MathPut your student’s minds to work, learning about work! This lesson introduces the concept of physical work. With many examples and easy to understand explanations it is a perfect introduction to work in physics! Included are worksheets for an experiment and Step-by-step guide on calculating work.Work Lesson Plan.docx

Work Activity Plan.docx

Work (1484).pptx

Calculating Work Worksheet.docx

Calculating Work Wksht Key.docx
Caring for Wildlife9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgThis lesson will cover the basics of wildlife care. Different topics will be covered from what to do when you find an injured or orphaned animal, when it is not safe to approach wild animals, different diseases wildlife can contract, who to report wildlife issues to, and the ethical responsibilities when caring or treating wild animals. Included in this lesson are three worksheets for students to apply what they learned and a fun, interactive PowerPoint.Wildlife Care Lesson Plan.doc

Caring for Wildlife-1 (NXPowerLite).pptx

Caring for Wildlife Word Search.docx

Caring for Wildlife Word Search ANSWERS.docx

Wildlife Scenario Activity.docx

Wildlife Scenario Activity Answers.docx

Caring for Wildlife Quiz.docx

Caring for Wildlife Quiz Answers.docx
Livestock Diseases9, 10, 11, 12AgThis lesson and associated activities will teach students about the many diseases that can be detrimental to a livestock operation. Students will learn how important it is to prevent, control and treat diseases. This topic could open students up to different possible careers within livestock production, in the area of disease prevention, treatment and control. Included in this lesson are two fun classroom activities and a research project.Livestock Diseases-Unit Plan.doc

Disease Spread Activity Plan.doc

Livestock Diseases-Unit Plan.doc

Researching Diseases- Assignment Plan.docx


ATOMS6, 7, 8ScienceThe lesson and associated activities are designed to introduce students to atoms and get them thinking about how atoms are a part of our daily lives. The students will learn how atoms, matter and molecules all relate to each other. The Atoms BINGO will reinforce the concepts learned throughout the lesson.atoms lesson plan 1509.doc

ATOMS 1509 (NXPowerLite).pptx


ATOMS_Element_Draw_Cards (1).doc

Atoms 1509 quiz and key.docx
Conservation of Uses or Resources9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgThroughout this presentation and activity, students will be exploring renewable and non-renewable resources that surround their everyday life. It is important to understand what type of resource you are using and know how you can conserve that resource to make it last longer.Conservation and Uses of Resources Lessonplan.doc

Conservation and Uses of Resources Presentation.ppt

Renewable Resources activity plan.docx

Renewable Resources activity.docx
Directional Anatomical Terminology9, 10, 11, 12Science, Ag, HealthThis lesson will present the different terminology used in veterinary medicine to describe locations and joint actions of animals and their anatomy. The activities will apply the material in a fun and interactive manner such as making a paper mache animal to label!Directional Anatomical Terminology (NXPowerLite).pptx

Lesson Plan Vet Directional Terminology.doc

Quiz Directional Terminology.doc

KEY Quiz Directional Terminology.doc
Animal Rights and Animal Welfare9, 10, 11, 12AgThis lesson will compare the differences in animal rights and animal welfare and explore the important influences on these two ideas. There are videos and activities throughout the PowerPoint, a quiz and note sheet handouts.Animals Rights Welfare Lesson Plan.doc

Animal Rights and Animal Welfare (NXPowerLite).pptx

Animal Welfare Rights Quiz .doc

KEY Animal Welfare Rights Quiz .doc

Student Research Handout.docx

Influences on Animal Rights and Welfare Note sheet.doc

Who's Who in Animal Rights Handout.docx
Animal Breeds9, 10, 11, 12Science, Ag, HealthThis lesson will introduce a variety of animal breeds commonly seen by veterinarians and other veterinary personnel, including those on the FFA State Veterinary Science Clinic & CDE Breeds Identification tests. The lesson will allow students to learn how to identify differences in coloring, hair length and texture as well as different body types and classifications. This lesson covers feline, cattle, canine, equine, exotic, goats, sheep, and swine breeds. Students can get creative when they make a study guide for each breed and practice classification characteristics. Included in this lesson is a comprehensive worksheet for every breed.Breeds Lesson Plan.doc

Breeds List.docx

Breeds Worksheets.doc

KEY Breeds Worksheets.doc
Fetal Pig Dissection9, 10, 11, 12Science, Ag, HealthIn this lesson students will be dissecting a fetal pig to identify and understand the body systems. They will explore the respiratory, digestive, circulatory, excretory, and reproductive systems of the pig. Not only will the students identify the system structures, but they will also learn the functions. Fetal pigs have structures closely related to humans so the students will be able to relate what is learned to human anatomy.Fetalpiglessonplan1.doc

Fetal Pig dissection.pptx


Anatomy_Presentation NEW ACTIVITY (NXPowerLite).ppt



assessment with answers.docx
Heart of the Matter8, 9, 10, 11, 12Ag, HealthThis lesson will inform students about the structure and function of the human heart. Students will become familiar with the flow of blood through the pulmonary and systemic circuits, as well as the path of electrical conduction through the heart. Heart conditions and diseases will also be introduced, along with ways to prevent heart disease.Heart Lesson Plan.doc

Heart Activity.docx

The Heart of the Matter.pptx

Heart Quiz.docx

Heart Quiz Key.docx
Anesthesia9, 10, 11, 12AgThis lesson covers the three main types of anesthesia: local, regional, and general. Characteristics of each type are covered in detail, including administration methods, examples of surgeries which utilize which anesthetic, monitoring, risks associated, and other important aspects. Students will have a lot of fun playing the quiz show to test what they've learned!Anesthesia Lesson Plan.docx

Anesthesia (NXPowerLite).pptx

Anesthesia quiz.docx

Anesthesia quiz key.docx

Quiz Show_Activity.ppt
Veterinary Surgical Procedures9, 10, 11, 12AgOur pets are some of our most prized possessions, and we would do anything for them. That is why it is so important to know how to keep your pet healthy and how to treat your pet when they are not. This lesson will cover various surgical procedures and shed light onto each one’s purpose.surgical procedures lesson plan.doc

Veterinary Surgical Procedures PPT (NXPowerLite).pptx
Reading Drug & Prescription Labels9, 10, 11, 12Science, Ag, HealthThis lesson covers the important identifiers found on prescription labels that students will be able to identify and recognize when reading these labels.Lesson Plan How to Read Prescription Labels.doc

How to Read a Drug Label.pptx

Reading Prescription Labels Quiz.doc

KEY Reading Prescription Labels Quiz.doc

Reading Drug Labels and Inserts- Reading Handout.docx
Equine Cushing's Disease9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgIn this lesson, students will learn about the causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, and treatment options of Cushing’s disease. This complex disease continues to be at the forefront of research in equine health. Through this presentation and accompanying activities students will discover current medical advances in dealing with this incurable disease.Cushings Lesson Plan.docx

Equine Cushings Disease.pptx

Cushing's Disease Handout.docx

Cushing's Disease Handout Key.docx

Cushing's Disease Worksheet.docx

Cushing's Disease Worksheet Key.docx
Agricultural and Biological Engineering6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgA PowerPoint showing an overview of the professions of Agriculture and Biological Engineeringag_and_bio engineering (NXPowerLite).pptx
Chemistry Terminology6, 7, 8ScienceStudents will learn fundamental terms related to chemistry.Chemistry Terminology lesson plan.doc

Chemistry Terms (NXPowerLite).pptx
Muscle in on the Animal Muscular System9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgThis lesson plan will focus on the muscular system in animals by using pigs, cattle and sheep as an example. This lesson will also show the location and function of the main muscles. During this presentation, the role the muscular system plays in animals will become more evident through illustrations of muscles and movements. So, get ready to muscle in on the animal muscular system!Animal Muscle Identification Lesson Plan II.doc

animal musle powerpoint.pptx
Cellular Respiration9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgThe students will learn about cellular respiration as it takes place in mammals. They will gain an understanding of glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation, and fermentation. The PowerPoint presentation and accompanying videos will allow the students to grasp the complicated process of cellular respiration. The crossword puzzle will serve as both an activity and an assessment of their mastery of the subject.cell lessonplan1635.docx


Viruses: Flu vs. Ebola7Science, HealthThis lesson describes the structure and reproductive process of viruses. Particular attention is given to the Influenza and Ebola viruses. Students will learn how each virus is spread and how best to contain them.lesson plan virus.doc


Infectious Disease Spread Activity Teacher.doc

Infectious Disease Spread Activity Student.doc

virus quiz.docx

virus quiz answers.docx
Texas Wild!6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgThis lesson will teach students about Texas ecoregions and the wildlife which live there. Students will learn about the behavior, habitat, diet, and reproduction of the state animals of Texas. Each slide includes hyperlinks to videos or other information to enhance the content of the presentation. There is a “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire” game that will enable students to review for the assessment. A crossword puzzle will act as an assessment for this lesson.wildlife lesson plan1.doc

TX Wildlife new.pptx

Texas Wild Crossword.docx
Common Equine Skin Diseases9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgThis lesson covers common equine skin diseases including: causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention. Located within the slide show are videos which cover a disease in a greater depth than the slides themselves. An around the room activity serves as a small review for students to evaluate what they have learned before the assessment. The assessment is a fill in the blank, true/false test.lesson plan skin diseases.doc

Common Equine skin Diseases.pptx

Around the room skin activity plan.doc

around the room skin activity.docx

skin test WITHOUT answers.docx

skin test with answers.docx
Rock Me Like a Hurricane8ScienceThis lesson will cover hurricanes. It will explain how hurricanes form, what comprises a hurricane, how to track hurricanes, the effects of hurricanes, and ways to prepare in the event of one. There are a few videos that display the destructive nature of the hurricane and a review of how hurricanes work. Also, there is a video that will cover how planes fly into the center of a hurricane and drop a GPS tracking device. An activity demonstrating how air pressure affects the strength of a hurricane enables students to gain a better understanding of weather. A crossword puzzle is included which can be used as the assessment to determine student comprehension.Hurricane LP.doc


hurricane activity.doc

crossword assessment.docx

Animals and Los Animales6, 7, 8AgIn this lesson the students will be introduced to the Spanish vocabulary of animals. It includes domestic, farm, and wildlife. It is a simple vocab lesson to introduce the animals. There are links to pronunciations so the students can practice saying the words after they hear someone else say them. There will be a matching memory activity and then also an assessment to go along with the lesson.LP for spanish animals.doc


matching game.pptx

spanish quiz.docx
Simple Interest Compound Interest and Depreciation9, 10, 11, 12Math, AgThis lesson gives a brief overview on the concepts of simple interest, compound interest, and depreciation, as well as application of these concepts.Interest and Depreciation Lesson Plan.doc

Simple Interest Compound Interest and Depreciation.pptx

Student Activity interest and depreciation.docx

EXAMPLE ACTIVITY interest and depreciation.docx

Teacher Activity interest and depreciation.docx



Loan Amortization Table Template.xlsx
Mohs Hardness Scale6ScienceAt the end of this lesson, students will have developed knowledge on four different properties of rocks and minerals, on the origin of Mohs Scale, the scale itself, and the minerals it includes. Students will apply this knowledge to activities exploring further Mohs Scale; they will be able to find the hardness of a given rock using household items and other rocks. This lesson includes a short, introductory activity relating to Mohs Scale, a PowerPoint lesson on mineral properties and Mohs Scale, and a lab activity where students will apply knowledge of Mohs Scale.Moh's Hardness Scale lesson plan.doc

Mohs Hardness Scale.pptx

Mohs Scale Vocabulary Worksheet.docx


Canine Diseases9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgThis lesson provides knowledge on common canine diseases, as well as basic knowledge of the definition of disease, what causes disease, and different treatment methods of diseaseCanine Diseases Lesson Plan.doc

Canine Diseases.pptx

Canine Diseases Jeopardy Game.ppt

Jeopardy Game Questions.docx

Vocabulary Activity for Canine Diseases Lesson.docx

Answer Key for Vocabulary Activity for Canine Diseases Lesson.docx
Bioterrorism and Biosecurity9, 10, 11, 12Science, AgThis lesson provides an introduction to the concepts of both bioterrorism and biosecurity and how they specifically affect agriculture. This is accomplished through a PowerPoint lesson reviewing the main concepts of both, and also through activities intended to further explain these threats to a country. The activity following the lesson allows students to visualize the spread of disease, and a corresponding activity allows for evaluation of what they have learned.Bioterrorism and Biosecurity Lesson Plan.doc

Bioterrorism and Biosecurity.pptx

Infectious Disease Spread Activity Student (modified for lesson).doc
Ruminant Digestion9, 10, 11, 12AgThis lesson is one part of a two part animal digestion series (the other lesson is comparative digestion). This lesson discusses ruminant animal digestion. We begin at the prehension (gathering food) and mastication (chewing food) stage where ruminant animals first receive feed. We discuss every major stage of digestion and the four different compartments of a ruminant stomach (rumen, reticulum, omasum, and abomasum). Fermentation and enzymatic digestion is also introduced in this lesson. At the end of the presentation, there is a summary table that discusses the major differences between the sections of the digestive tract. A hands-on student activity and jeopardy game are also included for further solidification of the presentation material!Ruminant Digestion Lesson Plan.doc

Ruminant Digestion.pptx

yeast demo.doc

Ruminant Digestion Activity.docx

Ruminant Digestion Activity Examples.docx

strange brew.doc

Ruminant Digestion Assessment.docx

Ruminant Digestion Assessment - Teacher Key.docx
All You Ever Wanted to Know About Dairy Cattle9, 10, 11, 12AgThis lesson covers several areas regarding dairy cattle. Students will learn about breeds of dairy cattle and how to identify them. Common misconceptions and fun facts about dairy cattle are also discussed in this presentation. The milk ejection process, various dairy parlors, and common dairy health issues are also explained. Lastly, an activity discussing hormone and antibiotic use in dairy products is presented to better educate young consumers on the controversy currently surrounding the food-production industry.Dairy Cattle Lesson Plan.doc

Dairy Cattle.pptx

Dairy Cattle Jeopardy.pptx

Dairy Cattle Assessment.docx

Dairy Cattle Assessment - KEY.docx
Introduction to Monogastric and Hindgut Digestion9, 10, 11, 12AgThis lesson explains what a monogastric animal is and what separates it from a ruminant animal. Additionally, hindgut fermenters (modified monogastric species) are discussed. A short activity providing some examples of common monogastric and hindgut animal species is included. Another short activity involving crackers is included in this presentation to help the students better understand enzymatic digestion in the digestive system. The difference between the function and appearance of each section of the monogastric digestive tract is discussed, along with special adaptations that hindgut fermenters have developed through evolution. Additionally, differences between and locations of enzymatic and fermentative digestion are discussed. Lastly, two animated videos take the students through a representation of the monogastric digestive tract!Monogastric and Hindgut Digestion Lesson Plan.doc

Monogastric and Hindgut Digestion.pptx

Comparative Digestion Activity.docx

Diagram for Comparative Digestion Activity.pptx

Comparative Digestion Assessment - Teacher Key.docx

Monogastric Digestion Assessment.docx
Investing 1019, 10, 11, 12Ag, MathThis lesson provides students with basic knowledge on types of investments and investment strategies. Included within the presentation are short videos which provide more in-depth information/examples on each topic.Investments Lesson Plan.doc

Investing 101.pptx

Investing Vocabulary Activity.docx

Investing Vocabulary Activity KEY.docx

How the Market Works- instructions.docx
Common Equine Diseases9, 10, 11, 12AgThis lesson plan with cover common equine diseases. It will include the causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention of the diseases. There are some videos located in the slide show that will cover a disease in a greater depth than the slides themselves. There is an around the room activity that will serve as a small review for the students to test what they have learned before the assessment. The assessment will be a test that is fill in the blank and true false.lesson plan diseases.doc

Common Equine Diseases.pptx

Around the room disease activity plan.doc

around the room disease activity.docx

test WITHOUT answers.docx

test with answers.docx
Drugs and the Human Body6ScienceThese links will be helpful in teaching about drugs and their effects on the body. The first website emphasizes alcohol, but also includes interactive links to 15 other drugs. The second website is a lesson plan that focuses on the relationship between drugs and athletic performance and is designed for students ages 11-14. The third website is a review of 8 drugs and their effects on the mind and body as a whole. The fourth link is an interactive website with fun games that teach about the effects of drugs.
Fun Interactive Websites for Science Students6, 7, 8ScienceThese websites provide the teacher activities for kids who finish their work early. This is something where they can get on the computer and work through it on their own.
Environmental Solutions/ Concerns8ScienceWe were able to locate several resources you might find useful in your classroom.


Two activities offer hands-on ways for students to learn about recycling. The first resource, Recycling, suggests an activity in which the students sort through a typical bag of trash to see what Americans typically throw away. Students will also be able to determine what can be recycled and which items account for the largest percent of trash that could have been recycled.

The second resource, Recycling Paper, explains how students can make their own recycled paper. The drying process takes a couple of days to complete, but the experiment allows the students to have fun getting a little messy making the paper. After drying, the students can evaluate the properties of the paper and test if the paper is easy to write on. Perhaps students could repeat the process to see how many times paper can be recycled.


The third resource, Scorecard, is an environmental defense website directed towards adults, but it contains some useful tidbits that students will find interesting. The website contains a pollution locator that lists all the different kinds of pollution in your community, including pollution from farm animal waste, power plants, and other industrial facilities, and ranks their relative pollution levels.

The next resource (4), Air Pollution, describes an experiment testing the effects of air pollution on plant growth. The experiment is a little basic for 8th grade, but the additional information provided is excellent for this age level. Teachers may obtain free handouts and fact sheets for their students by calling the number listed on the website.
The last resource (5) is the Partnership for Environmental Education and Rural Health website. Here you will find several helpful modules that cover a wide range of topics listed under "Environmental Health Hazards." Each module includes lesson plans, pre- and post-tests, and activities.
Jello Cells6, 7, 8ScienceUse jello to make models of plant and animal cells.
Explaining Aquifers & Groundwater8ScienceLinks to activities related to aquifers and groundwater.
Investigating Decimals6, 7MathA Prezi math lesson on This lesson uses a crime scene format guided towards G/T 6th grade.
The Factor Game and the Product Game6MathThe first URL goes to the online java applet version of a very simple and fun game for reviewing factors, "The Factor Game. The second URL goes to the full lesson that goes along with the game, with many extensions and ideas on how the game can be used and modified. The third URL goes to the online java applet version of another game called "The Product Game." This game focuses more on multiples, and how they relate to factors. The fourth URL goes to the lessons, modifications, and extensions that go with the Product Game. I have used both these games extensively in 5th, 6th, and 7th grade classrooms, and they are unparalleled in their simplicity to run, the fun the students have with them, and their effectiveness as teaching tools.
Natural Selection6, 7, 8ScienceThis activity is designed to allow students to demonstrate natural selection by a hands-on activity.Life-Science-Ecosystems-Natural-Selection-Student-Activity-Sheet-2-Survival-of-the-Fittest.docx
Population Growth6, 7, 8Science, MathThis activity will demonstrate how a population of bacteria grows. Students will manipulate data and use their knowledge of populations to answer questions based on an imaginary bacterial colony, or group of bacteria. Then they will graph the growth this colony.Life-Science-Ecosystems-Population-Balance-Activity-1-Student-Sheet.docx
Creation of a Niche6, 7, 8ScienceThis activity is designed to allow students to observe how creation of a niche (bird feeder) affects the number and kinds of birds in an area.Life-Science-Ecosystems-Population-Balance-Activity-3-Student-Sheets.docx
Global Warming's Effect on Sea Level6, 7, 8ScienceThis activity is designed to allow students to conduct an experiment to help understand whether global warming would raise the sea level by melting ice.Life-Science-Ecosystems-Environmental-Protection-Activity-1-Student-sheet.docx
Online Science Curriculum6, 7, 8ScienceTeacher requested "Online Science Curriculum". The request is too vague to be filled so I'm just going to refer her to the PEER website in order to clear the request from the DLC community.
The Properties of Skin6, 7, 8ScienceThis activity will focus on the first line of bodily defense: the skin! Students will complete observations and answer questions about their own skin as well as the skin of others. They will complete an experiment to examine the absorption of certain materials on the skin.Life-Science-Organ-Systems-Bodily-Defenses-Activity-1-Student-Worksheet.docx
Digestion Worksheets6, 7, 8ScienceQuestions and worksheets related to the digestive system.Life-Science-Organ-Systems-Digestion-Activity-1-Student-Handout.docx


Build Your Own Spirometer6, 7, 8ScienceThis activity is designed to allow students to make a simple device that can monitor respiration. The activity engages the students by having them take real measurements from their bodies.Build-Your-Own-Spirometer-Student-Sheet.docx
Blow It Up!6, 7, 8Science, MathThis activity focuses on measuring respiratory values. By measuring lung capacities and respiratory rates, the students will use the resulting data to first predict, then test their hypothesis. Various graphs can be charted from the results giving students the opportunity to practice graphing different types of graphs, as well as gleaning conclusions from the data analysis.Blow-it-Up-Student-Sheet.docx
Asthma6, 7, 8ScienceThis activity is designed to allow students to get a feel for what it must be like to have asthma.Breathing-Easy_-Student-Sheet.docx
Brain Size and Appearance6, 7, 8ScienceThis activity will have you analyze the picture of various types of brains. Pictures and worksheet provided.Life-Science-Organ-Systems-Coordination-and-Control-Activity-1-Student-Handout.docx